Version | name | meaning |
0.01 |
hhaim |
0.02 |
hhaim |
0.03 |
ybrustin |
0.04 |
ybrustin |
We would like a file that will be read by GUI and will give us the ability to build packets using GUI
The format should be YAML
Define a YAML object format for dynamic building of packets and a program that change various fields
Ability to parse back the same buffer that was created using this tool (reversibility)
Ability to load packet from a pcap file and parse it
Ability to save the packet to a pcap file
Ability to save the packet and program in JSON format (same JSON-RPC format)
Set a value for any field of any protocol
Vary packet fields across packets at run time e.g. changing IP/MAC addresses
Stack protocols in any arbitrary order define in YAML format
Field Name | meaning | size in bits |
bit |
describe the header object e.g tcp |
1 |
uint8 |
describe the header object e.g tcp |
8 |
uint16 |
the name in the GUI |
16 |
uint32 |
sub fields of this header |
32 |
uint64 |
sub fields of this header |
64 |
other class type |
name of other class. for example, "c-mac-addr"; take fields from there, optionally overload them later |
The size taken from that class |
Payload |
total packet size - all header until now |
vlen_t |
in case of varible size header this include the size to the end of varible size header see example Ipv4Option |
total size of the object |
Field Name | meaning |
none |
use Hex Editor as Types |
ipv4_t |
4 decimals 0-255 each |
mac_addr_t |
([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2} |
ipv4_mask_t |
should match uint32 type |
ipv6_t |
should have 16 bytes field size 8x16 |
ipv6_mask_t |
should have 16 bytes field size 8x16 |
another header class |
sub fields of this header |
char_t |
array of bytes , look into the array_size of cost string |
var_char_t |
array based on a field value look into |
regexp_t |
define a Java function that converts a reg exp string to a buffer see here RegExp |
Field Name | meaning |
none |
simple editing field |
combo_with_edit |
combo box with predefined choices, can edit the field value manually |
combo_without_edit |
combo box with predefined choices, can not edit the field value manually |
checkbox |
toggle bits values, if item is array of bits, display several checkboxes per number of bits |
Field Name | value type | meaning | Link | Additional info |
help |
string |
the name in the GUI |
data_type |
string |
how to represent data |
data_type could get data_type_regexp e.g data_type = "ipv4"; data_type = "regexp" data_type_regexp = "string that define regexp and Java function" |
form_type |
string |
which editing form to use |
for example for ip address use combobox with option to edit value manually or choose: key "localhost" value "" etc. |
combobox_values |
dictionary |
pairs of key - value for combo_with/without_edit |
data_type_regexp |
string |
in case it is reg_exp the name of the function |
Field Name | meaning |
ipv4_checksum |
auto calculates checksum on this header Ipv4 type |
tcp_checksum |
calculate TCP checksum |
udp_checksum |
calculate UDP checksum |
ipv4_total_length |
calculate ipv4 total length this pkt_size = header + reset of packet |
tlv |
TLV length of the header (inlcudes the prev field length) example ip-option, tcp-option |
le |
little endian. deault is big |
const |
const field for example the 4 version of ipv4 header - this GUI won’t give option to change this field |
external |
marks the header as an external header for the GUI. for example IPv4 is external header and mac-addr is internal header ( compose external header) |
Field Name | value type | meaning | Default Value | Link | Example |
class |
string |
describe the class type |
in case class is defined no need to have name and vise versa |
class : tcp |
name |
string |
describe the instance name |
in case class is defined no need to have name and vise versa |
name : tcp |
array_size |
integer |
how many objects of this type, default value is 1 |
1 |
array_size : 6 in case of mac-addr |
type |
string |
type, see Types define the size |
"uint8_t" |
type : "uint32_t" type : "mac_addr" |
gui_representation |
dictionary |
description of how to view/edit data in GUI |
default |
array/value |
default value in the packets , you can override value for subfields in parent see example |
[0 ]x header size |
properies |
array of string like masks |
properies of this fields |
[] |
["le","external"] , ["tlv","le","const"] |
value_based_next_header |
dictionary |
