OpenResty nginx.conf and nginx-includes
- ngInc: copies files from nginx-config into openresty/nginx/conf the nginx-config directory contains our working conf includes.
make ngBasic
make ngTLS
make ngDev
make ngProd
make orLoggedErrorFollow
make orServiceLogFollow
The above replaces the main nginx.conf file.
- ngBasic: start with is and get your certs
- ngTLS: once you have your certs, use the check if to see if can the openresty server can serve your domain. It just serves welcome to openresty over https
- should use SNI to serve multiple domains on one server
- should include reference modern SSL configuration
- should redirect port 80 to port 443
- should serve http2
- should use modern cyphers
- should use ... etc
- etc TODO!
- should run tests to prove above
- ngDev : This is where we start app develpment.
file: mk-includes/ mk-includes/
- ps aux | grep nginx
Once you have secured your site, its time to serve something usefull. To serve something usefull, you need a place to store data ... eXist a document datastore. You also need to be able to query the data store and transform results of a query into markup ... xQuery.
We place OpenResty in front of eXist to behave as a reverse-proxy-server
When Nginx behaves as a reverse-proxy eXist, nginx will handle routing via nginx conf blocks It will translate request on port 433 to a request eXist on port 8080 e.g / proxied to /restxq/{domain}/home.html
This will be achieved by two conf blocks included in the nginx.conf created by make ngDev
- rewrite blocks
- location blocks
The nginx.conf created by make ngDev
also handles, stuff which will be turned of on the prodction server
- error.log set to debug
error_log logs/error.log debug;
note: make orLoggedErrorFollow
note: make orServiceLogFollow
- lua code cache set to off
lua_code_cache off;
- ngProd : this is production conf