Extension methods for some of the BCL types.
AssemblyExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for Assembly type. |
DateOnlyExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for DateOnly type. |
DateTimeExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for DateTime type. |
DateTimeOffsetExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for DateTimeOffset type. |
ErrorMessageConfiguration | Controls the error messages for extension methods in this assembly that throw ArgumentException or ArgumentOutOfRangeException. |
ErrorMessageKey | The keys that identify error messages. |
ExceptionExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for Exception type. |
GenericExtensions | This class contains generic extension methods that are available for any type. |
ICollectionExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for ICollection(T) type. |
IDictionaryExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for IDictionary(TKey, TValue) type. |
IEnumerableExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for IEnumerable(T) type. |
IListExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for IList(T) type. |
ItemsChangeResult(TItem) | Represents the difference between two sets of items as groups of new, existing and removed items. |
ItemsChangeResult(TIncoming, TExisting) | Represents the difference between two sets of items as groups of new, existing and removed items. |
MemberInfoExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for MemberInfo type. |
NumberExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for .NET numeric types: SByte, Int16, Int32, Int64, Byte, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Half, Single, Double, Decimal |
ParameterInfoExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for ParameterInfo type. |
StreamExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for Stream type. |
StringExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for String type. |
ThrowExtensions | This class contains extension methods to throw exceptions. |
TypeExtensions | This class contains extension methods that are available for Type type. |
TypeHelper | This class contains utility methods for Type type. |