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title: (J)Ruby in Action - Web Apps & Services w/ Rails n Jetty


pre { padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border-top: #bbb 1px solid; border-bottom: #bbb 1px solid; background: #f3f3f3; }


Ice Breakers

  • Friends of Ruby (Rails)? - Anyone?

  • Friends of Functional Programming (Haskell, Yesod) - Anyone?

  • Friends of Scala, Play! - Anyone?

  • Friends of Server-Side JavaScript (Node.js) - Anyone?

  • Friends of Dart - Anyone?

Factories, Factories, Factories

Java Enterprise Architecture

  • Factories, Factories, Factories
  • Over-engineering, Cult of Complexity
  • The COBOL of the 21st Century (Java is Old technology, No Longer Hot Java or the New New Thing => Innovation Happens Elsewhere)
  • There is only Java, Java, Java - 1,000,0000,000 % Java, The End of History, Java Rules the World Hybris

Why Ruby?

  • Code Blocks (Lambda Expressions) - 20 years in Ruby! Coming to Java 8 in 2014
  • Open Classes
  • Mixins
  • Everything is a Object
  • Meta Programming (e.g. Ruby Code Creates Code at Runtime on Demand)
  • List, Tree, Map Data Structures in Ruby
  • Templates in Ruby
  • Culture - Programmer Happiness (Productivity, Keep it Simple), Innovation
  • Open, Free World (Not a Product and Trademark of Oracle, Inc.)

Keep it Simple - Web Apps Case Study

  1. No Enterprise Java Application Server
    • Use Embedded Jetty Library to Run Container-Less
  2. No Enterprise Java Database Server
    • Use Embedded SQLite Library
  3. No Enterprise Java Application Framework
    • Use Embedded Ruby Library
  4. No Enterprise Java IDE
    • Use Command Line, Programmer's Editor

Case Study: How to Install Container-Less Jetty Web Server

Step 1: Copy jetty-webapp-7.x.jar (~ 1 Meg)

Step 2: There is no step 2.

Think Different - What's Container-Less?

Container-Less? Run your web application as a plain old Java process.


  • Simpler Development
  • Simpler Testing
  • Simpler Packaging
  • Simpler Deployment

A Simple Web App using Jetty

The simplest possible Jetty server:

import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
public class SimpleServer
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    Server server = new Server(8080);

A Simple Web App using Jetty (Cont.)

import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext;

public class AppServer

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    Server server = new Server(8080);
    WebAppContext webapp = new WebAppContext();
    webapp.setWar( "./links.war");


javac -cp .;./jetty-webapp-7.x.jar

Let's Build a Link Bookmarking and Voting Web App

  • Post links
  • Vote links up or down
  • Sort links by the newest or hot

Create a Web App using Ruby on Rails

Create Web App Structure

$ rails links

Create SQLite Schema (db/migrate/create_db.rb)

create_table :links do |t|
  t.string  :title,  :null => false 
  t.string  :url,    :null => false
  t.integer :points, :default => 0
  t.timestamps   # note: macro adds created_at, updated_at

Create SQLite DB

$ rake db:setup     # note: rake is ruby make (simple build tool)

Model / View / Controller (MVC)

Model (models/link.rb)

class Link < ActiveRecord::Base

  # self.table_name = 'links'
  attr_accessor :score 

  def recalc_score
    time_elapsed = ( - self.created_at) / 36000  # in hours
    self.score = ((self.points-1) / (time_elapsed+2)**1.8)
    self.all.each { |rec| rec.recalc_score }.sort { |l,r| l.score <=> r.score }.reverse

Model / View / Controller (MVC)

Controller (controllers/links_controller.rb)

class LinksController < ApplicationController
  # GET /
  def index    
    @links = Link.order( 'created_at desc' ).all

  # GET /hot
  def hot
    @links =
    render :index

  # POST /
  def create
    l = params[:link] )!
    redirect_to :back    

  # PUT /:id/vote/:type
  def vote
    l = Link.find( params[:id] )
    l.points += params[:type].to_i!
    redirect_to :back    

Model / View / Controller (MVC)

View (views/links/index.html.erb)

<table id='links'>
<%% @links.each do |l| %>

  <td class='points'>
    <%%= form_for l, :url => vote_link_path( l, :type => '1' ), :method => 'PUT' do |f| %>
      <%%= f.submit '+1' %>
    <%% end %>
    <%%= l.points %>

    <%%= form_for l, :url => vote_link_path( l, :type => '-1' ), :method => 'PUT' do |f| %>
      <%%= f.submit '-1' %>
    <%% end %>            
  <td><span class='title'><%%= link_to l.title, l.url %></span>
      <span class='host'>(<%%= l.url_host %>)</span>
      <span class='created-at'>posted <%%= time_ago_in_words(l.created_at) %> ago</span>
<%% end %>

<div id='post-link'>

  <%%= form_for :link, :url => links_path() do |f| %>
    <%%= f.text_field :title, :placeholder => 'Title' %>
    <%%= f.text_field :url,   :placeholder => 'URL' %>
    <%%= f.submit 'Save Link' %>
  <%% end %>

Zip Up and Run It

Zip Up as Java Web Archive (links.war)

$ rake war      # warble

Run it

$ java -cp .;./jetty-webapp-7.x.jar AppServer

Surprise ??

