diff --git a/.env.example b/.env.example index 3b518df34..899eef1a1 100644 --- a/.env.example +++ b/.env.example @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_JSON= DATABASE_GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_JSON= GITHUB_CLIENT_ID= GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET= -REDIS_URL= TLS_CERT_FILE= TLS_KEY_FILE= ENCRYPT_KEY= diff --git a/assets/fontlist/all.txt b/assets/fontlist/all.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 19890f4ca..000000000 --- a/assets/fontlist/all.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,958 +0,0 @@ -ABeeZee -Abel -Abhaya Libre -Abril Fatface -Aclonica -Acme -Actor -Adamina -Advent Pro -Aguafina Script -Akronim -Aladin -Aldrich -Alef -Alegreya -Alegreya Sans -Alegreya Sans SC -Alegreya SC -Aleo -Alex Brush -Alfa Slab One -Alice -Alike -Alike Angular -Allan -Allerta -Allerta Stencil -Allura -Almarai -Almendra -Almendra Display -Almendra SC -Amarante -Amaranth -Amatic SC -Amethysta -Amiko -Amiri -Amita -Anaheim -Andada -Andika -Angkor -Annie Use Your Telescope -Anonymous Pro -Antic -Antic Didone -Antic Slab -Anton -Arapey -Arbutus -Arbutus Slab -Architects Daughter -Archivo -Archivo Black -Archivo Narrow -Aref Ruqaa -Arima Madurai -Arimo -Arizonia -Armata -Arsenal -Artifika -Arvo -Arya -Asap -Asap Condensed -Asar -Asset -Assistant -Astloch -Asul -Athiti -Atma -Atomic Age -Aubrey -Audiowide -Autour One -Average -Average Sans -Averia Gruesa Libre -Averia Libre -Averia Sans Libre -Averia Serif Libre -B612 -B612 Mono -Bad Script -Bahiana -Bahianita -Bai Jamjuree -Baloo -Baloo Bhai -Baloo Bhaijaan -Baloo Bhaina -Baloo Chettan -Baloo Da -Baloo Paaji -Baloo Tamma -Baloo Tammudu -Baloo Thambi -Balthazar -Bangers -Barlow -Barlow Condensed -Barlow Semi Condensed -Barriecito -Barrio -Basic -Battambang -Baumans -Bayon -Be Vietnam -Belgrano -Bellefair -Belleza -BenchNine -Bentham -Berkshire Swash -Beth Ellen -Bevan -Big Shoulders Display -Big Shoulders Text -Bigelow Rules -Bigshot One -Bilbo -Bilbo Swash Caps -BioRhyme -BioRhyme Expanded -Biryani -Bitter -Black And White Picture -Black Han Sans -Black Ops One -Blinker -Bokor -Bonbon -Boogaloo -Bowlby One -Bowlby One SC -Brawler -Bree Serif -Bubblegum Sans -Bubbler One -Buda -Buenard -Bungee -Bungee Hairline -Bungee Inline -Bungee Outline -Bungee Shade -Butcherman -Butterfly Kids -Cabin -Cabin Condensed -Cabin Sketch -Caesar Dressing -Cagliostro -Cairo -Calligraffitti -Cambay -Cambo -Candal -Cantarell -Cantata One -Cantora One -Capriola -Cardo -Carme -Carrois Gothic -Carrois Gothic SC -Carter One -Catamaran -Caudex -Caveat -Caveat Brush -Cedarville Cursive -Ceviche One -Chakra Petch -Changa -Changa One -Chango -Charm -Charmonman -Chathura -Chau Philomene One -Chela One -Chelsea Market -Chenla -Cherry Cream Soda -Cherry Swash -Chewy -Chicle -Chilanka -Chivo -Chonburi -Cinzel -Cinzel Decorative -Clicker Script -Coda -Coda Caption -Codystar -Coiny -Combo -Comfortaa -Coming Soon -Concert One -Condiment -Content -Contrail One -Convergence -Cookie -Copse -Corben -Cormorant -Cormorant Garamond -Cormorant Infant -Cormorant SC -Cormorant Unicase -Cormorant Upright -Courgette -Cousine -Coustard -Covered By Your Grace -Crafty Girls -Creepster -Crete Round -Crimson Pro -Crimson Text -Croissant One -Crushed -Cuprum -Cute Font -Cutive -Cutive Mono -Damion -Dancing Script -Dangrek -Darker Grotesque -David Libre -Dawning of a New Day -Days One -Dekko -Delius -Delius Swash Caps -Delius Unicase -Della Respira -Denk One -Devonshire -Dhurjati -Didact Gothic -Diplomata -Diplomata SC -DM Sans -DM Serif Display -DM Serif Text -Do Hyeon -Dokdo -Domine -Donegal One -Doppio One -Dorsa -Dosis -Dr Sugiyama -Duru Sans -Dynalight -Eagle Lake -East Sea Dokdo -Eater -EB Garamond -Economica -Eczar -El Messiri -Electrolize -Elsie -Elsie Swash Caps -Emblema One -Emilys Candy -Encode Sans -Encode Sans Condensed -Encode Sans Expanded -Encode Sans Semi Condensed -Encode Sans Semi Expanded -Engagement -Englebert -Enriqueta -Erica One -Esteban -Euphoria Script -Ewert -Exo -Exo 2 -Expletus Sans -Fahkwang -Fanwood Text -Farro -Farsan -Fascinate -Fascinate Inline -Faster One -Fasthand -Fauna One -Faustina -Federant -Federo -Felipa -Fenix -Finger Paint -Fira Code -Fira Mono -Fira Sans -Fira Sans Condensed -Fira Sans Extra Condensed -Fjalla One -Fjord One -Flamenco -Flavors -Fondamento -Fontdiner Swanky -Forum -Francois One -Frank Ruhl Libre -Freckle Face -Fredericka the Great -Fredoka One -Freehand -Fresca -Frijole -Fruktur -Fugaz One -Gabriela -Gaegu -Gafata -Galada -Galdeano -Galindo -Gamja Flower -Gayathri -Gentium Basic -Gentium Book Basic -Geo -Geostar -Geostar Fill -Germania One -GFS Didot -GFS Neohellenic -Gidugu -Gilda Display -Give You Glory -Glass Antiqua -Glegoo -Gloria Hallelujah -Goblin One -Gochi Hand -Gorditas -Gothic A1 -Goudy Bookletter 1911 -Graduate -Grand Hotel -Gravitas One -Great Vibes -Grenze -Griffy -Gruppo -Gudea -Gugi -Gurajada -Habibi -Halant -Hammersmith One -Hanalei -Hanalei Fill -Handlee -Hanuman -Happy Monkey -Harmattan -Headland One -Heebo -Henny Penny -Hepta