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Developing pstack Engines


What is an Engine?

Engines are the bottom layer of pstack and are responsible for computing device states and consuming/generating messages. This document describes the pstack engine specification.

The diagram below is a more refined view of the organization diagram in Stack Organization, showing how engines communicate with their surrounding components in pstack.

This may appear somewhat complicated by it's not. Well, here are the good news for a start:

  1. Engines communicate with their environment through input and output streams. Even though they're building blocks for a distributed computing stack, engines are not required to perform any network communication at all and their only interfaces to the world are good old printf and scanf.

  2. Engines are spawned and given processing job details by other parts of the stack (specifically, by the daemon process pd) meaning that they don't need to worry about service-level concerns such as persistence. An engine is a processing tool used by pd to expose a persistent service.

How does an Engine Work?

Before delving into the spec, it's probably a good idea to start with a simplified description of how engines work within pstack, to develop some background intuition and make understanding the details easier.

As you're probably aware from Stack Organization, pstack uses Redis, a distributed in-memory data structure server, to relay messages and process information between daemon (pd) and client (pcli) instances running on different machines. Simulation jobs are started using the run command in pcli as follows:

pcli> run("application.xml")

Here's what happens when this command is executed:

  1. pcli reads application.xml and pushes its content to the Redis queue jobs.

  2. An instance of pd deques the job and spawns an engine to process it, passing it the job's XML string and connecting its streams as shown in the diagram above. Here, pd redirects the engine's stdout and stderr streams to itself while hooking its stdin and a custom stream (fd3, more on this later) to socat, a versatile tool that can relay standard streams to a TCP connection.

  3. The engine runs, reading from stdin and printing to fd3 messages from/to external devices. These are communicated through socat to message transfer queues on Redis.

  4. Some time later, the engine terminates and prints final device states plus some execution statistics to stdout. This output is captured by pd and pushed to a results queue on Redis. It is subsequently dequed by the pcli instance that created the job and displayed to the user as shown below (more on output format later).

pcli> run("application.xml")
{'states': {u'n0': {u'state': 0, u'counter': 10, u'toggle_buffer_ptr': 0}, u'n1': {u'state': 0, u'counter': 10, u'toggle_buffer_ptr': 0}, u'n2': {u'state': 0, u'counter': 10, u'toggle_buffer_ptr': 0}, u'n3': {u'state': 0, u'counter': 10, u'toggle_buffer_ptr': 0}}, 'metrics': {u'Exit code': 0, u'Delivered messages': 40}, 'log': [[u'n0', 1, u'counter = 1'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 1'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 1'], [u'n3', 1, u'counter = 1'], [u'n0', 1, u'counter = 2'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 2'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 2'], [u'n3', 1, u'counter = 2'], [u'n0', 1, u'counter = 3'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 3'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 3'], [u'n3', 1, u'counter = 3'], [u'n0', 1, u'counter = 4'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 4'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 4'], [u'n3', 1, u'counter = 4'], [u'n0', 1, u'counter = 5'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 5'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 5'], [u'n3', 1, u'counter = 5'], [u'n0', 1, u'counter = 6'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 6'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 6'], [u'n3', 1, u'counter = 6'], [u'n0', 1, u'counter = 7'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 7'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 7'], [u'n3', 1, u'counter = 7'], [u'n0', 1, u'counter = 8'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 8'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 8'], [u'n3', 1, u'counter = 8'], [u'n0', 1, u'counter = 9'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 9'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 9'], [u'n3', 1, u'counter = 9'], [u'n0', 1, u'counter = 10'], [u'n1', 1, u'counter = 10'], [u'n2', 1, u'counter = 10'], [u'n3', 1 , u'counter = 10']]}

Distributed Simulations

The above subsection described a scenario where a simulation job is picked up and processed by a single engine. Point 3 described how messages are sent and received from "external devices" by relaying stdin and fd3 through socat to Redis. This in fact only relevant to distributed (multi-engine) simulations.

Simulation Regions

pstack supports distributed simulations by splitting POETS applications into multiple device subsets called regions and assigning each to an engine. An external device is any device that doesn't belong to the engine's allocated region.