=> One Plain Old Java Process - Embedded Jetty, Embedded SQLite, Embedded Ruby

Case Study: How to Install Embedded Ruby

Step 1: Copy jruby-complete-1.7.x.jar

Step 2: There is no step 2.

Java Web Archive (.war) Directory Structure


|_ images
|  | _<empty>
|_ stylesheets
|  |_ application.css
|_ javascripts
|  | _<empty>
   |_ app
   |  |_ controllers
   |  |  |_ links_controller.rb
   |  |_ models
   |  |  |_ link.rb
   |  |_ views
   |     |_ layouts
   |     |  |_ application.html.erb
   |     |_ links
   |        |_ index.html.erb
   |_ config
   |  |_ database.yml
   |  |_ routes.rb
   |_ db
   |  |_ links.sqlite3
   |_ lib
      |_ jruby-complete-1.7.x.jar
      |_ jruby-rack-1.x.jar
      |_ gems.jar

What's missing in Java? What's wrong with Java?


Simple Data Structures (Maps, Arrays)


{ customer:
  { id: '12345',
    first_name: 'Carlos',
    last_name:  'Lafata',
      { typ:      'home',
        line1:    'Burgring 11',
        city:     'Wien',
        zip_code: '1010' },
      { typ:      'work',
        line1:    'Nestroyplatz 12',
        city:     'Wien',
        zip_code: '1020' }
    ] }

Quiz: Built into what modern languages?

[ X ] JavaScript

[ X ] Ruby

[ X ] Scala

[ ] Java


Simple Code Blocks (Higher Order Functions, Functions as First Class Types)


// Assign Function to Variable

var greet =  function() {  document.write( 'Welcome. Benvenuti. Willkommen.' ); }

// Call Function Stored in Variable


// Function as Function Parameter

function say( what )

// Pass Function Stored in Variable to Function

say( greet );

Quiz: Built into what modern languages?

[ X ] JavaScript

[ X ] Ruby

[ X ] Scala

[ ] Java


Part II

Building Web Services (HTTP APIs) with Ruby (and Sinatra)


  • What's Sinatra?
  • Let a Thousand Sinatra Clones Bloom
  • Why Sinatra? Goodies
  • Example Web Service (HTTP API) - Routes
  • Sinatra in Action - get '/beer/:key'
  • What's JSON?
  • What's JSONP?
  • Serializers - From Ruby Objects to JavaScript Objects
  • Appendix: Sinatra Styles - Classic or Modern (Modular)
  • Appendix: Database Connection Management
  • Appendix: Sinatra Books
  • Appendix: What's Rack?

What's Sinatra?

Simple (yet powerful and flexible) micro webframework.

require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
  'Hallo Wien!'

Sinatra itself less than 2000 lines of code.

Installation. Type in your terminal (shell):

$ gem install sinatra

What's Sinatra? (Continued)

Example - hallo.rb:

require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
  'Hallo Wien!'

Run script (server):

$ ruby hallo.rb

>> Sinatra has taken the stage...
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop

Open browser:

Let a Thousand Sinatra Clones Bloom

Micro Frameworks Inspired by Sinatra

Express.js (in Server-Side JavaScript w/ Node.js):

var express = require( 'express' );
var app = express();

app.get( '/', function( req, res ) {
  res.send( 'Hallo Wien!' );

app.listen( 4567 );

Scotty (in Haskell):

import Web.Scotty

main :: IO ()
main = scotty 4567 $ do
    get "/" $ text "Hallo Wien!"

Dancer (Perl), Fitzgerald (PHP), Ratpack (Groovy), Zappa (CoffeeScript), Mercury (Lua), Frank (F#), Nancy (C#/.NET), Bogart (C), Flask (Python), and many more.

Why Sinatra? Goodies

  1. Single file scripts

  2. Easy to package up into a gem. Example:

    $ gem install beerdb # Yes, the beerdb includes a Sinatra app.

  3. Lets you build command line tools. Example:

    $ beerdb serve # Startup web service (HTTP API).

  4. Lets you mount app inside app (including Rails). Example:

    mount BeerDb::Server, :at => '/api/v1'

Example Web Service (HTTP API) - Routes

Lets build a beer and brewery API.