Slab -Herr Von Muellerhoff -Hi Melody -Hind -Hind Guntur -Hind Madurai -Hind Siliguri -Hind Vadodara -Holtwood One SC -Homemade Apple -Homenaje -IBM Plex Mono -IBM Plex Sans -IBM Plex Sans Condensed -IBM Plex Serif -Iceberg -Iceland -IM Fell Double Pica -IM Fell Double Pica SC -IM Fell DW Pica -IM Fell DW Pica SC -IM Fell English -IM Fell English SC -IM Fell French Canon -IM Fell French Canon SC -IM Fell Great Primer -IM Fell Great Primer SC -Imprima -Inconsolata -Inder -Indie Flower -Inika -Inknut Antiqua -Irish Grover -Istok Web -Italiana -Italianno -Itim -Jacques Francois -Jacques Francois Shadow -Jaldi -Jim Nightshade -Jockey One -Jolly Lodger -Jomhuria -Josefin Sans -Josefin Slab -Joti One -Jua -Judson -Julee -Julius Sans One -Junge -Jura -Just Another Hand -Just Me Again Down Here -K2D -Kadwa -Kalam -Kameron -Kanit -Kantumruy -Karla -Karma -Katibeh -Kaushan Script -Kavivanar -Kavoon -Kdam Thmor -Keania One -Kelly Slab -Kenia -Khand -Khmer -Khula -Kirang Haerang -Kite One -Knewave -Kodchasan -KoHo -Kosugi -Kosugi Maru -Kotta One -Koulen -Kranky -Kreon -Kristi -Krona One -Krub -Kumar One -Kumar One Outline -Kurale -La Belle Aurore -Lacquer -Laila -Lakki Reddy -Lalezar -Lancelot -Lateef -Lato -League Script -Leckerli One -Ledger -Lekton -Lemon -Lemonada -Lexend Deca -Lexend Exa -Lexend Giga -Lexend Mega -Lexend Peta -Lexend Tera -Lexend Zetta -Libre Barcode 128 -Libre Barcode 128 Text -Libre Barcode 39 -Libre Barcode 39 Extended -Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text -Libre Barcode 39 Text -Libre Baskerville -Libre Caslon Text -Libre Franklin -Life Savers -Lilita One -Lily Script One -Limelight -Linden Hill -Literata -Liu Jian Mao Cao -Livvic -Lobster -Lobster Two -Londrina Outline -Londrina Shadow -Londrina Sketch -Londrina Solid -Long Cang -Lora -Love Ya Like A Sister -Loved by the King -Lovers Quarrel -Luckiest Guy -Lusitana -Lustria -M PLUS 1p -M PLUS Rounded 1c -Ma Shan Zheng -Macondo -Macondo Swash Caps -Mada -Magra -Maiden Orange -Maitree -Major Mono Display -Mako -Mali -Mallanna -Mandali -Manjari -Mansalva -Manuale -Marcellus -Marcellus SC -Marck Script -Margarine -Markazi Text -Marko One -Marmelad -Martel -Martel Sans -Marvel -Mate -Mate SC -Maven Pro -McLaren -Meddon -MedievalSharp -Medula One -Meera Inimai -Megrim -Meie Script -Merienda -Merienda One -Merriweather -Merriweather Sans -Metal -Metal Mania -Metamorphous -Metrophobic -Michroma -Milonga -Miltonian -Miltonian Tattoo -Mina -Miniver -Miriam Libre -Mirza -Miss Fajardose -Mitr -Modak -Modern Antiqua -Mogra -Molengo -Molle -Monda -Monofett -Monoton -Monsieur La Doulaise -Montaga -Montez -Montserrat -Montserrat Alternates -Montserrat Subrayada -Moul -Moulpali -Mountains of Christmas -Mouse Memoirs -Mr Bedfort -Mr Dafoe -Mr De Haviland -Mrs Saint Delafield -Mrs Sheppards -Mukta -Mukta Mahee -Mukta Malar -Mukta Vaani -Muli -Mystery Quest -Nanum Brush Script -Nanum Gothic -Nanum Gothic Coding -Nanum Myeongjo -Nanum Pen Script -Neucha -Neuton -New Rocker -News Cycle -Niconne -Niramit -Nixie One -Nobile -Nokora -Norican -Nosifer -Notable -Nothing You Could Do -Noticia Text -Noto Sans -Noto Sans HK -Noto Sans JP -Noto Sans KR -Noto Sans SC -Noto Sans TC -Noto Serif -Noto Serif JP -Noto Serif KR -Noto Serif SC -Noto Serif TC -Nova Cut -Nova Flat -Nova Mono -Nova Oval -Nova Round -Nova Script -Nova Slim -Nova Square -NTR -Numans -Nunito -Nunito Sans -Odor Mean Chey -Offside -Old Standard TT -Oldenburg -Oleo Script -Oleo Script Swash Caps -Open Sans -Open Sans Condensed -Oranienbaum -Orbitron -Oregano -Orienta -Original Surfer -Oswald -Over the Rainbow -Overlock -Overlock SC -Overpass -Overpass Mono -Ovo -Oxygen -Oxygen Mono -Pacifico -Padauk -Palanquin -Palanquin Dark -Pangolin -Paprika -Parisienne -Passero One -Passion One -Pathway Gothic One -Patrick Hand -Patrick Hand SC -Pattaya -Patua One -Pavanam -Paytone One -Peddana -Peralta -Permanent Marker -Petit Formal Script -Petrona -Philosopher -Piedra -Pinyon Script -Pirata One -Plaster -Play -Playball -Playfair Display -Playfair Display SC -Podkova -Poiret One -Poller One -Poly -Pompiere -Pontano Sans -Poor Story -Poppins -Port Lligat Sans -Port Lligat Slab -Pragati Narrow -Prata -Preahvihear -Press Start 2P -Pridi -Princess Sofia -Prociono -Prompt -Prosto One -Proza Libre -PT Mono -PT Sans -PT Sans Caption -PT Sans Narrow -PT Serif -PT Serif Caption -Puritan -Purple Purse -Quando -Quantico -Quattrocento -Quattrocento Sans -Questrial -Quicksand -Quintessential -Qwigley -Racing Sans One -Radley -Rajdhani -Rakkas -Raleway -Raleway Dots -Ramabhadra -Ramaraja -Rambla -Rammetto One -Ranchers -Rancho -Ranga -Rasa -Rationale -Ravi Prakash -Red Hat Display -Red Hat Text -Redressed -Reem Kufi -Reenie Beanie -Revalia -Rhodium Libre -Ribeye -Ribeye Marrow -Righteous -Risque -Roboto -Roboto Condensed -Roboto Mono -Roboto Slab -Rochester -Rock Salt -Rokkitt -Romanesco -Ropa Sans -Rosario -Rosarivo -Rouge Script -Rozha One -Rubik -Rubik Mono One -Ruda -Rufina -Ruge Boogie -Ruluko -Rum Raisin -Ruslan Display -Russo One -Ruthie -Rye -Sacramento -Sahitya -Sail -Saira -Saira Condensed -Saira Extra Condensed -Saira Semi Condensed -Saira Stencil One -Salsa -Sanchez -Sancreek -Sansita -Sarabun -Sarala -Sarina -Sarpanch -Satisfy -Sawarabi Gothic -Sawarabi Mincho -Scada -Scheherazade -Schoolbell -Scope One -Seaweed Script -Secular One -Sedgwick Ave -Sedgwick Ave Display -Sevillana -Seymour One -Shadows Into Light -Shadows Into Light Two -Shanti -Share -Share Tech -Share Tech Mono -Shojumaru -Short Stack -Shrikhand -Siemreap -Sigmar One -Signika -Signika Negative -Simonetta -Single Day -Sintony -Sirin Stencil -Six Caps -Skranji -Slabo 13px -Slabo 27px -Slackey -Smokum -Smythe -Sniglet -Snippet -Snowburst One -Sofadi One -Sofia -Song Myung -Sonsie One -Sorts Mill Goudy -Source Code Pro -Source Sans Pro -Source Serif Pro -Space Mono -Special Elite -Spectral -Spectral SC -Spicy Rice -Spinnaker -Spirax -Squada One -Sree Krushnadevaraya -Sriracha -Srisakdi -Staatliches -Stalemate -Stalinist One -Stardos Stencil -Stint Ultra Condensed -Stint Ultra Expanded -Stoke -Strait -Stylish -Sue Ellen Francisco -Suez One -Sumana -Sunflower -Sunshiney -Supermercado One -Sura -Suranna -Suravaram -Suwannaphum -Swanky and Moo Moo -Syncopate -Tajawal -Tangerine -Taprom -Tauri -Taviraj -Teko -Telex -Tenali Ramakrishna -Tenor Sans -Text Me One -Thasadith -The Girl Next Door -Tienne -Tillana -Timmana -Tinos -Titan One -Titillium Web -Trade Winds -Trirong -Trocchi -Trochut -Trykker -Tulpen One -Turret Road -Ubuntu -Ubuntu Condensed -Ubuntu Mono -Ultra -Uncial Antiqua -Underdog -Unica One -UnifrakturCook -UnifrakturMaguntia -Unkempt -Unlock -Unna -Vampiro One -Varela -Varela Round -Vast Shadow -Vesper Libre -Vibes -Vibur -Vidaloka -Viga -Voces -Volkhov -Vollkorn -Vollkorn SC -Voltaire -VT323 -Waiting for the Sunrise -Wallpoet -Walter Turncoat -Warnes -Wellfleet -Wendy One -Wire One -Work Sans -Yanone Kaffeesatz -Yantramanav -Yatra One -Yellowtail -Yeon Sung -Yeseva One -Yesteryear -Yrsa -ZCOOL KuaiLe -ZCOOL QingKe HuangYou -ZCOOL XiaoWei -Zeyada -Zhi Mang Xing -Zilla Slab -Zilla Slab Highlight diff --git a/assets/fontlist/ja.txt b/assets/fontlist/ja.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 24a843f91..000000000 --- a/assets/fontlist/ja.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -M PLUS 1p -M PLUS Rounded 1c -Hannari -Kokoro -Sawarabi Mincho -Nico Moji -Nikukyu -Noto Sans JP diff --git a/backend/compose.yaml b/backend/compose.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 31d7dfc29..000000000 --- a/backend/compose.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -services: - redis: - image: "redis" - ports: - - "6379:6379" - volumes: - - "./data/redis:/data" diff --git a/backend/go.mod b/backend/go.mod index a2398c405..c12b5f8f5 100644 --- a/backend/go.mod +++ b/backend/go.mod @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ require ( github.com/go-chi/httprate v0.14.1 github.com/google/wire v0.6.0 github.com/kelseyhightower/envconfig v1.4.0 - github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 v9.6.1 github.com/samber/lo v1.47.0 github.com/samber/mo v1.13.0 github.com/satori/go.uuid v1.2.0 @@ -44,9 +43,6 @@ require ( github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.3.0 // indirect github.com/cncf/xds/go v0.0.0-20240905190251-b4127c9b8d78 // indirect github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect - github.com/dgryski/go-rendezvous v0.0.0-20200823014737-9f7001d12a5f // indirect - github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane v0.13.0 // indirect - github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/felixge/httpsnoop v1.0.4 // indirect github.com/go-logr/logr v1.4.2 // indirect github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2 // indirect diff --git a/backend/go.sum b/backend/go.sum index f1fa5e277..e67da8948 100644 --- a/backend/go.sum +++ b/backend/go.sum @@ -44,10 +44,6 @@ github.com/andreyvit/diff v0.0.0-20170406064948-c7f18ee00883 h1:bvNMNQO63//z+xNg github.com/andreyvit/diff v0.0.0-20170406064948-c7f18ee00883/go.mod h1:rCTlJbsFo29Kk6CurOXKm700vrz8f0KW0JNfpkRJY/8= github.com/arbovm/levenshtein v0.0.0-20160628152529-48b4e1c0c4d0 h1:jfIu9sQUG6Ig+0+Ap1h4unLjW6YQJpKZVmUzxsD4E/Q= github.com/arbovm/levenshtein v0.0.0-20160628152529-48b4e1c0c4d0/go.mod h1:t2tdKJDJF9BV14lnkjHmOQgcvEKgtqs5a1N3LNdJhGE= -github.com/bsm/ginkgo/v2 v2.12.0 h1:Ny8MWAHyOepLGlLKYmXG4IEkioBysk6GpaRTLC8zwWs= -github.com/bsm/ginkgo/v2 v2.12.0/go.mod h1:SwYbGRRDovPVboqFv0tPTcG1sN61LM1Z4ARdbAV9g4c= -github.com/bsm/gomega v1.27.10 h1:yeMWxP2pV2fG3FgAODIY8EiRE3dy0aeFYt4l7wh6yKA= -github.com/bsm/gomega v1.27.10/go.mod h1:JyEr/xRbxbtgWNi8tIEVPUYZ5Dzef52k01W3YH0H+O0= github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto v0.2.1/go.mod h1:f6KPmirojxKA12rnyqOA5BBL4O983OfeGPqjHWSTneU= github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto v0.4.1 h1:iKLQ0xPNFxR/2hzXZMrBo8f1j86j5WHzznCCQxV/b8g= github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto v0.4.1/go.mod h1:4T9NM4+4Vw91VeyqjLS6ao50K5bOcLKN6Q42XnYaRYw= @@ -60,8 +56,6 @@ github.com/cncf/xds/go v0.0.0-20240905190251-b4127c9b8d78/go.mod