Community Council (CC) meeting held in keybase grincoin#general channel chat, meeting duration not explicitly stated, assumed to be around 30-45 minutes.
Notes are truncated, and conversations sorted based on topic and not always chronological. Quotes are edited for brevity and clarity, and not always exact.
- waynegeorge
- anynomous
- cekic
- ardocrat
- phyro
- Discussion about the general activity of the Grin community and development teams.
- Updates on ongoing projects such as Grin-GUI, MWixnet testing, Python Grin, and Grim Wallet.
- Clarification on Grim Wallet's platform (native Rust app, not browser-based) and its future platform expansion.
- Exploration of the Grin project wishlist and critical development needs, especially multisig and safe cancel transactions.
- Update on safe cancel implementation status, noting it is a work in progress on the contract branch, not considered implemented yet.
- General check-in on Grin development and community activity.
- Discussion on active projects and their status.
- Review of the Grin wishlist and critical development needs.
wayne: How's things with the Team in general? I check in on the forum from time to time. I haven't used telegram for a while
any: Not very active in the case of the CC, but signing for milestone 3 of CoinSwap was fast and efficient.
wayne: In terms of active development, I think they are grin-gui, mwixnet testing, python grin. Is that right?
any: And also Grim wallet. Cross platform browser based wallet if I am not mistaken, do you know @cekickafa ? Have not tested it yet, but the screenshots look good.
cekic: Not works on egui, Rust Desktop ,android and ios coming..
wayne: Sounds really good
cekikc: It runs really smooth. Very good, thanks to @ardocrat
ardocrat: Hello, yes it's native app in Rust, drawing triangles everywhere, even in browser, if it can be possible to compile wallet libs in wasm, currently I am working on release build in platform specific format for easy install (dwg, msi, deb) and patch storage for Android devices with low RAM amount, thx for testing.
wayne: Is there anything that the CC are actively seeking developers for? Or is it a case of welcoming ideas? I remember there being a wishlist somewhere
cekic: There is wishlist since 2021 yes.
wayne: thanks. I found one on this page too
cekic: That is the backbone of wishlist. As you see P1 section is critical/ must HAVES
ardocrat: multisig +1
cekic: i think these are core teams part, in the name for informing community about these wishlist items, multisig or safe cancel . Maybe they have word?
any: Safe cancel is WIP, only a test version implemented on the contract branch: See here a more up to date version of the Wishlist: O and PIBD.
cekic: RFC looks open. i remember some fixes about it but there was sometihng double the amount after resending_ i couldnt recall. mimblewimble/grin-rfcs#71
any: Multisig is not implemented in any way. (except 2 out of 2 multisig, basically every standard grin transaction is a 2 out of 2 multisig 😛)
cekic: In Gui wallet i remember tested cancel option but i dont have info contrat branch, not tested @waynegeorge
phyro: I did a quick proof of concept safe cancel on contracts branch, but it shouldn't be seen as implemented. It's an unfinished and unreviewed work for now.
+1 cek
Meeting adjourned.