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275 lines (232 loc) · 22.1 KB

File metadata and controls

275 lines (232 loc) · 22.1 KB


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Generate api via swagger scheme.
Supports OA 3.0, 2.0, JSON, yaml
Generated api module use Fetch Api or Axios to make requests.

Any questions you can ask here or in our slack(#swagger-typescript-api channel)

✨ The fork key differences

  • Axios v0.27.2+ support
  • Updated dependencies to eliminate vulnerabilities
  • Merged features and fixes from next to master and some commits from origin pull requests:
    • Docs: added "generateClient", "typePrefix", "typeSuffix" options to readme for NodeJS usage (#335)
    • Feature: add an option to disable throwing an error when request.ok is not true (#297)
    • Feature: add a parameter to sort types and types properties (#299)
    • Feature: load prettier config from your project by default (#286)
    • Feature: allow passing "patch" option to "swagger2openapi" (#283)
    • Fix: missing title of object type (#303)
    • Fix: reject and exit with code 1 if error (#295)
    • Fix: missing extractRequestBody field in type
    • Fix: problem with missing HttpResponse type with --to-js option
    • Fix: unable to cancel fetch request with AbortSignal (#329)

👀 Examples

All examples you can find here

📄 Usage

Usage: sta [options]
Usage: swagger-typescript-api-nextgen [options]

  -v, --version                 output the current version
  -p, --path <path>             path/url to swagger scheme
  -o, --output <output>         output path of typescript api file (default: "./")
  -n, --name <name>             name of output typescript api file (default: "Api.ts")
  -t, --templates <path>        path to folder containing templates
  -d, --default-as-success      use "default" response status code as success response too.
                                some swagger schemas use "default" response status code
                                as success response type by default. (default: false)
  -r, --responses               generate additional information about request responses
                                also add typings for bad responses (default: false)
  --union-enums                 generate all "enum" types as union types (T1 | T2 | TN) (default: false)
  --route-types                 generate type definitions for API routes (default: false)
  --no-client                   do not generate an API class
  --enum-names-as-values        use values in 'x-enumNames' as enum values (not only as keys) (default: false)
  --js                          generate js api module with declaration file (default: false)
  --extract-request-params      extract request params to data contract (default: false)
                                Also combine path params and query params into one object
  --extract-request-body        extract request body type to data contract (default: false)                         
  --module-name-index <number>  determines which path index should be used for routes separation (default: 0)
                                (example: GET:/fruites/getFruit -> index:0 -> moduleName -> fruites)
  --module-name-first-tag       splits routes based on the first tag
  --modular                     generate separated files for http client, data contracts, and routes (default: false)
  --disableStrictSSL            disabled strict SSL (default: false)
  --disableProxy                disabled proxy (default: false)
  --clean-output                clean output folder before generate api. WARNING: May cause data loss (default: false)
  --axios                       generate axios http client (default: false)
  --single-http-client          Ability to send HttpClient instance to Api constructor (default: false)
  --silent                      Output only errors to console (default: false)
  --default-response <type>     default type for empty response schema (default: "void")
  --type-prefix <string>        data contract name prefix (default: "")
  --type-suffix <string>        data contract name suffix (default: "")
  --patch                       fix up small errors in the swagger source definition (default: false)
  -h, --help                    display help for command

Also you can use npx:

 npx swagger-typescript-api-nextgen -p ./swagger.json -o ./src -n myApi.ts

You can use this package from nodejs:

const { generateApi } = require('swagger-typescript-api-nextgen');
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");

/* NOTE: all fields are optional expect one of `output`, `url`, `spec` */
  name: "MySuperbApi.ts",
  output: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "./src/__generated__"),
  url: '',
  input: path.resolve(process.cwd(), './foo/swagger.json'),
  spec: {
    swagger: "2.0",
    info: {
      version: "1.0.0",
      title: "Swagger Petstore",
    // ...
  templates: path.resolve(process.cwd(), './api-templates'),
  httpClientType: "axios", // or "fetch"
  defaultResponseAsSuccess: false,
  generateClient: true,
  generateRouteTypes: false,
  generateResponses: true,
  toJS: false,
  extractRequestParams: false,
  extractRequestBody: false,
  prettier: { // By default prettier config is load from your project
    printWidth: 120,
    tabWidth: 2,
    trailingComma: "all",
    parser: "typescript",
  defaultResponseType: "void",
  singleHttpClient: true,
  cleanOutput: false,
  enumNamesAsValues: false,
  moduleNameFirstTag: false,
  generateUnionEnums: false,
  typePrefix: '',
  typeSuffix: '',
  extraTemplates: [],
  hooks: {
    onCreateComponent: (component) => {},
    onCreateRequestParams: (rawType) => {},
    onCreateRoute: (routeData) => {},
    onCreateRouteName: (routeNameInfo, rawRouteInfo) => {},
    onFormatRouteName: (routeInfo, templateRouteName) => {},
    onFormatTypeName: (typeName, rawTypeName) => {},
    onInit: (configuration) => {},
    onParseSchema: (originalSchema, parsedSchema) => {},
    onPrepareConfig: (currentConfiguration) => {},
  .then(({ files, configuration }) => {
    files.forEach(({ content, name }) => {
      fs.writeFile(path, content);
  .catch(e => console.error(e))

💎 options


This option needed for cases when you don't want to use the default swagger-typescript-api output structure


How to use it:

  1. copy swagger-typescript-api templates into your place in project
  2. add --templates PATH_TO_YOUR_TEMPLATES option
  3. modify ETA templates as you like

Eta has special directive to render template in your Eta templates - includeFile(pathToTemplate, payload)
If you want to use some default templates from this tool you can use path prefixes: @base, @default, @modular.
@base - path to base templates
@default - path to single api file templates
@modular - path to multiple api files templates
- includeFile("@base/data-contracts.eta", configuration)
- includeFile("@default/api.eta", configuration)
- includeFile("@default/procedure-call.eta", configuration)
- includeFile("@modular/api.eta", configuration)
- includeFile("@modular/procedure-call.eta", configuration)
- includeFile("@base/route-docs.eta", configuration)
- includeFile("@base/route-name.eta", configuration)
- includeFile("@base/route-type.eta", configuration)
- includeFile("@base/route-types.eta", configuration)


This option should be used in cases when you have api with one global prefix like /api
with --module-name-index 0 Api class will have one property api
When we change it to --module-name-index 1 then Api class have two properties fruits and vegetables


This option will group your API operations based on their first tag - mirroring how the Swagger UI groups displayed operations

📄 Mass media

🛠️ Contribution

❗❗❗ Please use the next branch :)

If you need to check your changes at schemas in tests folder before create a PR just run command npm run test-all

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Sergey S. Volkov

💻 📖 🎨 💡 🚧 🤔 🐛

Filimonov Andrey

💻 🤔 🎨

Rafael Fakhreev

💻 🤔

Lucas Azzola

💻 🤔 🎨


💻 🤔

Jose Enrique Marquez

💻 🐛

Benjamin Dobell

💻 🐛

Larry Botha

💻 🐛

Nikolay Lukinykh

💻 🤔 🐛

Marius Bråthen


Evgeny Vlasov



🐛 💻



Rousseau Julien


Sebastián Arias


Stijn Lammens

🐛 💻

Emile Cantin

🐛 💻

Adam Snyder

💻 🐛

James Poyser

💻 🤔



Grand Silence

💻 🛡️ 📖 🐛

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

🚀 How it looks

📝 License

Licensed under the MIT License.