Mastodon client for Vim/Neovim.
- Deno and denops is required.
call dein#add("vim-denops/denops.vim") " Required
call dein#add("gw31415/mstdn.vim")
" For Neovim users:
call dein#add("MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvim") " Recommended: Better visibility of hashtags and other links
lua << EOF
require 'render-markdown'.setup {
file_types = { 'markdown', 'mstdn' }, -- Add mstdn filetype to render
" Optional: Post editor window
call dein#add("gw31415/mstdn-editor.vim")
" Optional: Image preview by sixel
" Dependency of mstdn-imgview.vim
call dein#add("gw31415/denops-sixel-view.vim")
call dein#add("gw31415/mstdn-imgview.vim")
autocmd FileType mstdn call s:mstdn_config()
function s:mstdn_config() abort
" Some preferences
setl nonu so=0 scl=yes
" Key mappings
nn <buffer> <enter> <cmd>call mstdn#timeline#load_more()<cr>
nn <buffer> <expr> G getcurpos()[1] == line('$') ? "\<cmd>call mstdn#timeline#load_more()\<cr>" : "\<cmd>norm! G\<cr>"
nn <buffer><nowait> > <cmd>call mstdn#timeline#favourite()<cr>
nn <buffer><nowait> < <cmd>call mstdn#timeline#unfavourite()<cr>
nn <buffer><nowait> <C-r> <cmd>call mstdn#timeline#reconnect()<cr>
" Configuration for mstdn-editor.vim
nn <buffer> i <Plug>(mstdn-editor-open)
" Configuration for mstdn-imgview.vim
nn <buffer> <ESC> <ESC><cmd>call mstdn#imgview#clear()<cr>
nn <buffer> <C-k> <cmd>call mstdn#imgview#view(-1)<cr>
nn <buffer> <C-j> <cmd>call mstdn#imgview#view(+1)<cr>
" auto reconnect
call timer_start(1500, {-> mstdn#timeline#reconnect_all()}, #{repeat: -1})
First, you have to log in to the server by calling the function
:call mstdn#user#login("", "uve5PPpXih64o_hdOvFOEWqTP90m4QY0QokrHt3L9uar0_Ww")
(Confidential information is stored in plain text in the cache directory. Caution.)
All you need to do is :edit
the URL listed below after logging in:
URL | Timeline |
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/home |
home timeline |
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/public |
global timeline |
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/public/media |
global media timeline |
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/public/tag/:hashtag |
global hashtag timeline |
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/local |
local timeline |
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/local/media |
local media timeline |
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/local/tag/:hashtag |
local hashtag timeline |
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/remote |
remote timeline |
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/remote/media |
remote media timeline |
I recommend to use mstdn-editor.vim. Or you can create posting system using API.
For example, you can post Hello, world!
in this way:
:call mstdn#request#post("", #{status: "Hello, world!"})
The second argument is the dictionary of the Form Data Parameters.
Read the doc.