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143 lines (116 loc) · 6.4 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (116 loc) · 6.4 KB

UPGRADE FROM 5.3 to 5.4


  • Deprecate DoctrineProvider and DoctrineAdapter because these classes have been added to the doctrine/cache package


  • Deprecate HelperSet::setCommand() and getCommand() without replacement


  • Deprecate Comparator::setTarget() and Comparator::setOperator()
  • Add a constructor to Comparator that allows setting target and operator


  • Deprecate calling FormErrorIterator::children() if the current element is not iterable.


  • Deprecate the AdapterInterface autowiring alias, use CacheItemPoolInterface instead
  • Deprecate the public profiler service to private
  • Deprecate get(), has(), getDoctrine(), and dispatchMessage() in AbstractController, use method/constructor injection instead
  • Deprecate the cache.adapter.doctrine service: The Doctrine Cache library is deprecated. Either switch to Symfony Cache or use the PSR-6 adapters provided by Doctrine Cache.


  • Deprecate AbstractTestSessionListener::getSession inject a session in the request instead


  • Mark Request::get() internal, use explicit input sources instead


  • Deprecate not setting the delete_after_ack config option (or DSN parameter) using the Redis transport, its default value will change to true in 6.0


  • Deprecate security.authentication.basic_entry_point and security.authentication.retry_entry_point services, the logic is moved into the HttpBasicAuthenticator and ChannelListener respectively

  • Deprecate not setting $authenticatorManagerEnabled to true in SecurityDataCollector and DebugFirewallCommand

  • Deprecate SecurityFactoryInterface and SecurityExtension::addSecurityListenerFactory() in favor of AuthenticatorFactoryInterface and SecurityExtension::addAuthenticatorFactory()

  • Add AuthenticatorFactoryInterface::getPriority() which replaces SecurityFactoryInterface::getPosition(). Previous positions are mapped to the following priorities:

    Position Constant Priority
    pre_auth RemoteUserFactory::PRIORITY/X509Factory::PRIORITY -10
    form FormLoginFactory::PRIORITY -30
    http HttpBasicFactory::PRIORITY -50
    remember_me RememberMeFactory::PRIORITY -60
    anonymous n/a -70
  • Deprecate passing an array of arrays as 1st argument to MainConfiguration, pass a sorted flat array of factories instead.

  • Deprecate the always_authenticate_before_granting option


  • Deprecate AuthenticationEvents::AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, use the LoginFailureEvent instead

  • Deprecate the $authenticationEntryPoint argument of ChannelListener, and add $httpPort and $httpsPort arguments

  • Deprecate RetryAuthenticationEntryPoint, this code is now inlined in the ChannelListener

  • Deprecate FormAuthenticationEntryPoint and BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint, in the new system the FormLoginAuthenticator and HttpBasicAuthenticator should be used instead

  • Deprecate AbstractRememberMeServices, PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices, RememberMeServicesInterface, TokenBasedRememberMeServices, use the remember me handler alternatives instead

  • Deprecate AnonymousToken, as the related authenticator was deprecated in 5.3

  • Deprecate Token::getCredentials(), tokens should no longer contain credentials (as they represent authenticated sessions)

  • Deprecate not returning an UserInterface from Token::getUser()

  • Deprecate AuthenticatedVoter::IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY and AuthenticatedVoter::IS_ANONYMOUS, use AuthenticatedVoter::PUBLIC_ACCESS instead.


    # config/packages/security.yaml
        # ...
            - { path: ^/login, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }


    # config/packages/security.yaml
        # ...
            - { path: ^/login, roles: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
  • Deprecate AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface::isAnonymous() and the is_anonymous() expression function as anonymous no longer exists in version 6, use the isFullFledged() or the new isAuthenticated() instead if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated.

  • Deprecate the $authManager argument of AccessListener, the argument will be removed

  • Deprecate the $authenticationManager argument of the AuthorizationChecker constructor, the argument will be removed

  • Deprecate setting the $alwaysAuthenticate argument to true and not setting the $exceptionOnNoToken argument to falseofAuthorizationChecker(this is the default behavior when usingenable_authenticator_manager: true`)

  • Deprecate not setting the $exceptionOnNoToken argument of AccessListener to false (this is the default behavior when using enable_authenticator_manager: true)

  • Deprecate TokenInterface:isAuthenticated() and setAuthenticated() methods, return null from getUser() instead when a token is not authenticated

  • Deprecate DeauthenticatedEvent, use TokenDeauthenticatedEvent instead

  • Deprecate CookieClearingLogoutHandler, SessionLogoutHandler and CsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandler. Use CookieClearingLogoutListener, SessionLogoutListener and CsrfTokenClearingLogoutListener instead

  • Deprecate AuthenticatorInterface::createAuthenticatedToken(), use AuthenticatorInterface::createToken() instead

  • Deprecate PassportInterface, UserPassportInterface and PassportTrait, use Passport instead. As such, the return type declaration of AuthenticatorInterface::authenticate() will change to Passport in 6.0


    class MyAuthenticator implements AuthenticatorInterface
        public function authenticate(Request $request): PassportInterface


    class MyAuthenticator implements AuthenticatorInterface
        public function authenticate(Request $request): Passport