%title: OpenResty eXist Presentation %author: Grant Mackenzie
-> A command-line based markdown presentation tool. <-
Basic controls:
next slide Enter, Space, Page Down, j, l, Down Arrow, Right Arrow
previous slide Backspace, Page Up, h, k, Up Arrow, Left Arrow
quit q reload r slide N 1..9 first slide Home, g last slide End, G
-> # A Walk Through Presentation <-
These are recored using asciinema The hyperlink should appear on the bottom left which you should be able to open in your browser.
ctrl mouse click
-> # Obtain The Repo <-
- set your git username
- set up you projects dir
- clone this project
mkdir -p ~/projects/$(git config user.name)
cd ~/projects/$(git config user.name)
git clone git@github.com:grantmacken/openresty-existdb.git
- local development server
- remote production server
-> # Remote Production Server <-
Where we are heading for our remote production server:
- Our eXist server is proxied behind OpenResty (nginx)
- OpenResty is the public facing server
- ufw fire-walls remote server and leaves 3 ports open to the world
- http: port 80
- https: port 443
- ssh: port 22
- Any WWW traffic on port 80 will be redirected to the secure port 433
- eXist (jetty) which serves on port 8080 will be closed to the world
Any WWW authentication will be done using JWT Bearer tokens over HTTPS. All access to eXist is controlled via OpenResty. OpenResty will handle the Authorization. Only after Authorized by OpenResty can requests be made to eXist in order to access an eXist protected location or query the eXist server.
Updating An OpenResty Install
make orServiceStop make orConfigure make orInstall make orServiceStart make ngClean make ngDev
A new OpenResty install