Modern GPS Tracking Platform.
Traccar is a modern GPS Tracking Platform, which is now available as an add-on and allows you to run your GPS Tracking software without any cloud.
Traccar supports more protocols and device models than any other GPS tracking system on the market, straight from your instance. You can select GPS trackers from a variety of vendors from low-cost Chinese models to high-end quality brands.
Traccar also has native mobile apps available for Android and iOS platforms
so that you can track those as well. AND! With the Home Assistant traccar
integration (introduced in 0.83) the data in Traccar will be sent back into
your Home Assistant instance as well.
This Home Assistant Add-ons repository contains edge builds of add-ons. Edge builds add-ons are based upon the latest development version.
- They may not work at all.
- They might stop working at any time.
- They could have a negative impact on your system.
This repository was created for:
- Anybody willing to test.
- Anybody interested in trying out upcoming add-ons or add-on features.
- Developers.
If you are more interested in stable releases of our add-ons: