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MQTT Interface

This document describes the MQTT interface of the local MQTT broker, the MQTT bridge and the remote MQTT broker.

MQTT Bridge / MQTT Remote Broker

fischertechnik Cloud

If you use the fischertechnik Cloud, then you have to pair your TXT controller by executing

Settings -> Network -> Cloud Setup -> Pairing New.

Other Clouds

If you want to connect your own remote MQTT broker, you can configure the MQTT bridge by creating/editing of the file /etc/mosquitto/ft-txt-bridge-cloud.conf.

Attention: For this you need root access rights!

Content of ft-txt-bridge-cloud.conf (see documentation

connection YourOwnCloudName
bridge_capath /etc/ssl/certs
notifications false
cleansession false #on connection dropping
remote_username YourOwnCloudMQTTUser
remote_password YourOwnCloudMQTTPassword
local_username txt
local_password xtx
topic i/# both 1 "" prefix_mqtt_remote_broker/
topic o/# both 1 "" prefix_mqtt_remote_broker/
topic c/# both 1 "" prefix_mqtt_remote_broker/
topic f/# both 1 "" prefix_mqtt_remote_broker/
try_private false
bridge_attempt_unsubscribe false

MQTT Interface Dashboard

Component SUBSCRIBE topic payload
Environment Sensor i/bme680 see TxtFactoryMain PUBLISH
Brightness Sensor i/ldr see TxtFactoryMain PUBLISH
Camera Picture i/cam see TxtFactoryMain PUBLISH
Pos Pan-Tilt-Unit i/ptu/pos see TxtFactoryMain PUBLISH
Alert Message i/alert see TxtFactoryMain PUBLISH
Broadcast i/broadcast see TxtFactoryMain PUBLISH
State HBW f/i/state/hbw see TxtFactoryHBW PUBLISH
State VGR f/i/state/vgr see TxtFactoryVGR PUBLISH
State MPO f/i/state/mpo see TxtFactoryMPO PUBLISH
State SLD f/i/state/sld see TxtFactorySLD PUBLISH
State DSI (VGR) f/i/state/dsi see TxtFactoryDSI PUBLISH
State DSO (VGR) f/i/state/dso see TxtFactoryDSO PUBLISH
Stock HBW f/i/stock see TxtFactoryHBW PUBLISH
State Order(VGR) f/i/order see TxtFactoryVGR PUBLISH
State NFC Device (VGR) f/i/nfc/ds see TxtFactoryVGR PUBLISH
Component PUBLISH topic payload
TXT Pairing Ack c/link internal usage
Config Rate Environment Sensor c/bme680 see TxtFactoryMain SUBSCRIBE
Config Rate Brightness Sensor c/ldr see TxtFactoryMain SUBSCRIBE
Config Rate Camera Picture c/cam see TxtFactoryMain SUBSCRIBE
Control Buttons Pan-Tilt-Unit o/ptu see TxtFactoryMain SUBSCRIBE
Quit Button f/o/state/ack see TxtFactoryVGR SUBSCRIBE
Order Workpiece Buttons f/o/order see TxtFactoryVGR SUBSCRIBE
Action Buttons NFC Module f/o/nfc/ds see TxtFactoryVGR SUBSCRIBE

MQTT Interface Local Clients

Another local MQTT client can be added, taking note of the following parameters:

  • host (default):
  • port (default): 1883
  • user (default): txt
  • password (default): xtx
abbreviation payload example description
ts YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ time stamp according to ISO8601: year:YYYY, month:MM, day:DD, hour:hh, minute:mm, second:ss, fraction:fff


Component SUBSCRIBE topic payload description
TXT Pairing Ack c/link
Config Rate Environment Sensor c/bme680
Config Rate Brightness Sensor c/ldr
Config Rate Camera Picture c/cam
Control Buttons Pan-Tilt-Unit o/ptu
State HBW f/i/state/hbw
State VGR f/i/state/vgr
State MPO f/i/state/mpo
State SLD f/i/state/sld
State DSI (VGR) f/i/state/dsi
State DSO (VGR) f/i/state/dso
Component PUBLISH topic payload description
Environment Sensor i/bme680 { "ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "t":25.1, "rt":25.01, "h":40.0, "rh":38.01, "p":1000.15, "iaq":200, "aq":3, "gr":161000 } t/rt: temperature compensated / raw value [°C], h/ rh: relative humidity compensated / raw value [%], p: air pressure [hPa], iaq: index air quality 0-500 (0...50:Good, 51...100:Moderate, 101...150:Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups, 151...200:Unhealthy, 201...300:Very Unhealthy, 301...500:Hazardous), aq: air quality score 0-3 (0:IAQ invalid, 1:calibration necessary, 2:calibration done, 3:IAQ is calibrated), gr: gas resistance [Ohm]
Brightness Sensor i/ldr { "ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "br":100.0, "ldr":15000 } br: brightness 0-100.0 [%], ldr: value resistance 0-15000 [Ohm]
Camera Picture i/cam { "ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "data":"data:image/jpeg;base64,<...>" } data: camera image as base64 string
Pos Pan-Tilt-Unit i/ptu/pos { "ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "pan":0.5, "tilt":-0.5} pan: relative position pan: -1.000...0.000...1.000, tilt: relative position tilt: -1.000...0.000...1.000
Alert Message i/alert { "ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "id":"bme680/t", "data":"data:image/jpeg;base64,<...>", "code":100 } id: bme680/t=temperature, bme680/h=humidity, bme680/p=pressure, bme680/iaq=air quality, ldr=brightness/photo resistor, cam=camera, data: sensor value / camera image as string, code: 100=Alarm: Movement detected!, 200=Alarm: danger of frost! temperature < 4.0 °C, 300=Alarm: Hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit! humidity > 80%
Broadcast i/broadcast internal usage
Joysticks fl/ssc/joy


