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File metadata and controls

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DISCLAIMER: This project is not affiliated with VMware or its parent/subsidiary companies. Any issues with this tool must be reported on the GitHub repository issue tracker and not VMware's support platforms or community forums.

ws1cli is a command-line interface (CLI) tool built with Go, leveraging the Cobra library to interact with VMware Workspace ONE UEM API. It streamlines the management and automation of tasks for administrators within the Workspace ONE platform.

This project aims for simplicity, with each command corresponding to a single API call. We strive to maintain this simplicity for ease of maintenance and extension. If you need to chain commands, parse the output from one command and input it into another.

The output is provided in JSON format, which can be parsed using tools like jq.

Table of Contents


  • Simplified Command Set: Easy-to-use commands for common administration tasks.
  • Secure Configuration: Securely stores API credentials using advanced encryption.
  • Go and Cobra: Built with Go for reliability and Cobra for a powerful command line interface.
  • Commands implemented:
    • version: Display the version of ws1cli.
    • test: Verify configuration and connectivity to the API.
    • device: Interact with device API.
    • product: Interact with product provisionning API
    • remote: Generate remote control URL


  • Device Management: Perform devices operations.
    • Get a list of devices.
    • Search a specific device.
    • Send command to a device.
    • Send command to a list of devices.
    • Send a message to a device.
    • Lock a device.
    • Unlock a device.
    • Reboot a device (will depend if the OS allows it).
    • Wipe a device.
  • Product List Interaction: Manage and list products within your Workspace ONE environment.
    • Get a list of products.
    • Start or stop a product.
    • Force Reprocess a product.
    • List devices assigned to a product and their status (will requiered several API call).
  • Fetch Tag.
    • Get a list of tags.
    • Get a list of devices per tag.
    • Create a tag.
    • Delete a tag.
  • Remote Session
    • Generate an URL to start a remote session.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Generate reports on user access, device compliance, and application usage.


Ensure Golang is installed on your system before installing ws1cli.

git clone
cd ws1cli
go build -ldflags="-X 'geekxflood/ws1cli/internal/version.Version=$(cat VERSION)'" -o ws1cli

Add ws1cli to your system's PATH to use it from any directory.


Initialize your configuration with the init command:

ws1cli init

You'll be prompted to enter your API URL, username, and password. This will create a ~/.ws1cli file in your home directory with your encrypted API credentials. Your credentials and aw-tenant-code will be encrypted using AES-256-GCM with a passphrase you provide as an environment variable (see below).

Environement Variables

ws1cli need the following environment variables:

Variable Description
WS1_KEY Encryption passphrase

This passphrase is used to encrypt your API credentials, the longer the better. If you lost it, you will need to delete the ~/.ws1cli file and reconfigure with ws1cli init.


Here's how to get started with some basic commands:

  • Global flags
Flag Description
-h --help Help info
-i --insecure Ignore TLS verification
-p --pretty Pretty-print JSON output


Display the version of ws1cli:

ws1cli version


To verify API configuration and connectivity:

ws1cli test
Flag type Description
-d --show-details N/A INSECURE Display the URL and headers for the test API call

The -dor --show-details flag is mentionned as INSECURE because it will display your API credentials in plain text.


To interact with device API:

ws1cli device
Flag type Description
-d --inventory N/A Output an array of JSON of devices in LGID
-l --lgid int LGID of device, mandatory when using -d flag
-c --command string Command to send, command accepted: EnterpriseWipe, LockDevice, ScheduleOsUpdate, SoftReset, Shutdown,
-f --filter string Filter to apply to the device list (for command flag) Value accepted: Macaddress, Udid, Serialnumber, ImeiNumber
-inputJson string JSON input for the command to send, it can be the output of the --inventory


To interact with product provisionning API:

ws1cli product
Flag type Description
-l --lgid int LGID of device, mandatory when using -d flag
-s --start-stop bool Start (true/1) or stop (false/0) a product
-o --product-id int Product ID for starting or stopping a product


To interact with remote management API:

ws1cli remote
Flag type Description
-d --device-uuid string Device UUID
-s --session-type string type of session to be created ScreenShare, FileManager, RemoteShell, RegistryEditor

The command return a JSON with an URL to open in a browser to start the session.


JSON output can be parse using jq:

Find the number of devices in LGID:

./ws1cli device --inventory --lgid $LGID | jq 'length'

Execute a batch command to a list of devices in a specific LGID:

ws1cli --command "SoftReset" --filter "Serialnumber" --inputJson $(ws1cli --inventory --lgid $LGID)

In this example the LGID is 500, the command is SoftReset and the filter is Serialnumber.

Same command but on devices from a large LGID:

ws1cli --inventory --lgid $LGID > devices.json
ws1cli --command "SoftReset" --filter "Serialnumber" --inputJson "$(cat devices.json)"

In this example, we use a file to store the output of the first command and use it as input for the second command. So that we are sure that we have all the devices in the LGID since the first command can take some time to finish

Not all command are supported by all platform, you can check the API documentation for more information.


Contributions are welcome. Fork the project, make your updates, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For support, please open an issue in the GitHub repository issue tracker.