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Pai-build responsible for building all services and pushing images.


Architecture We have two parts of Pai-build: build script and build context.

  • build script: responsible for build logic implementation all scripts are put under build/. It consists, core and model.
    • entrance of build system.
    • core: all build logic implementation scripts are put under build/core/ folder. contains main execution process. is used to define single component build process. contains the utility methods like docker client.
    • model: and are put under build/model/ folder. defines ServiceNode and ServiceGraph to help construct component dependency graph. defines build configuration model.
  • build context: All components’ source code, build context and deployment related code will be put under src folder.
    • Each component's build context will be put under src/${componentName}/build folder. Component owner should put corresponding dockerfiles here, and define its dependency in components.dep. if component needs define customize actions before or after image build, he can prepare and file.
      • dockerfiles: All public dockerfiles current component provides. Pai-build will execute docker build with all files which extension is .dockerfile and the image name will be same as filename.
      • components.dep: Dependency list to determine components build sequence. Dependency wrote in components.dep should just be component name and make sure it can be found under src folder. Pai-build will copy the item’s whole folder to src/${componentName}/dependency/.
      • Define customize action before build. If component needs to do preparation before image build, component owner can implement in file.
      • Define customize action after build. By default, we only build docker image, but for some service it may need to expose more than image. Component owner can implement in file.
    • generated and dependency folder are temp folder put under src/${componenName}/, it will be cleaned automatically after each build round.
      • generated/: Temp folder to store all the generated things after build. If component needs to expose more than image, the owner should put all the exposed things under src/${componenName}/generated.
      • dependency/: Temp folder to store all dependency the component needs. Pai-build will copy all dependencies component to src/${componenName}/dependency.


Build image by using which put under build/. for the configuration please refers to how-to-write-pai-configuration.

Build infrastructure services

./ build -c /path/to/configuration-dir/ [ -s component-list ]
  • Build the corresponding component.
  • If the option -s is added, only the specified component will be built. By default will build all components under src/

Push infrastructure image(s)

./ push -c /path/to/configuration-dir/ [ -i image-list ]
  • tag and push image to the docker registry which is configured in the cluster-configuration.
  • If the option -i is added, only the specified image will be pushed. By default will push all images which .dockerfile can be found under {src/${componentName}/build/

Current pai build process


  • Parse command to figure out component lists which need to build.
  • Flatten all components folder, then get image to component map.
  • Resolve component dependency according to and Dockerfile FROM statement to construct dependency graph then get topological build sequence.
  • Build each single component accoding to toplogical sequence :
    • Copy dependencies into temp src/${componentName}/dependency.
    • Run if it exists.
    • Check whether *.dockerfile exists if so call “docker build” command to build docker image.
    • Run if it exists.
  • Clean all temp folders.

Pay attention

  • will be executed under pai root folder.
  • *.dockerfile which put under src/${componentName}/build means it can become public, component owners should obey the principle.
  • dockerfile build will be executed under src/${componentName}/, please pay attention when writing dockerfile.
  • All the dependencies will be copied to src/${componentName}/dependency/, please pay attention when writing dockerfile.
  • Dependency wrote in components.dep should just be component name and make sure it can be found under src folder.
  • For the dependency wrote in components.dep, the dependency’s whole folder will be copied into current component dependency folder.

How to add your own component build context

This chapter will teach you how to add your customized component to pai. After everything is done, pai_build will build component and push image to the target docker registry.

Assuming you want to add componentB which only depends on componentA, and its image build needs files from /test-build/.

If your component image could be pulled from a public docker registry, you could skip this step.

Prepare compoenent folder

Create componentB folder under src, then create build folder to store build context.

Prepare compoenent dockerfile

There is no special restrictions on how to write the dockerfile. If you a new developer of docker, please refer to this tutorial and learn how to dockerfile. The file should be named with componentB.dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:16.04

COPY dependency/componentA/ /usr/local/
COPY dependency/test-build/ /usr/local/
RUN chmod a+x /usr/local/test-build/

CMD ["/usr/local/test-build/"]

Prepare compoenent.dep

Create a component.dep file under src/componentB/build to define the dependency of other component.



Implement to copy to src/componentB/dependency.


pushd $(dirname "$0") > /dev/null



if [[ ! -d ${testDestDir} ]]; then
    mkdir ${testDestDir}

cp -arf ${testPath} ${testDestDir}

popd > /dev/null

Build and push image with paictl

./ build -c /path/to/configuration-dir/ -s componentB

./ push -c /path/to/configuration-dir/ -i componentB


  • Incremental build implementation.