- Introduction
- Variables
- Output
- Module Shared
- Module DNS Private Resolver
- Module Virtual Network Gateway
This is a collection of Terraform scripts that can be used to create the Connectivity Landing Zone for the Azure Databricks.
variable "agent_ip" {
type = string
description = "IP of the deployment agent."
variable "client_ip" {
type = object({
name = string
cidr = string
start_ip_address = string
end_ip_address = string
description = "Client IP."
variable "client_secret" {
type = string
sensitive = true
description = "Client secret of the service principal."
variable "enable_module_dns_private_resolver" {
type = bool
default = true
description = "Enable DNS Private Resolver."
variable "enable_module_virtual_network_gateway" {
type = bool
default = true
description = "Enable Virtual Network Gateway."
variable "global_settings" {
type = any
default = {
azurecaf_name = {
prefixes = ["az", "cf", "clz"]
description = "Global settings."
variable "location" {
type = string
default = "westeurope"
description = "Default Azure region, use Azure CLI notation."
variable "on_premises_networks" {
type = list(object({
name = string
cidr = string
start_ip_address = string
end_ip_address = string
default = [
name = "AllowFromOnPremises1"
cidr = ""
start_ip_address = ""
end_ip_address = ""
description = "List of on premises networks."
variable "private_dns_zones" {
type = map(string)
default = {
dns_zone_azuredatabricks = "privatelink.azuredatabricks.net"
dns_zone_blob = "privatelink.blob.core.windows.net"
dns_zone_dfs = "privatelink.dfs.core.windows.net"
description = "Map of private DNS zones."
variable "tags" {
type = object({
created_by = string
contact = string
customer = string
environment = string
project = string
default = {
created_by = "azc-iac-acf-sp-tf"
contact = "contact@me"
customer = "Azure"
environment = "Cloud Foundation"
project = "Connectivity Landing Zone"
description = "Default tags for resources, only applied to resource groups."
variable "virtual_network" {
type = object({
address_space = string
subnets = map(object({
address_space = string
client_address_pool = optional(string)
description = optional(string)
default = {
address_space = ""
subnets = {
gateway = {
address_space = ""
client_address_pool = ""
description = "GatewaySubnet"
bastion = {
name = "AzureBastionSubnet"
address_space = ""
private_endpoints = {
address_space = ""
description = "Private Endpoints"
dns_private_resolver_inbound = {
address_space = ""
description = "DNS Private Resolver Outbound"
dns_private_resolver_outbound = {
address_space = ""
description = "DNS Private Resolver Inbound"
description = "VNET details."
variable "virtual_network_gateway" {
type = object({
type = string
vpn_type = string
active_active = optional(bool)
enable_bgp = optional(bool)
sku = string
vpn_client_configuration = object({
address_space = list(string)
vpn_client_protocols = list(string)
root_certificate = object({
name = string
default = {
type = "Vpn"
vpn_type = "RouteBased"
sku = "VpnGw1"
vpn_client_configuration = {
address_space = [""]
vpn_client_protocols = ["IkeV2", "OpenVPN"]
root_certificate = {
name = "VnetGatewayConfig"
description = "Virtual network gateway details."
output "gateway_subnet_id" {
value = module.shared.gateway_subnet_id
output "private_dns_zone_ids" {
value = tomap({
for private_dns_zone_key, private_dns_zone_name in var.private_dns_zones : private_dns_zone_key => {
id = module.shared.private_dns_zones[private_dns_zone_key].id
output "virtual_network_id" {
value = module.shared.virtual_network_id
- Resource Group
- Virtual Network and Subnets
- Private DNS zones
variable "client_config" {
type = any
description = "Configuration of the AzureRM provider."
variable "subscription" {
type = any
description = "Information about an existing Subscription."
# curl ipinfo.io/ip
variable "agent_ip" {
type = string
description = "IP of the deployment agent."
variable "client_ip" {
type = object({
name = string
cidr = string
start_ip_address = string
end_ip_address = string
description = "Client IP."
variable "client_secret" {
type = string
sensitive = true
description = "Client secret of the service principal."
variable "global_settings" {
type = any
description = "Global settings."
variable "location" {
type = string
description = "Default Azure region, use Azure CLI notation."
variable "on_premises_networks" {
type = list(object({
name = string
cidr = string
start_ip_address = string
end_ip_address = string
description = "List of on premises networks."
variable "private_dns_zones" {
type = map(string)
description = "Map of private DNS zones."
variable "tags" {
type = object({
created_by = string
contact = string
customer = string
environment = string
project = string
description = "Default tags for resources, only applied to resource groups."
variable "virtual_network" {
type = object({
address_space = string
subnets = map(object({
address_space = string
client_address_pool = optional(string)
description = optional(string)
description = "VNET details."
output "dns_private_resolver_inbound_subnet_id" {
value = azurerm_subnet.dns_private_resolver_inbound.id
output "dns_private_resolver_outbound_subnet_id" {
value = azurerm_subnet.dns_private_resolver_outbound.id
output "gateway_subnet_id" {
value = azurerm_subnet.gateway.id
output "private_dns_zones" {
value = azurerm_private_dns_zone.this
output "private_endpoints_subnet_id" {
value = azurerm_subnet.private_endpoints.id
output "virtual_network_id" {
value = azurerm_virtual_network.this.id
This module is optional.
- DNS Private Resolver
variable "global_settings" {
type = any
description = "Global settings."
variable "location" {
type = string
description = "Default Azure region, use Azure CLI notation."
variable "dns_private_resolver_inbound_subnet_id" {
type = string
description = "Id of the inbound subnet for the DNS Private Resolver."
variable "dns_private_resolver_outbound_subnet_id" {
type = string
description = "Id of the outbound subnet for the DNS Private Resolver."
This module is optional.
Please generate a certificate and update the file
, see Generate and export certificates for point-to-site using PowerShell.
- Virtual Network Gateway
variable "global_settings" {
type = any
description = "Global settings."
variable "location" {
type = string
description = "Default Azure region, use Azure CLI notation."
variable "gateway_subnet_id" {
type = string
description = "Id of the Gateway Subnet."
variable "virtual_network_gateway" {
type = object({
type = string
vpn_type = string
active_active = optional(bool)
enable_bgp = optional(bool)
sku = string
vpn_client_configuration = object({
address_space = list(string)
vpn_client_protocols = list(string)
root_certificate = object({
name = string
description = "Virtual network gateway details."