h1:W+zGtBO5Y1Ig github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c= github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= -github.com/dgryski/go-rendezvous v0.0.0-20200823014737-9f7001d12a5f h1:lO4WD4F/rVNCu3HqELle0jiPLLBs70cWOduZpkS1E78= -github.com/dgryski/go-rendezvous v0.0.0-20200823014737-9f7001d12a5f/go.mod h1:cuUVRXasLTGF7a8hSLbxyZXjz+1KgoB3wDUb6vlszIc= github.com/dgryski/trifles v0.0.0-20200323201526-dd97f9abfb48 h1:fRzb/w+pyskVMQ+UbP35JkH8yB7MYb4q/qhBarqZE6g= github.com/dgryski/trifles v0.0.0-20200323201526-dd97f9abfb48/go.mod h1:if7Fbed8SFyPtHLHbg49SI7NAdJiC5WIA09pe59rfAA= github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane v0.9.0/go.mod h1:YTl/9mNaCwkRvm6d1a2C3ymFceY/DCBVvsKhRF0iEA4= @@ -147,10 +141,6 @@ github.com/planetscale/vtprotobuf v0.6.1-0.20240319094008-0393e58bdf10/go.mod h1 github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM= github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.0.0-20190812154241-14fe0d1b01d4/go.mod h1:xMI15A0UPsDsEKsMN9yxemIoYk6Tm2C1GtYGdfGttqA= -github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 v9.6.1 h1:HHDteefn6ZkTtY5fGUE8tj8uy85AHk6zP7CpzIAM0y4= -github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 v9.6.1/go.mod h1:0C0c6ycQsdpVNQpxb1njEQIqkx5UcsM8FJCQLgE9+RA= -github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.10.0 h1:TMyTOH3F/DB16zRVcYyreMH6GnZZrwQVAoYjRBZyWFQ= -github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.10.0/go.mod h1:UQnix2H7Ngw/k4C5ijL5+65zddjncjaFoBhdsK/akog= github.com/samber/lo v1.47.0 h1:z7RynLwP5nbyRscyvcD043DWYoOcYRv3mV8lBeqOCLc= github.com/samber/lo v1.47.0/go.mod h1:RmDH9Ct32Qy3gduHQuKJ3gW1fMHAnE/fAzQuf6He5cU= github.com/samber/mo v1.13.0 h1:LB1OwfJMju3a6FjghH+AIvzMG0ZPOzgTWj1qaHs1IQ4= diff --git a/backend/internal/app/handler/handler.go b/backend/internal/app/handler/handler.go index 407b925c7..20b868970 100644 --- a/backend/internal/app/handler/handler.go +++ b/backend/internal/app/handler/handler.go @@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ func NewHandler(env *config.Env, config *config.Config, resolvers *resolver.Reso r.Use(middleware.IPMiddleware()) r.Use(cors) - r.Route("/settings", func(r chi.Router) { - r.Use(httprate.LimitByIP(10, 1*time.Minute)) - r.Get("/usable-font-list", restApi.UsableFontList) - }) - r.Route("/", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(middleware.AuthMiddleware(config.FirebaseApp)) r.Use(httprate.LimitByIP(10, 1*time.Minute)) diff --git a/backend/internal/config/config.go b/backend/internal/config/config.go index a2cf2a030..e61049c6c 100644 --- a/backend/internal/config/config.go +++ b/backend/internal/config/config.go @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import ( firebase "firebase.google.com/go/v4" "firebase.google.com/go/v4/storage" "github.com/google/wire" - "github.com/redis/go-redis/v9" "google.golang.org/api/option" ) @@ -17,7 +16,6 @@ type Config struct { FirebaseApp *firebase.App FirestoreClient *firestore.Client StorageClient *storage.Client - RedisClient *redis.Client } var Set = wire.NewSet( @@ -115,23 +113,10 @@ func NewConfig(env *Env) (*Config, error) { return nil, err } - var rdb *redis.Client - - if env.RedisUrl != "" { - opts, err := redis.ParseURL(env.RedisUrl) - - if err != nil { - slog.Error("error initializing redis", "error", err) - return nil, err - } - rdb = redis.NewClient(opts) - } - config := Config{ FirebaseApp: app, FirestoreClient: firestore, StorageClient: storage, - RedisClient: rdb, } return &config, nil diff --git a/backend/internal/config/env.go b/backend/internal/config/env.go index 26c139b46..530c34241 100644 --- a/backend/internal/config/env.go +++ b/backend/internal/config/env.go @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ type Env struct { GithubClientSecret string `envconfig:"GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET" default:""` StorageBucketName string `required:"true" envconfig:"STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME"` GoEnv string `required:"true" envconfig:"GO_ENV"` - RedisUrl string `required:"false" envconfig:"REDIS_URL"` } func NewEnv() (*Env, error) { diff --git a/backend/internal/domain/repository/settings/settings.go b/backend/internal/domain/repository/settings/settings.go index a2426a4ea..3125dc86b 100644 --- a/backend/internal/domain/repository/settings/settings.go +++ b/backend/internal/domain/repository/settings/settings.go @@ -10,6 +10,5 @@ import ( type SettingsRepository interface { Find(ctx context.Context, userID string, diagram values.Diagram) mo.Result[*settings.Settings] - FindFontList(ctx context.Context, lang string) mo.Result[[]string] Save(ctx context.Context, userID string, diagram values.Diagram, settings settings.Settings) mo.Result[*settings.Settings] } diff --git a/backend/internal/domain/service/settingsservice.go b/backend/internal/domain/service/settingsservice.go index 5c09a65ff..e831c767d 100644 --- a/backend/internal/domain/service/settingsservice.go +++ b/backend/internal/domain/service/settingsservice.go @@ -40,7 +40,3 @@ func (s *SettingsService) Save(ctx context.Context, diagram v.Diagram, settings return s.repo.Save(ctx, values.GetUID(ctx).OrEmpty(), diagram, *settings) } - -func (s *SettingsService) FindFontList(ctx context.Context, lang string) mo.Result[[]string] { - return s.repo.FindFontList(ctx, lang) -} diff --git a/backend/internal/infra/firebase/settings/settings.go b/backend/internal/infra/firebase/settings/settings.go index 1c6508978..40336654d 100644 --- a/backend/internal/infra/firebase/settings/settings.go +++ b/backend/internal/infra/firebase/settings/settings.go @@ -2,11 +2,6 @@ package settings import ( "context" - "log/slog" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/samber/lo" "cloud.google.com/go/firestore" "firebase.google.com/go/v4/storage" @@ -15,8 +10,6 @@ import ( settingsRepo "github.com/harehare/textusm/internal/domain/repository/settings" "github.com/harehare/textusm/internal/domain/values" e "github.com/harehare/textusm/internal/error" - "github.com/harehare/textusm/internal/infra/firebase" - "github.com/redis/go-redis/v9" "github.com/samber/mo" "google.golang.org/grpc/codes" "google.golang.org/grpc/status" @@ -30,11 +23,10 @@ const ( type FirestoreSettingsRepository struct { client *firestore.Client storage *storage.Client - redis *redis.Client } func NewFirestoreSettingsRepository(config *config.Config) settingsRepo.SettingsRepository { - return &FirestoreSettingsRepository{client: config.FirestoreClient, storage: config.StorageClient, redis: config.RedisClient} + return &FirestoreSettingsRepository{client: config.FirestoreClient, storage: config.StorageClient} } func (r *FirestoreSettingsRepository) Find(ctx context.Context, userID string, diagram values.Diagram) mo.Result[*settings.Settings] { @@ -56,63 +48,6 @@ func (r *FirestoreSettingsRepository) Find(ctx context.Context, userID string, d return mo.Ok(&s) } -func (r *FirestoreSettingsRepository) FindFontList(ctx context.Context, lang string) mo.Result[[]string] { - cacheKey := "fontlist_" + lang - - if r.redis != nil { - cachedFontList, err := r.redis.Get(ctx, cacheKey).Result() - - if (err == nil || err != redis.Nil) && cachedFontList != "" { - return mo.Ok(lo.Filter(strings.Split(cachedFontList, "\n"), func(x string, index int) bool { - return x != "" - })) - } - } - - storage := firebase.NewCloudStorage(r.storage) - fontListResult := storage.Get(ctx, "fontlist", "all") - - if fontListResult.IsError() { - return mo.Err[[]string](fontListResult.Error()) - } - - langFontListResult := storage.Get(ctx, "fontlist", lang) - - if langFontListResult.IsError() { - return mo.Ok(lo.Filter(strings.Split(fontListResult.OrEmpty(), "\n"), func(x string, index int) bool { - return x != "" - })) - } - - fontList := append(strings.Split(fontListResult.OrEmpty(), "\n"), strings.Split(langFontListResult.OrEmpty(), "\n")...) - - if r.redis != nil { - _, err := r.redis.Pipelined(ctx, func(pipe redis.Pipeliner) error { - err := pipe.Set(ctx, cacheKey, strings.Join(fontList, "\n"), 0).Err() - - if err != nil { - return err - } - - err = pipe.Expire(ctx, cacheKey, time.Hour).Err() - - if err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil - }) - - if err != nil { - slog.Error("Failed to cache font list", "error", err) - } - } - - return mo.Ok(lo.Filter(append(strings.Split(fontListResult.OrEmpty(), "\n"), strings.Split(langFontListResult.OrEmpty(), "\n")...), func(x string, index int) bool { - return x != "" - })) -} - func (r *FirestoreSettingsRepository) Save(ctx context.Context, userID string, diagram values.Diagram, s settings.Settings) mo.Result[*settings.Settings] { _, err := r.client.Collection(usersCollection).Doc(userID).Collection(settingsCollection).Doc(diagram.String()).Set(ctx, s) diff --git a/backend/internal/presentation/api/api.go b/backend/internal/presentation/api/api.go index c466a60ab..0066128cf 100644 --- a/backend/internal/presentation/api/api.go +++ b/backend/internal/presentation/api/api.go @@ -47,22 +47,3 @@ func (a *Api) RevokeGistToken(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } - -func (a *Api) UsableFontList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - fontList := a.settingsService.FindFontList(r.Context(), r.URL.Query().Get("lang")) - - if fontList.IsError() { - w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) - return - } - - w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") - err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(fontList.OrElse([]string{})) - - if err != nil { - w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) - return - } - - w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) -} diff --git a/backend/justfile b/backend/justfile index b33e5f2a8..c40ad59cb 100644 --- a/backend/justfile +++ b/backend/justfile @@ -13,17 +13,6 @@ setup: go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.56.2 go install github.com/google/wire/cmd/wire@latest -docker-up: - #!