define the next protocol based on a field value |
none |
value_based_next_class |
dictionary |
define the next class based on a field value (useful for options) |
none |
next_headers |
string or type |
a name of class that define the next or just an array |
"none" |
fields |
array |
array of Field_Type |
[] |
fields : [ ] |
offset |
integer/string |
offset into the packet in bits, in case of auto add base of prev fields |
"auto" |
option |
string |
a java code that define a way to calculate varible size |
"none" |
Field Name | value type |
"root" |
the root pointer to the start of blocks L2/802.3 etc |
"end" |
end TLV headers |
"payload" |
the rest of the packets as buffer/string etc |
- class : "next-example-t-1"
help : "next-example-t-1"
next_headers : ["ipv4", "ipv6, "tcp"]
# option 1 define in the header itself
- class : "tcp"
help : "TCP header"
properies : ["external"]
next_headers : ["ipv4", "ipv6, "tcp"]
fields :
- name : "ver"
# option 2 define throw a class
- class : "tcp"
help : "TCP header"
properies : ["external"]
next_headers : "next-example-t-1" #
fields :
- name : "ver"
0x0800: 'ipv4'# name of an external or internal class , the GUI should distinct betwean internal and external
0x0806: 'arp'
0x86DD: 'ipv6'
0x8100: 'vlan'
0x8847: 'mpls unicast'
default: 'payload' # if no match for any of above
This will define a regexp that match for user input and how to converts it to buffer of bytes
class MyClass : public RegExpBase {
string get_reg_exp_string( ) {
return ((\d){1-3})[.]((\d){1-3})[.]((\d){1-3})[.]((\d){1-3}))
# in case of match
buffer get_buffer(){
g= [get_group()[1].to_int()*256,get_group()[1].to_int()]
# return list
return (g)
There would be a root object to point to possible starting headers
- class : "root"
help : "Root"
next_headers : [ "ethernet", "llc", "_802-3"]
So in a way you could define a tree like this
root -> L2 ( Ethernet , 802.3 , LLC SNAP )
|( by field )
------------------------------------- ( VLAN (with QinQ), MPLS , ipv4, ipv6, ARP , ICMP )
| | | |
| ipv4/ipv6 - -
| |
| |
[Possibility - Ethernet/802.3/LLC SNAP) | UDP/TCP/Pyload
Object | |
for each option there tree of all the option --- -
The size of the header and offset is automatically defined in default by the order of the fields ( inc by type size multiply by array_size)
It can be overrided by offset field ( put offset in the object ) and then an more advanced field can be shown earlier in the GUI
The packet size is defined before the headers. Header Should not be allowed to be added if the size + header size is bigger than packet size
"Payload" is predefined Fields that take the reset of the packet and user can edit it ( see Payload )
There would be a spare field in the Stream object so GUI could add more metadata for reconstructing the builder types for example in this example Ethrenet/IP/TCP/IP/TCP you can’t extrac from buffer alone that Payload is IP/TCP only the builder known that in build time.
Ip total length need to keep the total_pkt_size - this ip header . this should work for internal header too.
When GUI add header ("external") the total size of this header should be calculated ( varible size should be given a default - ipv4)
IP-option see ip_option
0 : END
1 : Length 1
other : Byte : Length ( +first) |option
- class : "ip_option_131"
help : "ip_option"
fields :
- name : "length" # tree with leaf of bits
help : "length"
type : uint8
properties : ["tlv"] # the length include the prev field size (8 byte)
- name : "pointer" # tree with leaf of bits
type : uint8
- name : "buffer" # tree with leaf of bits
type : "tlv_reset"
- class : "default_ip4_option_tlv"
help : "ip_option"
fields :
- name : "length" # tree with leaf of bits
help : "length"
type : uint8
properties : "tlv" # the length include the prev field size (8 byte)
- name : "buffer" # tree with leaf of bits
type : "vlen_t"
- class : "ip_option"
help : "ip_option"
type : uint8
default : [0x01]
value_based_next_class :
0x00 : "end" # reserve name for ending the loop
0x01 : "ip_option" # back to this header
0x131 : "ip_option_131"
0x0812: "gre"
default : "default_ip4_option_tlv"
case of varible length field ip_option example
- class : "c-mac-addr"
type : "uint8"
array_size : 6
default : [0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
data_type : "mac-addr_t" # format ([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}
help : "Mac addrees"
- class : "ethernet"
help : "Ethernet-L2"
properties: ['external']
fields :
- name : "Dst"
help : "destination mac"
