Update default max execution time hint for MySQL for itemlist views
Update default max execution time hint for MySQL for itemlist views
Ensure moduleID is a cache modifier/differentiator in itemlist views
Ensure moduleID is a cache modifier/differentiator in itemlist views
Push v2.11.20240911 - see changelog for relevant changes
Push v2.11.20240911 - see changelog for relevant changes
Add wrapper elements on plugin field output in the backend
Add wrapper elements on plugin field output in the backend
Restore missing button option for the K2 Tools module (search option)
Restore missing button option for the K2 Tools module (search option)
Correct existing index key check
Correct existing index key check
Add category index "idx_category" if it does not exist
Add category index "idx_category" if it does not exist
Add forced index on frontend itemlist model
Add forced index on frontend itemlist model
Update changelog URL (for updates)
Update changelog URL (for updates)
Add changelog file, copy assets for new subdomain h…
Add changelog file, copy assets for new subdomain h…
Prevent showing the K2 update notification inside K2 to anyone but su…
Prevent showing the K2 update notification inside K2 to anyone but su…
Added new "Description" option in K2 tags
Added new "Description" option in K2 tags
Enforce a MAX_EXECUTION_TIME timeout in all itemlist listings
Enforce a MAX_EXECUTION_TIME timeout in all itemlist listings
In GSD, format dates to ISO 8601, taking into account the site's time…
In GSD, format dates to ISO 8601, taking into account the site's time…
Allow sub-template (theme) overriding per category, even when all par…
Allow sub-template (theme) overriding per category, even when all par…
Do not load the Mootols 1.2 JS patch when it's Mootools 1.2 is not us…
Do not load the Mootols 1.2 JS patch when it's Mootools 1.2 is not us…