Component SUBSCRIBE topic payload description
Quit Button f/o/state/ack
VGR Trigger fl/vgr/do see TxtFactoryVGR PUBLISH
MPO DO fl/mpo/do {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "code":integer, "taskID":integer, "processID":integer, "productDID":string } code values: MPO_SOUND=1, MPO_PRODUCE=2
Component PUBLISH topic payload description
State MPO f/i/state/mpo {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "station":"mpo", "code":0, "description":"text", "active":1, "target":""}
Acknowledgment MPO fl/mpo/ack {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "code":0 } code values: MPO_EXIT=0, MPO_STARTED=1, MPO_PRODUCED=2, MPO_MELTED=3, MPO_MILLED=4


Component SUBSCRIBE topic payload description
Quit Button f/o/state/ack
Joysticks fl/ssc/joy see TxtFactoryMain PUBLISH
VGR Trigger fl/vgr/do see TxtFactoryVGR PUBLISH
HBW DO fl/hbw/do {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "code":integer, "taskID":integer, "processID":integer, "productDID":string } code values: HBW_SOUND=1, HBW_FETCH_CONTAINER=2, HBW_STORE_WP=3, HBW_FETCH_WP=4, HBW_STORE_CONTAINER=5
Component PUBLISH topic payload description
State HBW f/i/state/hbw {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "station":"hbw", "code":0, "description":"text", "active":1, "target":""}
Stock HBW f/i/stock {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "stockItems": [{ "workpiece": { "id":"123456789ABCDE", "type":"<BLUE/WHITE/RED>", "state":"<RAW/PROCESSED>", "product_DID":"0x6b..." }, "location":"A1" },{ ... },{ "workpiece":null, "location":"B3" }] }
Acknowledgment HBW fl/hbw/ack {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "code":0, "workpiece":{...} } code values: HBW_EXIT=0, HBW_FETCHED=1, HBW_STORED=2, HBW_CALIB_NAV=3, HBW_CALIB_END=4, HBW_FETCH_PRODUCT_FAIL = 5, HBW_FETCH_CONTAINER_FAIL = 6, HBW_PRODUCT_FETCHED=7


Component SUBSCRIBE topic payload description
Quit Button f/o/state/ack {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ"}
Action Buttons NFC Module f/o/nfc/ds {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "cmd":"read"} cmd: delete, read
Joysticks fl/ssc/joy see TxtFactoryMain PUBLISH
Acknowledgment MPO fl/mpo/ack see TxtFactoryMPO PUBLISH
Acknowledgment HBW fl/hbw/ack see TxtFactoryHBW PUBLISH
Acknowledgment SLD fl/sld/ack see TxtFactorySLD PUBLISH
VGR DO fl/vgr/do2 {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "code":integer, "taskID":integer, "processID":integer, "productDID":string } code values: VGR_SOUND = 1, VGR_GET_INFO = 2, VGR_START_HBW = 3, VGR_HBW_MPO = 4, VGR_START_SLD = 5, VGR_START_MPO = 6
Component PUBLISH topic payload description
State VGR f/i/state/vgr {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "station":"vgr", "code":0, "description":"text", "active":1, "target":"hbw"}
State DSI (VGR) f/i/state/dsi {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "station":"dsi", "code":0, "description":"text", "active":1}
State DSO (VGR) f/i/state/dso {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "station":"dso", "code":0, "description":"text", "active":1}
VGR Trigger fl/vgr/do {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "code":0, "workpiece":{...} } code values: VGR_EXIT=0, VGR_HBW_RESETSTORAGE=5, VGR_HBW_CALIB=6,VGR_SLD_CALIB=9


Component SUBSCRIBE topic payload description
Quit Button f/o/state/ack
SLD DO fl/sld/do {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "code":integer, "taskID":integer, "processID":integer, "productDID":string } code values: SLD_SOUND=1, SLD_START=2
Component PUBLISH topic payload description
State SLD f/i/state/sld {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "station":"sld", "code":0, "description":"text", "active":1, "target":"hbw"}
Acknowledgment SLD fl/sld/ack {"ts":"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ", "code":0, "type":<>, "colorValue":<> } code values: SLD_EXIT=0, SLD_STARTED=1, SLD_SORTED=2, SLD_CALIB_END=3, SLD_SORTED_FAILED=4