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Community Meeting Notes February 25, 2025

Community Council (CC) meeting held in Keybase. Meeting duration not explicitly stated; conversational, open-ended.

Notes are truncated, and conversations are sorted based on topic but are not always strictly chronological. Quotes are edited for brevity and clarity.

Community attendance:

  • waynegeorge
  • cekickafa
  • anonymous
  • trabgrin

Short Summary

  • Discussion about donation.
  • Grin adoption/ development , payment proofs , the community's relative dormancy.
  • Groundskeeper voting by CC members.

Agenda Points & Actions

Funding, Groundskeeper voting.

wayne: is great I think it deserves funding +1 cekic

cekickafa: yes, it filled the gap, works as external node also like with GRIM wallet. It was voted in favor also. It will be funded. +1 trab

cekickafa: Not enough CC members again, so not much to discuss for governance topics. Do you have anything to add @waynegeorge, @trab_grin ? About anything

wayne: Nothing in particular but happy to chat anything +1 cekic

cekickafa: It would be good to discuss 'payment proofs'' also but.. Maybe add to next meeting topic.

trabgrin: Did we vote on the groundskeeper funding?

wayne: Is anyone long term missing?

cekickafa: you and @anynomous voted only.

wayne: What’s new with payment proofs? I think I ask that recently

cekickafa: well, @tromp and @ardocrat emphasized it priority for implementing it. I know that all recently. wayne: Is anyone long term missing?

cekickafa: @wayne from? what you mean. sorry wayne: From CC As only two votes for groundskeeper funding I know some CC have always been quiet here

+1 cekickafa

cekickafa: well. We tagged. They are to respond.

Well, that is obvious. Some silence about Grin is fact.

wayne: It seems that the community are in favour of dormancy which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It gives everyone space whilst the industry figures out where it’s going. At the moment it’s moving in with trad-fi

anonymous: I will join in 10 min.

cekickafa: Trad-fi? You mean trading?

wayne: Traditional finance

cekickafa: ok,got it.Good to learn:)

wayne: Sorry. I hear people calling it that. With all of the ETF news and banks loading up on BTC, more regulation is heading crypto’s way

cekickafa: i think draconian regulations on the way to choke crypto in favor of onyl regulated stablecoins.Banks integrating with bitcoin only leads to centralization, less room for P2P. Where Grin fits in this space is unclear at the moment.

wayne: It depends on how bad it gets. It usually takes crisis for people to take action and want change

+1 cekic

anonymous: I see Grin as disconnected from that mostly Only downside of stricter regulation is that it is harder to onboard grin.

wayne: So far in the UK at least, there’s a threat of tax increases with less social spending. Not looking good

anonymous: You mean tax on trading, or on earning with long term crypto investments? A, you mean in general politics. Yaa, these are hard times. More military spending, less money for social, more resource constraints and inflation that keeps on being higher than we used to.

wayne: Just tax on earnings in general. They already don’t move the tax thresholds each year which is a stealth tax increase

Community relative status

anonymous: You are right by the way about the community choosing to be kind of dormant. This is rather surprising while being in a bull run, or are we not in a bull run 🤔. I think it is a pity, just like choosing not to develop now is a pity, it is wasted time.

wayne: There’s a lot going on with UK crypto tax laws. Many crypto exchanges don’t support UK customers. I think they experiment and see what can get away with, then others follow. There’s no ETF access for UK

anonymous: Ok, that is very surprising, since ETF's are the domain of traditional finance. I would expect them to try to move more people away from on chain crypto into ETF kind of stuff that basically only invest in without much using the blockchain.

wayne: @anonymous We are in a bull run but only for tolerated cryptos. Privacy coins still hold bitcoin’s old criminal stigma.

anonymous: You are right about that, also for me at least this whole crypto bull run feels very artificial. It is hard to explain exactly why, but it feels a bit fake, or maybe that is me just being disillusioned with crypto not being very cypherpunk anymore, but just a large scam money grab.

cekickafa: to @anonymous. you mean being doormant - Grin community or Grin as a whole or ?

anonymous: Well that is the hard part to get that I do not get fully myself. To me it felt like after the last Hard Fork, large part of developers and community kind of decided to step away from grin for god know how long. Like let it be dormant for 10 years, or maybe a 100 😛 A few other decided to keep it going, maybe at a slow pace, but going forward. Now it is very close to being in full hibernation mode, many developers not even responding to certain funding proposals, community also appears absent mostly. So around the bord it appears quite dormant.

wayne: I’d say grin as a whole. No active OC and now quiet CC

anonymous: Yep, so basically 80-90% of Grin is dormant right now. Now the question is why is that, and this a temporary thing or a long term thing. And I do not have the answer to that.

cekickafa: I agree. Grin holds 6 million funds, whole mcap is 3.5 million usd. Kinda strange. And dormant..

anonymous: Yes, so clearly, money is not the issue. I think this is a decision purposefully made by many, I mean to chose this dormant state, but I would not say for the general community, they are not that long term thinking. So perhaps from many of them it is just a reaction to the current sate of dormancy of grin, to just not be active on the forum for example.

cekickafa: Forum drags down the community maybe. Closed circle.AS this keybase, hard to participate from regular people most of them dont want to load this keybase crunky app.

wayne: I’m certain that grin will have a resurgence along with all other cypherpunk projects. Just a matter of time. Crypto doesn’t need to be complicated but it’s made so to allow manipulation and control.

anonymous: Or perhaps 80% of Grinners actually lost interest with grin, and we are just the lonely few who are grin maxi's who do not want to abondon the project. No, I am quite certain like you @waynegeorge that real crypto will have its own resurgence, perhaps separate from the artificial Solana meme coin bull runs, we will see. Anyhow, it is a bit demotivating though. I understand yeastplume a bit better now. Working while others are not doing much or showing care, it makes it less of a rewarding experience.

cekickafa: Maybe, i remembered igno risk stuff. Recall a warning smthing similar to this

anonymous: I don't know that warning, I only joint just when he left the house.

wayne: I totally understand the demotivating feeling. As an open source project without a leader, I think it’s done very well up to now. However the reality is that grin is a privacy coin and they aren’t in demand. It is a gamble to work on something that may not take off so I guess that’s what puts people off.

anonymous: Perhaps. I never liked the classification of grin as privacy coin, I mean privacy is just a small part of what it acchieves. But I guess they did not have a minimalist elegant crypto basket to put Grin in as category. That would be a lonely basket 😛 Anyhow, I will just do my little part in this project, hopefully fix one or two bugs, and be in governance to facilitate even if there is nothing to facilitate at the moment. Time will tell what will be in the cards for this little project. Ok, I am off. Bye 👋

waynegeorge: Take care. Thanks for your work guys and for always showing up

anonymous: Same to you both 👋

+1 cekic, wayne

cekickafa: You too wayne. Thanks for the insights.

+1 wayne

Meeting adjourned.

TO DO List

  • donation payment.
  • CC: For CC members that haven't, review/vote on Groundskeeper funding proposal on Grin Forum and comment to express your opinions.
  • To be discussed Payment proofs situation.