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George Petrou edited this page Jan 1, 2018 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the wiki page for Trouble in Terrorist Town Two!

Players: Simply join any server running this gamemode and enjoy!

Server Owners: Gamemode install instructions are listed below.

Developers: Look at the toolbar to the right. It contains links to all the hooks, functions, and commands you'll need. Only functions you should interface with are documented here. If you'd like to see the documentation for every single function simply search for it's declaration and the documentation for it will be immediately above.

About this project

This is a project primarily coded and maintained by me, George 'Stalker' Petrou. The goal of it is to have a clean, modular, and optimized remake of Stefan Van Der Meer's (Bad King Urgrain's) popular gamemode Trouble in Terrorist Town.


  1. Download the gamemode with this link.
  2. Place the terrortwo folder into garrysmod/gamemodes/
  3. Set your server's default gamemode to terrortwo.
  4. Change the map or restart the server.
  5. Enjoy.

Making a Pull Request

Looking through the code for this gamemode you'll see that it follows a format. When creating a pull request keep the following in mind:

  • Avoid glua specific operators such as //, &&, ||, and !=.
  • Use tabs for indentation.
  • A function in one module should never call a function from another. Instead call a hook in the first function, then in a file such as shared.lua, init.lua, or cl_init.lua hook onto it and call the other function.
  • When you create a global function add the following header to it:
-- TTT.Module.FunctionName
-- Desc:		What does this function do.
-- Arg One:		DataType, if it has an arg what does it do.
-- Returns:		DataType, if it returns something, what is it and whats its data type.


At the time of writing this I have not set any specific license for the codebase yet but it is pretty much this:

  • You cannot sell this gamemode.
  • You cannot modify this gamemode and then sell it.
  • You cannot call this gamemode your own.
  • You can modify this gamemode and keep your modified version private.
  • You can redistribute or modify and redistribute this gamemode as long as the following text is included somewhere that is obvious: Gamemode created by George Petrou (STEAM_0:1:18093014). Inspired by Stefan Van Der Meer.



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