type : "c-mac-addr"
- name : "Src"
help : "source mac"
type : "c-mac-addr"
- name: "Ethertype"
help: "Ethertype"
type: "uint16"
default: [0x0800]
value_based_next_header :
0x0800 : "ipv4"
0x86DD : "ipv6"
0x8100 : "vlan"
0x8847 : "mpls" #unicast
default : "payload"
- class : "ipv4"
help : "Ipv4"
fields :
- name : "ver"
help : "Version"
type : "bit"
array_size : 4
default : [0, 1, 0, 0]
properties : ["const"]
- name : "ihl"
type : "bit"
array_size : 4
default : [0, 1, 1, 1]
properties : ["ipv4_ihl"]
help : "IHL"
form_type: "checkbox"
- name : "hdr_chsum"
help : "Header Checksum"
default : [0x00,0x00]
properties : ["ipv4_check_sum", "const"]
- name : "total_len"
help : "Total Length"
default : [0x00,0x00]
properties : ["ipv4_total_len", "const"] # auto calculate total_size-offset_header
- name : "protocol"
type : uint8
default : 0x06
value_based_next_header : &ipv4_next_header
0x06 : "tcp"
0x11 : "udp"
0x29 : "ipv6"
0x2F : "gre"
default : "payload"
help : "IPv4 next Protocol"
form_type: "combo_without_edit"
<<: *ipv4_next_header # take same choices as value_based_next_header
- name : "src_addr"
type : uint32
default : [16, 0, 0, 0]
help : "Source Address"
data_type : "ipv4" # reserve
- name : "dst_addr"
default : [48, 0, 0, 0]
type : uint32
help : "Destination Address"
data_type : "ipv4" # reserve
form_type : "combo_with_edit"
[127, 0, 0, 1]: 'localhost'
[255, 255, 255, 255]: 'broadcast'
- class : "tcp"
help : "TCP"
properties : ["external"]
fields :
- name : "src_port"
help : "Source Port"
default : [0x30,0x00]
type : uint16
- name : "dest_port"
help : "Source Port"
default : [0x30,0x00]
type : uint16
- name : "seq"
help : "Seq Number"
type : uint32
default : [0x30,0x00,00,00]
- name : "ack"
help : "Ack Number"
type : uint32
default : [0x30,0x00,00,00]
- name : "flags" # tree with leaf of bits
help : "Ack Number"
type : uint8
default : [0x30]
fields :
- name : "urg"
help : "URG"
type : bit
default : [0x0]
- name : "ack"
help : "ACK"
type : bit
default : [0x1]
- name : "checksum"
help : "TCP Checksum"
type : uint16
default : [0x00,0x00]
properties : ["tcp_checksum"] # auto calculate total_size-offset_header
- class : "root" # reserve
help : "Root"
next_headers : [ "ethrenet" ,"llc","_802-3"]
==== Overide subfields example anchor:Overide_Subfields_Example[]
In this example parent class default value overrides default values of sub-fields ( 2 different mac-addr)
class : "c-mac-addr" type : "uint8" array_size : 6 gui_representation: help : "Mac addrees" data_type : "mac-addr_t" # format ([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2} default : [0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00]
class : "ethernet" gui_representation: help : "Ethernet-L2" properties : ["external"] default : [0x00,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x02,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00 ,0x08,00] # change the default of sub-fields . it is const size fields :
name : "Dst" gui_representation: help : "destination mac" type : "c-mac-addr"
name : "Src" gui_representation: help : "source mac" type : "c-mac-addr"
name : "ip_protocol" type : "uint16_t" default : [0x08,0x00] value_based_next_header : 0x0800 : "ipv4" 0x86DD : "ipv6" 0x8100 : "vlan" 0x8847 : "mpls unicast" default : "payload"
==== Gui Representation example anchor:Gui_Representation_Example[] [underline]#In YAML:# [source,python]
name: Flags type: bit array_size: 3 gui_representation: help: IPv4 Flags form_type: checkbox # can check each bit
name: dst_addr default: [48, 0, 0, 0] type: uint32 gui_representation: help: IPv4 Destination Address data_type: ipv4_t # special representation case, show as 4 decimal numbers form_type: combo_with_edit # can choose from pre-defined values or edit manually combobox_values: [127, 0, 0, 1]: localhost [255, 255, 255, 255]: broadcast
name: protocol type: uint8 default: 0x06 value_based_next_header: &ipv4_next_header 0x06: tcp 0x11: udp default : "payload" gui_representation: help: IPv4 Protocol Field form_type: combo_without_edit # choose from supported protocols, no manual edit combobox_values: <<: *ipv4_next_header # take same choices as value_based_next_header
[underline]#In GUI:# checkbox for bits: image:images/checkbox.jpg[] editing in combo-box: image:images/combo_button_editing.jpg[] choosing from predefined values: image:images/combo_button_choosing.jpg[] ==== Union base TBD === Resource * link:yaml/headers.yaml[headers.yaml] * link:[WireEdit] * link:[ostinato] * link:[IxExplorer]