Grammatical analysers constitute a good fundament for analysing the lexicon of any given language. Giellatekno's work on lexicography includes developing an infrastructure for morphologically intelligent e-dictionaries, dictionary writing, and evaluation of dictionary work, thereby contributing to a Saami lexicography.
- Publications on lexicography from Giellatekno and Divvun
- Dictionaries in the Giellatekno and Divvun infrastructure
- Lexicography journals and literature on minority language lexicography
- Documentation pages for the different dictionaries
- Some documentation has not been moved to their respective dictionary pages yet:
- Skolt Saami
- Estonian ⇔ Norwegian
- Plains Cree (this work is now done in Edmonton)
- Arbeidsprinsipp:
- Overordna prinsipp
- Arbeid med kandidatlister
- Korleis snu ordbøker
- Sjekklister:
- Er ordboksmanuset mitt maskinlesbart?
- Sjekkliste for xml-filer for ordboka
- Sjekk VD-ordboka
- Resurssar:: Analyser dokument for dekning i ordbøker
- Script: Dictionary source code processing
- FAD project (North Saami - Norwegian dictionary) (terminated)
- KMD forvaltning (South and Lule Saami terms) (terminated)
- Compilation of Webdict (= of these dictionaries) (Obsolete)
- Compilation of MacDict (our old dictionaries in Mac's Dictionary app, not updated)