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Benn edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 3 revisions

The --vnc switch is used to install and configure VNC in your image. The arguments to the --vnc switch include:

  • real — Install RealVNC. This is only needed on RasPiOS Lite, as it's already installed on RasPiOS Desktop versions
  • tiger — Install TigerVNC server for virtual desktops
  • tight — Install TightVNC server for virtual desktops
  • resolutions — Specify a list of resolutions for virtual desktops

The arguments real, tiger, and/or tight must precede all resolution settings. see the examples below.

By default Virtual VNC desktops are configured with ports 5901, 5902, ... This can be modified with the --vncbase base switch. For instance, --vncbase 6400 would place the VNC virtual desktops at ports 6401, 6402, ... Setting --vncbase does not change the RealVNC server port.

For RasPiOS Desktop, RealVNC Server will be enabled automatically. Well, actually, it will be disabled for the first boot of the system as will the graphical desktop, and the sdm FirstBoot service will-reenable both for subsequent use.

For RasPiOS Lite, if --poptions nodmconsole is specified AND the Display Manager is xdm or wdm, the Display Manager will not be started on the console, and neither will RealVNC Server. It can be started later, if desired, with sudo systemctl enable --now vncserver-x11-serviced. Note, however, that you must enable the Display Manager as well for it to really be enabled. To enable the Display Manager:

  • xdm: sed -i "s/\#\:0 local \/usr\/bin\/X :0 vt7 -nolisten tcp/\:0 local \/usr\/bin\/X :0 vt7 -nolisten tcp/" /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
  • wdm: sed -i "s/\#\:0 local \/usr\/bin\/X :0 vt7 -nolisten tcp/\:0 local \/usr\/bin\/X :0 vt7 -nolisten tcp/" /etc/X11/wdm/Xservers


  • --vnc real,tiger,2540x1350,1880x960,1700x1200,1880x1100 — Install/enable RealVNC for connecting to the RasPiOS Console on port 5900. Create 4 VNC virtual desktops, each with a different resolution. These VNC Servers are on TCP ports 5901, 5902, 5903, 5904.
  • --vnc tiger,1024x768 — Install TigerVNC Server with one configured virtual desktop resolution on port 5901