/usr/bin/env bash - type docker &>/dev/null - docker_exist=$? - docker ps &>/dev/null - docker_startd=$? - - if [ $docker_exist -eq 0 ] && [ $docker_startd -eq 0 ]; then - docker compose up -d - fi - run: go run {{ main }} diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index e9439302f..2f2c4de53 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "name": "textusm", "description": "Online tool for Generate a User Story Mapping from indented text.", - "version": "0.14.8", + "version": "0.14.9", "author": "harehare", "type": "module", "bugs": { @@ -160,10 +160,7 @@ ] } ], - "n/file-extension-in-import": [ - "error", - "never" - ], + "n/file-extension-in-import": "off", "default-case": "off" } }, diff --git a/frontend/src/elm/Api/Http/Request.elm b/frontend/src/elm/Api/Http/Request.elm index fd6eb3be9..4a1209863 100644 --- a/frontend/src/elm/Api/Http/Request.elm +++ b/frontend/src/elm/Api/Http/Request.elm @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -module Api.Http.Request exposing (Request, delete, emptyResolver, get, jsonResolver, patch, post) +module Api.Http.Request exposing (Request, delete, emptyResolver, get, getFile, jsonResolver, patch, post) import Http exposing (Header) import Json.Decode as D import Task exposing (Task) -import Url.Builder exposing (QueryParameter, crossOrigin) +import Url.Builder exposing (QueryParameter, absolute, crossOrigin) type alias Request = @@ -59,6 +59,18 @@ get req resolver = } +getFile : Request -> Http.Resolver Http.Error a -> Task Http.Error a +getFile req resolver = + Http.task + { body = Http.emptyBody + , headers = req.headers + , method = "GET" + , resolver = resolver + , timeout = Nothing + , url = absolute req.path req.query + } + + jsonResolver : D.Decoder a -> Http.Resolver Http.Error a jsonResolver decoder = Http.stringResolver <| diff --git a/frontend/src/elm/Api/Http/UsableFontList.elm b/frontend/src/elm/Api/Http/UsableFontList.elm index 678162616..7e35988d9 100644 --- a/frontend/src/elm/Api/Http/UsableFontList.elm +++ b/frontend/src/elm/Api/Http/UsableFontList.elm @@ -2,23 +2,34 @@ module Api.Http.UsableFontList exposing (usableFontList) import Api.Http.Request as HttpRequest import Api.RequestError as RequestError exposing (RequestError) -import Env +import Dict import Json.Decode as D import Message exposing (Lang) import Platform exposing (Task) import Task import Types.Font as Font exposing (Font) -import Url.Builder usableFontList : Lang -> Task RequestError (List Font) usableFontList lang = - HttpRequest.jsonResolver (D.list D.string) - |> HttpRequest.get - { url = Env.apiRoot - , path = [ "api", "v1", "settings", "usable-font-list" ] - , query = [ Url.Builder.string "lang" (Message.toLangString lang) ] + HttpRequest.jsonResolver (D.dict (D.list D.string)) + |> HttpRequest.getFile + { url = "/" + , path = [ "fontlist.json" ] + , query = [] , headers = [] } - |> Task.map (List.map Font.googleFont) + |> Task.map + (\fontlist -> + let + allFontList : List String + allFontList = + Dict.get "all" fontlist |> Maybe.withDefault [] + + langFontList : List String + langFontList = + Dict.get (Message.toLangString lang) fontlist |> Maybe.withDefault [] + in + List.concat [ allFontList, langFontList ] |> List.map Font.googleFont + ) |> Task.mapError RequestError.fromHttpError diff --git a/frontend/src/public/fontlist.json b/frontend/src/public/fontlist.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bd1508889 --- /dev/null +++ b/frontend/src/public/fontlist.json @@ -0,0 +1,972 @@ +{ + "ja": [ + "M PLUS 1p", + "M PLUS Rounded 1c", + "Hannari", + "Kokoro", + "Sawarabi Mincho", + "Nico Moji", + "Nikukyu", + "Noto Sans JP" + ], + "all": [ + "ABeeZee", + "Abel", + "Abhaya Libre", + "Abril Fatface", + "Aclonica", + "Acme", + "Actor", + "Adamina", + "Advent Pro", + "Aguafina Script", + "Akronim", + "Aladin", + "Aldrich", + "Alef", + "Alegreya", + "Alegreya Sans", + "Alegreya Sans SC", + "Alegreya SC", + "Aleo", + "Alex Brush", + "Alfa Slab One", + "Alice", + "Alike", + "Alike Angular", + "Allan", + "Allerta", + "Allerta Stencil", + "Allura", + "Almarai", + "Almendra", + "Almendra Display", + "Almendra SC", + "Amarante", + "Amaranth", + "Amatic SC", + "Amethysta", + "Amiko", + "Amiri", + "Amita", + "Anaheim", + "Andada", + "Andika", + "Angkor", + "Annie Use Your Telescope", + "Anonymous Pro", + "Antic", + "Antic Didone", + "Antic Slab", + "Anton", + "Arapey", + "Arbutus", + "Arbutus Slab", + "Architects Daughter", + "Archivo", + "Archivo Black", + "Archivo Narrow", + "Aref Ruqaa", + "Arima Madurai", + "Arimo", + "Arizonia", + "Armata", + "Arsenal", + "Artifika", + "Arvo", + "Arya", + "Asap", + "Asap Condensed", + "Asar", + "Asset", + "Assistant", + "Astloch", + "Asul", + "Athiti", + "Atma", + "Atomic Age", + "Aubrey", + "Audiowide", + "Autour One", + "Average", + "Average Sans", + "Averia Gruesa Libre", + "Averia Libre", + "Averia Sans Libre", + "Averia Serif Libre", + "B612", + "B612 Mono", + "Bad Script", + "Bahiana", + "Bahianita", + "Bai Jamjuree", + "Baloo", + "Baloo Bhai", + "Baloo Bhaijaan", + "Baloo Bhaina", + "Baloo Chettan", + "Baloo Da", + "Baloo Paaji", + "Baloo Tamma", + "Baloo Tammudu", + "Baloo Thambi", + "Balthazar", + "Bangers", + "Barlow", + "Barlow