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This doc was originally meant for students, but it can also be used by contributors.

A note on commands

Unless otherwise specified, all commands we ask you to run are supposed to be run in a Terminal emulator using a shell like Bash or Zsh (on Linux and macOS) or in Git Bash (on Windows).

Accounts, etc.

(Steps 2 and 3 only apply to the members of the Numberscope project at the CU Boulder Experimental Mathematics Lab.)

  1. If you don't have an account, sign up for GitHub.
  2. Make sure you've been added to the Numberscope GitHub organization.
  3. Make sure you've been added to the chat app (Slack or Zulip).

Setting up your computer for development

  1. If you don't have one, install a good text editor. Use whatever you want! Visual Studio Code is popular, and it works well with Vue, our front-end framework. However, there isn't a specific text editor or IDE we recommend. If you want to use Visual Studio Code, install the following extensions:

    • Code Spell Checker
    • TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)
    • Vue Language Features (Volar)

    For more info on extensions, see:

  2. If you don't have Git installed, install it. We use Git to keep track of the different versions of our code.

  3. If you don't have NodeJS installed, install it. NodeJS allows you to run JavaScript outside of a web browser. We use it in our front end code base.

  4. If you don't have Python 3 installed, install it. We use Python in frontscope for our documentation site.

  5. Make sure you have a venv module by running the following command:

    python3 -m venv -h

    You should see help for the venv module. If you don't you might have to install the module separately. How you do this depends on your system and might require some googling. We use venv for a "virtual environment". In this context, a virtual environment is an empty box, a clean slate, for all of our Python dependencies. It makes it so that we can use the exact dependencies we list in requirements.txt. All of the dependencies in requirements.txt are installed into a subdirectory in the .venv directory. Once you activate a virtual environment, all of the Python commands you run are run using the dependencies in the virutal environment, and not the dependencies you installed elsewhere on your computer.

  6. Somewhere on your computer, make a directory where you can keep Numberscope code. I like to put a directory called Code in my home directory. You can call this whatever you want.

  7. If you plan to submit new code to become part of Numberscope at some time in the future, you must "fork" (make your own copy of) the repository:

    • Go to
    • Click the "Fork" button (in the upper right as of this writing) and then follow the instructions GitHub provides. You need to create the fork on your GitHub account. If you just want to run from source it's not strictly necessary, and you can fork later, it's just a little more complicated. If you want your own fork:
    cd /path/to/your/code/directory/
    git clone{your-github-username}/frontscope.git

    Otherwise, if you don't want to fork right now:

    cd /path/to/your/code/directory/
    git clone

    If you have trouble, read this doc or ping someone for help.

  8. Go to the newly cloned frontscope directory and install the dependencies:

    cd frontscope
    npm install

    You need NodeJS installed to do this.

  9. Run the development server (this runs a local copy of Numberscope on your computer so you can interact with the webpage):

    npm run dev

    This should print a link that you can open in the browser. Open it and see if Numberscope seems to be working.

  10. If you plan on contributing code to Numberscope, you must work in your fork on a dedicated feature branch. To learn how to create a branch, see this doc.

  11. Finally, before you start changing code, please read our docs on submitting a pull request.

See the doc on running from source for more information.

Making a visualizer

Now that you're set up, try making a visualizer!