Community Council (CC) meeting held @ 18:30 UTC in grincoin#general channel on Keybase. Meeting lasted 15 min.
Notes are truncated, and conversations sorted based on topic and not always chronological. Quotes are edited for brevity and clarity, and not always exact.
- future3000
- cekickafa
- phyro
- Mwixnet testing / No testing done.
Last meeting notes here:
Current meeting agenda
cekickafa :
we have 1 topic Mwixnet. Nobody able to test it i think.
future3000 : How come?
cekickafa :
i mean, by community testing.
forum Grin
Testing is required for MWIXnet’s implementation of the Mimblewimble CoinSwap proposal in order to review, detect issues, and improve performance. That is a community effort, any participation help about instructing ,testing is needed & gladly welcomed. First of all we need test coins. Do we have testnet coins any to send to testers ? _ @Mattczt , @navie @yeastplume suggested it would be good if we can test..
future3000 : I just thought there might have been an issue with test net
phyro : does anyone know what was the problem with testing?
cekickafa : you mean testnet or mwixnet testing ?
Testnet works
phyro : mwixnet testing
cekickafa : well, for me it is hard to understand from insturction page a bit. I dont know others. What needs to be done to run it.:) i tried testnet now. it is working.
phyro : mwixnet testing
did you run it ?
phyro : I remember playing a bit with it but never actually ran the thing
anynomous : I did not get around to testing MWMixnet, only just got a test environment set up and only just got my first test coins. Now I'm ready to test but I am very time constrained.
- Mwixnet community testing
Meeting adjourned.