Condensed", + "Barlow Semi Condensed", + "Barriecito", + "Barrio", + "Basic", + "Battambang", + "Baumans", + "Bayon", + "Be Vietnam", + "Belgrano", + "Bellefair", + "Belleza", + "BenchNine", + "Bentham", + "Berkshire Swash", + "Beth Ellen", + "Bevan", + "Big Shoulders Display", + "Big Shoulders Text", + "Bigelow Rules", + "Bigshot One", + "Bilbo", + "Bilbo Swash Caps", + "BioRhyme", + "BioRhyme Expanded", + "Biryani", + "Bitter", + "Black And White Picture", + "Black Han Sans", + "Black Ops One", + "Blinker", + "Bokor", + "Bonbon", + "Boogaloo", + "Bowlby One", + "Bowlby One SC", + "Brawler", + "Bree Serif", + "Bubblegum Sans", + "Bubbler One", + "Buda", + "Buenard", + "Bungee", + "Bungee Hairline", + "Bungee Inline", + "Bungee Outline", + "Bungee Shade", + "Butcherman", + "Butterfly Kids", + "Cabin", + "Cabin Condensed", + "Cabin Sketch", + "Caesar Dressing", + "Cagliostro", + "Cairo", + "Calligraffitti", + "Cambay", + "Cambo", + "Candal", + "Cantarell", + "Cantata One", + "Cantora One", + "Capriola", + "Cardo", + "Carme", + "Carrois Gothic", + "Carrois Gothic SC", + "Carter One", + "Catamaran", + "Caudex", + "Caveat", + "Caveat Brush", + "Cedarville Cursive", + "Ceviche One", + "Chakra Petch", + "Changa", + "Changa One", + "Chango", + "Charm", + "Charmonman", + "Chathura", + "Chau Philomene One", + "Chela One", + "Chelsea Market", + "Chenla", + "Cherry Cream Soda", + "Cherry Swash", + "Chewy", + "Chicle", + "Chilanka", + "Chivo", + "Chonburi", + "Cinzel", + "Cinzel Decorative", + "Clicker Script", + "Coda", + "Coda Caption", + "Codystar", + "Coiny", + "Combo", + "Comfortaa", + "Coming Soon", + "Concert One", + "Condiment", + "Content", + "Contrail One", + "Convergence", + "Cookie", + "Copse", + "Corben", + "Cormorant", + "Cormorant Garamond", + "Cormorant Infant", + "Cormorant SC", + "Cormorant Unicase", + "Cormorant Upright", + "Courgette", + "Cousine", + "Coustard", + "Covered By Your Grace", + "Crafty Girls", + "Creepster", + "Crete Round", + "Crimson Pro", + "Crimson Text", + "Croissant One", + "Crushed", + "Cuprum", + "Cute Font", + "Cutive", + "Cutive Mono", + "Damion", + "Dancing Script", + "Dangrek", + "Darker Grotesque", + "David Libre", + "Dawning of a New Day", + "Days One", + "Dekko", + "Delius", + "Delius Swash Caps", + "Delius Unicase", + "Della Respira", + "Denk One", + "Devonshire", + "Dhurjati", + "Didact Gothic", + "Diplomata", + "Diplomata SC", + "DM Sans", + "DM Serif Display", + "DM Serif Text", + "Do Hyeon", + "Dokdo", + "Domine", + "Donegal One", + "Doppio One", + "Dorsa", + "Dosis", + "Dr Sugiyama", + "Duru Sans", + "Dynalight", + "Eagle Lake", + "East Sea Dokdo", + "Eater", + "EB Garamond", + "Economica", + "Eczar", + "El Messiri", + "Electrolize", + "Elsie", + "Elsie Swash Caps", + "Emblema One", + "Emilys Candy", + "Encode Sans", + "Encode Sans Condensed", + "Encode Sans Expanded", + "Encode Sans Semi Condensed", + "Encode Sans Semi Expanded", + "Engagement", + "Englebert", + "Enriqueta", + "Erica One", + "Esteban", + "Euphoria Script", + "Ewert", + "Exo", + "Exo 2", + "Expletus Sans", + "Fahkwang", + "Fanwood Text", + "Farro", + "Farsan", + "Fascinate", + "Fascinate Inline", + "Faster One", + "Fasthand", + "Fauna One", + "Faustina", + "Federant", + "Federo", + "Felipa", + "Fenix", + "Finger Paint", + "Fira Code", + "Fira Mono", + "Fira Sans", + "Fira Sans Condensed", + "Fira Sans Extra Condensed", + "Fjalla One", + "Fjord One", + "Flamenco", + "Flavors", + "Fondamento", + "Fontdiner Swanky", + "Forum", + "Francois One", + "Frank Ruhl Libre", + "Freckle Face", + "Fredericka the Great", + "Fredoka One", + "Freehand", + "Fresca", + "Frijole", + "Fruktur", + "Fugaz One", + "Gabriela", + "Gaegu", + "Gafata", + "Galada", + "Galdeano", + "Galindo", + "Gamja Flower", + "Gayathri", + "Gentium Basic", + "Gentium Book Basic", + "Geo", + "Geostar", + "Geostar Fill", + "Germania One", + "GFS Didot", + "GFS Neohellenic", + "Gidugu", + "Gilda Display", + "Give You Glory", + "Glass Antiqua", + "Glegoo", + "Gloria Hallelujah", + "Goblin One", + "Gochi Hand", + "Gorditas", + "Gothic A1", + "Goudy Bookletter 1911", + "Graduate", + "Grand Hotel", + "Gravitas One", + "Great Vibes", + "Grenze", + "Griffy", + "Gruppo", + "Gudea", + "Gugi", + "Gurajada", + "Habibi", + "Halant", + "Hammersmith One", + "Hanalei", + "Hanalei Fill", + "Handlee", + "Hanuman", + "Happy Monkey", + "Harmattan", + "Headland One", + "Heebo", + "Henny Penny", + "Hepta Slab", + "Herr Von Muellerhoff", + "Hi Melody", + "Hind", + "Hind Guntur", + "Hind Madurai", + "Hind Siliguri", + "Hind Vadodara", + "Holtwood One SC", + "Homemade Apple", + "Homenaje", + "IBM Plex Mono", + "IBM Plex Sans", + "IBM Plex Sans Condensed", + "IBM Plex Serif", + "Iceberg", + "Iceland", + "IM Fell Double Pica", + "IM Fell Double Pica SC", + "IM Fell DW Pica", + "IM Fell DW Pica SC", + "IM Fell English", + "IM Fell English SC", + "IM Fell French Canon", + "IM Fell French Canon SC", + "IM Fell Great Primer", + "IM Fell Great Primer SC", + "Imprima", + "Inconsolata", + "Inder", + "Indie Flower", + "Inika", + "Inknut