Note that pstack uses a more general definition of external devices compared to graph-schema. In pstack, an external device is any device that's outside the engine's region, whether defined as a <DevI> or an <ExtI> element.

Engine Communication

This subsection will walk through an example distributed simulation to explain how multiple engines interact.

The diagram above depicts a simulation of ring-oscillator application that's split across three engines.

As a start, here's how the application itself behaves. After initialization, device n0 send a message and increments a state counter. The message is then relayed by subsequent nodes across the loop back to n0 and the process is repeated until the counter at n0 reaches a certain value. Device n0 then terminates the application by calling handler_exit(0).

The distributed simulation starts when the user executes the run command in pcli. In this case, the user passes an additional parameter to run which breaks the simulation into three parts, here's how ...

pcli> run(xml2, rmap={"n0": 0, "n5": 0, "n1": 1, "n4": 1, "n2": 2, "n3": 2})

The parameter rmap is a region map. It's a mapping between device names and regions, identified as non-negative integers.

When run is executed, pcli pushes three simulation jobs to Redis, corresponding to the regions 0, 1 and 2. These get subsequently dequed by three pd instances, each receiving copies of the application's XML string and the region map. The pd instances now launch three engines, each responsible for simulating a single application region as shown in the diagram.

From here on, things are somewhat straightforward. Each engine knows its allocated region so it can tell which devices are local vs. external from its perspective. It starts an event loop to process messages and update (local) device states. Any time a local device generates a message that fans out to devices in a remote region, the engine pushes it to a dedicated region queue on Redis. The engine responsible for simulating the remote region then deques and processes the transmitted message. For example, when n0 sends a message to n1, Engine 0 pushes this to Queue 1 where it's picked up by Engine 1. Here are the actual mechanics underlying this transfer:

  1. Engine 0 prints a Redis push command to add the tuple (source device, source pin, message fields) to Queue 1. This command is printed to fd3 and relayed to Redis by socat.

  2. Engine 1 prints a Redis pop command to its fd3 when it finishes processing local messages. It then block-reads on stdin which receives (via socat) any items pushed to Queue 1. The tuple pushed by Engine 0 is then read by Engine 1.

  3. Engine 1 looks up which local devices are destinations of the originating device and pin specified in the tuple (in this case just n1) and calls their receive handlers to process the message.

You may be able to see that things are somewhat simple from an engine programmer's point of view. Messages to remote destinations should be printed with printf (to fd3) and, when there are no local messages to process, just wait for incoming messages with scanf 😌

This leaves application termination and the collection of simulation results. These are straightforward too; when device n0 calls handler_exit(0) this pushes a special application end symbol on the queues of all other regions, forcing all engines to terminate their event loops and print local device states to stdout. These are then picked up by the parent pd processes and pushed to a results queue dedicated to the simulation. The content of this queue are dequeued and combined by pcli, which then prints simulation results to the user.

The Specification

Engine Launch

The engine must be wrapped in a Python module and exposed as a single Python function with the following signature:

def run_engine(xml, rmap={}, options={}):

Note that this is not to say that the engine must be developed in Python, only that it should be exposed as a Python function. The function above may call the actual engine binary through or equivalent. The reason for mandating Python wrapping is to enforce programmatic access for interoperability with the unit test framework and other pstack tools.

Input Arguments
  1. xml: content of application XML file (required, type str)
  2. rmap: a region map as described in the Engine Communication subsection (optional, type dict: str -> int)
  3. options additional simulation parameters, detailed below (optional, type dist: str -> obj)
Simulation Parameters

This a dict containing simulation process pid and region, plus the desired log verbosity level and an additional parameter quiet that enables/disables printing any additional (debug) information by the simulator (note: these are captured by pd, sent to pcli and displayed to the user).

Here's an example simulation parameters object with some dummy values.

options = {
    "pid":    1,     # process ID (int)
    "region": 1,     # simulation region (int)
    "level":  1,     # log level (int)
    "quiet":  True,  # suppress output messages (bool)

The function must return a result object of type dict. This is in fact the same object printed in pcli after executing run, as shown in the subsection How does an engine work?

This dictionary contains (1) final device states and (2) few simulation metrics such as number of delivered messages and exit code. Here's an example (formatted as JSON for clarity) ...

