We are dedicated to fostering an open and welcoming environment for everyone involved in our project and community. As contributors and maintainers, we pledge to ensure that participation is a harassment-free experience, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
To cultivate a positive environment, we encourage behaviors such as:
- Using inclusive and welcoming language
- Respecting differing viewpoints and experiences
- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
- Prioritizing the community’s well-being
- Showing empathy toward fellow community members
Conversely, the following behaviors are considered unacceptable:
- Using sexualized language or imagery, or making unwelcome sexual advances
- Engaging in trolling, derogatory comments, or personal attacks
- Harassing others, either publicly or privately
- Sharing others' private information without explicit permission
- Any conduct deemed inappropriate in a professional setting
Project maintainers are responsible for clearly communicating acceptable behavior standards and are expected to take fair and appropriate action against any unacceptable behavior.
Maintainers reserve the right to remove, edit, or reject contributions that do not align with this Code of Conduct, and may temporarily or permanently ban contributors for behaviors deemed inappropriate, threatening, or harmful.
This Code of Conduct applies in all project spaces and extends to any situation where individuals represent the project or its community in public settings. This includes using official project email addresses, posting on official social media accounts, or acting as appointed representatives at events. Further clarifications may be provided by project maintainers.
If you witness or experience abusive, harassing, or unacceptable behavior, please report it to the project team lead at me@alexpadula.com. All reports will be reviewed and investigated, resulting in appropriate responses based on the circumstances. We are committed to maintaining confidentiality for those reporting incidents. Additional enforcement details may be provided separately.
Maintainers who fail to uphold or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent consequences, as determined by other members of the project leadership.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, which is available at Contributor Covenant.
For answers to common questions regarding this Code of Conduct, please visit FAQ.