Get beer by key /beer/:key. Examples:

  • /beer/guinness
  • /beer/murphysred
  • /beer/brooklynlager
  • /beer/ottakringerhelles

Get brewery by key /brewery/:key. Examples:

  • /brewery/guinness
  • /brewery/fullers
  • /brewery/brooklyn
  • /brewery/ottakringer


Get random beer /beer/rand and random brewery /brewery/rand.

Sinatra in Action - get '/beer/:key'


get '/beer/:key' do |key|

  beer = Beer.find_by_key!( key )
  json_or_jsonp( beer.as_json )


get '/brewery/:key' do |key|

  brewery = Brewery.find_by_key!( key )
  json_or_jsonp( brewery.as_json )


That's it.


get '/beer/:key' do |key|

  if ['r', 'rnd', 'rand', 'random'].include?( key )
    beer = Beer.rnd.first
    beer = Beer.find_by_key!( key )

  json_or_jsonp( beer.as_json )

get '/brewery/:key' do |key|

  if ['r', 'rnd', 'rand', 'random'].include?( key )
    brewery = Brewery.rnd.first
    brewery = Brewery.find_by_key!( key )

  json_or_jsonp( brewery.as_json )

What's JSON?

JSON = JavaScript Object Notation

Example - GET /beer/ottakringerhelles:

  key: "ottakringerhelles",
  title: "Ottakringer Helles",
  synonyms: "16er Blech|16er Hüs'n",
  abv: "5.2",
  og: "11.8",
  tags: [ "lager" ],
  brewery: {
    key: "ottakringer",
    title: "Ottakringer Brauerei"
  country: {
   key: "at",
   title: "Austria"

What's JSONP?

JSONP = JSON with Padding. Why?

Call Home Restriction. Cross-Domain Browser Requests Get Blocked.

Hack: Wrap JSON into a JavaScript function/callback e.g. functionCallback( <json_data_here> ) and serve as plain old JavaScript.

Example - Content-Type: application/json:

  key: "ottakringerhelles",
  title: "Ottakringer Helles",
  synonyms: "16er Blech|16er Hüs'n",
  abv: "5.2",

becomes Content-Type: application/javascript:

    key: "ottakringerhelles",
    title: "Ottakringer Helles",
    synonyms: "16er Blech|16er Hüs'n",
    abv: "5.2",

Bonus: Little Sinatra helper for JSON or JSONP response (depending on callback parameter).

def json_or_jsonp( json )
  callback = params.delete('callback')

  if callback
    content_type :js
    response = "#{callback}(#{json})"
    content_type :json
    response = json

Serializers - From Ruby Objects (in Memory) to JavaScript Object (in Text)

JSON built into Ruby 2.0 as a standard library. Example:

require 'json'

hash =
  key:   "ottakringerhelles",
  title: "Ottakringer Helles"

1) JSON.generate

puts JSON.generate( hash )

>> {"key":"ottakringerhelles","title":"Ottakringer Helles"}

2) #to_json

puts hash.to_json

>>  {"key":"ottakringerhelles","title":"Ottakringer Helles"}

Serializers - From Ruby Objects (in Memory) to JavaScript Object (in Text) Continued

Serializers for your Models. Example:

class BeerSerializer

  def initialize( beer )
    @beer = beer

  attr_reader :beer

  def as_json
    data = { key:      beer.key,
             title:    beer.title,
             synonyms: beer.synonyms,
             abv:      beer.abv,

end # class BeerSerializer

And add as_json to your Model. Example:

class Beer < ActiveRecord::Base

  def as_json_v2( opts={} ) self ).as_json

end # class Beer

Appendix: What's Rack?

Lets you mix 'n' match servers and apps.

Lets you stack apps inside apps inside apps inside apps inside apps.

Good News: A Sinatra app is a Rack app.

Learn more about Rack @

Appendix: Sinatra Books

Sinatra: Up and Running by Alan Harris, Konstantin Haase; November 2011, O'Reilly, 122 Pages

Jump Start Sinatra by Darren Jones; January 2013, SitePoint, 150 Pages

What's vienna.rb? Ruby User Group Vienna

Next meetup: Fri, October 11th @ Sektor5

Talks (*)

Jakob Sommerhuber - sponsor talk

Martin Schürrer - Erlang/OTP in production for highly-available, scalable systems

Markus Prinz - How to improve your code

Gerald Bauer - working with Sinatra

Kathrin Folkendt - 'Chapter one' (lightning talk on getting started with Rails, and building her first web app)

(*) preliminary program

That's it. Thanks.

  1. Don't put yourself in the Java ghetto (or Java rules the world hybris)

=> Learn new concepts or languages

  1. Web architecture is more than Java enterprise architecture

=> Learn HTML, JS, CSS, HTTP (REST), SQL/NoSQL, etc.

Questions? Comments?