    "states": {
        "n0": {
            "state": 0,
            "counter": 10,
        "n1": {
            "state": 0,
            "counter": 10,
        "n2": {
            "state": 0,
            "counter": 10,
        "n3": {
            "state": 0,
            "counter": 10,
    "metrics": {
        "Delivered messages": 40,
        "Exit code": 0

Note: in the current implementation there's also an additional log field that contains a complete list of all log messages printed during the simulation. This field is being retired.

The metrics dictionary must contain the follow fields:

  • Delivered messages: a count of messages consumed by receive handlers
  • Exit code: obtained through either a call to handler_exit or from a remote shutdown command (more on this in a bit)

Stream Protocols

As mentioned previously, an engine communicates with its environment (pd and socat) using input/output streams. There are four streams in total, and they can be grouped into two channels that are optimized for different purposes:

1. socat Communication (High Performance Channel)

This channel consists of the two streams:

  • fd0 (stdin, engine input)
  • fd3 (engine output)

and is used to exchange messages with Redis via socat. The protocol is very simple and consists of Redis commands to push and block-read messages and other information to and from qeues. Here's the essential read:

These three documents cover the details of how items are pushed to and from a Redis queue, leaving two questions: what is an item? and to what queues should items be pushed?

As shown in the diagram under Engine Communication, each engine is assigned a queue for incoming items. An item is a unit of information exchange between engines and is either (1) a message or a (2) shutdown command (more types may be added in the future). Messages are simply POETS messages while a shutdown command is a special symbol sent to all engines when one engine encounters a call to handler_exit.

Each item is a variable-length space-delimited string of numbers (e.g. 0 1 2). The first value is item type (0 is message and 1 is shutdown) while the remaining values are the item's payload. Shutdown items have no payload while a message item's payload has the form

<device> <port> <nfields> <field1> <field2> ... <fieldn>

where <device> and <port> are the device and port ids of the source device, <nfields> is the number of message fields and the remaining numbers are field values.

Device and port ids are zero-indexed based on the order of device instances and output port declarations within the source XML. For example, in a simulation of ring-oscillator-01.xml, the following message payload

1 0 2 1 -1

indicates a message originating from the device n1 (index 1) using output port toggle_out (index 0) and consisting of two message field values 1 and -1. The latter are the scalar fields of the message in their order of declaration within the XML (in this case src and dst). At the moment, pstack does not support message array fields.

Having described the format of a queue item, it's now time to describe queue name notation. Engine queues are named as <pid>.<region> where <pid> is the simulation process id (which is assigned and passed to the engine by pd, and is shared by all engines within the same simulation) while <region> is the engine's simulation region.

As a complete example, here's what Engine 1 in the diagram under Engine Communication should fprint to fd3 to send out a message from n1 to n2 (where n2 is housed in Engine 2):

rpush 100.2 "1 0 2 1 -1"

Here we assume that the simulation pid is 100, so the name of Engine 2's queue is 100.2. The Redis command simply pushes the item 1 0 2 1 -1 to this queue (the double quotes are needed to group values into a single queue item).

Note that it is the source engine's responsibility to determine the destination regions of a message (the engine has a copy of the region map so it can determine which regions house destination devices of each local device and port). Another important detail is that only the source device and output port info are transmitted; recipient engines are responsible for duplicating and routing messages to local destination devices.

Receiving queue items is the mirror image of the above; the receiving engine block-reads on its queue by printing blpop <pid>.<region> to fd3. This can be done at any time but is best left to when the local message delivery queue is empty (to minimize the overhead of expensive IO). Continuing the previous example, Engine 2 can block by writing blpop 100.2 to fd3 and would then receive the item 1 0 2 1 -1 pushed by Engine 1.

2. daemon Communication (High Convenience Channel)

Note: this part of the specification is still incomplete [TODO]

This is a uni-direction communication channel from the engine to pd, consisting of the streams

  • fd1 (stdout)
  • fd2 (stderr)

and is used to communicate errors, final simulation results and log messages. It's slower than pushing things through socat to Redis directly since it involves processing engine output by pd (in Python). However, this interface offloads few (infrequent) output formatting and process management operations from the engine to pd where they can be iterated on and developed faster, again simplifying things for engine developers.