Antiqua", + "Irish Grover", + "Istok Web", + "Italiana", + "Italianno", + "Itim", + "Jacques Francois", + "Jacques Francois Shadow", + "Jaldi", + "Jim Nightshade", + "Jockey One", + "Jolly Lodger", + "Jomhuria", + "Josefin Sans", + "Josefin Slab", + "Joti One", + "Jua", + "Judson", + "Julee", + "Julius Sans One", + "Junge", + "Jura", + "Just Another Hand", + "Just Me Again Down Here", + "K2D", + "Kadwa", + "Kalam", + "Kameron", + "Kanit", + "Kantumruy", + "Karla", + "Karma", + "Katibeh", + "Kaushan Script", + "Kavivanar", + "Kavoon", + "Kdam Thmor", + "Keania One", + "Kelly Slab", + "Kenia", + "Khand", + "Khmer", + "Khula", + "Kirang Haerang", + "Kite One", + "Knewave", + "Kodchasan", + "KoHo", + "Kosugi", + "Kosugi Maru", + "Kotta One", + "Koulen", + "Kranky", + "Kreon", + "Kristi", + "Krona One", + "Krub", + "Kumar One", + "Kumar One Outline", + "Kurale", + "La Belle Aurore", + "Lacquer", + "Laila", + "Lakki Reddy", + "Lalezar", + "Lancelot", + "Lateef", + "Lato", + "League Script", + "Leckerli One", + "Ledger", + "Lekton", + "Lemon", + "Lemonada", + "Lexend Deca", + "Lexend Exa", + "Lexend Giga", + "Lexend Mega", + "Lexend Peta", + "Lexend Tera", + "Lexend Zetta", + "Libre Barcode 128", + "Libre Barcode 128 Text", + "Libre Barcode 39", + "Libre Barcode 39 Extended", + "Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text", + "Libre Barcode 39 Text", + "Libre Baskerville", + "Libre Caslon Text", + "Libre Franklin", + "Life Savers", + "Lilita One", + "Lily Script One", + "Limelight", + "Linden Hill", + "Literata", + "Liu Jian Mao Cao", + "Livvic", + "Lobster", + "Lobster Two", + "Londrina Outline", + "Londrina Shadow", + "Londrina Sketch", + "Londrina Solid", + "Long Cang", + "Lora", + "Love Ya Like A Sister", + "Loved by the King", + "Lovers Quarrel", + "Luckiest Guy", + "Lusitana", + "Lustria", + "M PLUS 1p", + "M PLUS Rounded 1c", + "Ma Shan Zheng", + "Macondo", + "Macondo Swash Caps", + "Mada", + "Magra", + "Maiden Orange", + "Maitree", + "Major Mono Display", + "Mako", + "Mali", + "Mallanna", + "Mandali", + "Manjari", + "Mansalva", + "Manuale", + "Marcellus", + "Marcellus SC", + "Marck Script", + "Margarine", + "Markazi Text", + "Marko One", + "Marmelad", + "Martel", + "Martel Sans", + "Marvel", + "Mate", + "Mate SC", + "Maven Pro", + "McLaren", + "Meddon", + "MedievalSharp", + "Medula One", + "Meera Inimai", + "Megrim", + "Meie Script", + "Merienda", + "Merienda One", + "Merriweather", + "Merriweather Sans", + "Metal", + "Metal Mania", + "Metamorphous", + "Metrophobic", + "Michroma", + "Milonga", + "Miltonian", + "Miltonian Tattoo", + "Mina", + "Miniver", + "Miriam Libre", + "Mirza", + "Miss Fajardose", + "Mitr", + "Modak", + "Modern Antiqua", + "Mogra", + "Molengo", + "Molle", + "Monda", + "Monofett", + "Monoton", + "Monsieur La Doulaise", + "Montaga", + "Montez", + "Montserrat", + "Montserrat Alternates", + "Montserrat Subrayada", + "Moul", + "Moulpali", + "Mountains of Christmas", + "Mouse Memoirs", + "Mr Bedfort", + "Mr Dafoe", + "Mr De Haviland", + "Mrs Saint Delafield", + "Mrs Sheppards", + "Mukta", + "Mukta Mahee", + "Mukta Malar", + "Mukta Vaani", + "Muli", + "Mystery Quest", + "Nanum Brush Script", + "Nanum Gothic", + "Nanum Gothic Coding", + "Nanum Myeongjo", + "Nanum Pen Script", + "Neucha", + "Neuton", + "New Rocker", + "News Cycle", + "Niconne", + "Niramit", + "Nixie One", + "Nobile", + "Nokora", + "Norican", + "Nosifer", + "Notable", + "Nothing You Could Do", + "Noticia Text", + "Noto Sans", + "Noto Sans HK", + "Noto Sans JP", + "Noto Sans KR", + "Noto Sans SC", + "Noto Sans TC", + "Noto Serif", + "Noto Serif JP", + "Noto Serif KR", + "Noto Serif SC", + "Noto Serif TC", + "Nova Cut", + "Nova Flat", + "Nova Mono", + "Nova Oval", + "Nova Round", + "Nova Script", + "Nova Slim", + "Nova Square", + "NTR", + "Numans", + "Nunito", + "Nunito Sans", + "Odor Mean Chey", + "Offside", + "Old Standard TT", + "Oldenburg", + "Oleo Script", + "Oleo Script Swash Caps", + "Open Sans", + "Open Sans Condensed", + "Oranienbaum", + "Orbitron", + "Oregano", + "Orienta", + "Original Surfer", + "Oswald", + "Over the Rainbow", + "Overlock", + "Overlock SC", + "Overpass", + "Overpass Mono", + "Ovo", + "Oxygen", + "Oxygen Mono", + "Pacifico", + "Padauk", + "Palanquin", + "Palanquin Dark", + "Pangolin", + "Paprika", + "Parisienne", + "Passero One", + "Passion One", + "Pathway Gothic One", + "Patrick Hand", + "Patrick Hand SC", + "Pattaya", + "Patua One", + "Pavanam", + "Paytone One", + "Peddana", + "Peralta", + "Permanent Marker", + "Petit Formal Script", + "Petrona", + "Philosopher", + "Piedra", + "Pinyon Script", + "Pirata One", + "Plaster", + "Play", + "Playball", + "Playfair Display", + "Playfair Display SC", + "Podkova", + "Poiret One", + "Poller One", + "Poly", + "Pompiere", + "Pontano Sans", + "Poor Story", + "Poppins", + "Port Lligat Sans", + "Port Lligat Slab", + "Pragati Narrow", + "Prata", + "Preahvihear", + "Press Start 2P", + "Pridi", + "Princess Sofia", + "Prociono", + "Prompt", + "Prosto One", + "Proza Libre", + "PT 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