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188 lines (137 loc) · 7.23 KB

File metadata and controls

188 lines (137 loc) · 7.23 KB
  • Fix constraint type conversion

  • abstract enum finals rather than vars

  • abstract wrappers for typedefs so we can add

  • in AnyOf types, we could use getProperties of type to add fields -> AnyOfX<BaseFields, A, B>

  • Generic AnyOf that supports multiple function types with overloads

    • Say we have AnyOf2<() -> Void, (str: String) -> Void>, we could add call() overloads so that we can use like'string');
  • Why so many typescript errors with chakra-ui?

  • Redesign so that we supply a bunch of input modules and ConverterContext returns output modules, which may include new dependencies

    • Creating a fresh context per module loses inter-module interaction (see express)
    • Additionally, some inter-module connections are lost (#37)
  • New flag --mergeGlobal: @:jsRequire + @:native rather than global

     for (a in access) {
     	generateHaxeModulesFromSymbol(symbol, access)


     generateHaxeModulesFromSymbol() {
     	// prefer module path for access path
     	for(a in access) {
     		meta.push(a.toMeta()) // with #if conditional


  • Issue: This should be var _50: String;

     var FiveZero : String;
  • Issue: maybe when converting the typename _ the result should be Underscore not T_

  • Issues:

    • export default not working properly
    • require('vue').default doesn't exist
  • Filter out Void AnyOf2<Void, T>?

  • Create alternative field for redefined class and interface fields (if type is not same)

  • Complete validation

---- Tests should compile

  • Constructor comments missing from pixi.js

  • Class and interface extend handling, add override etc

    • Need to check where extending / intersection is allowed
  • Interface splitting

    • Classes must unify with interfaces, so interface must have all the same fields as the class
      • This has implications for class extends and interface extends
  • Intersection Types

    • function intersectionBetweenTypeParams<A, B>(p: A & B): void; -> p: { } ??
    • If a type has index signatures, rasterize?
  • Index signatures

    • Haxe compiler feature requests
    • Add @:indexSignature metadata
      • @:indexSignature function get(index: K): V
      • @:indexSignature function set(index: K, value: V): V
    • Or maybe { > ArrayAccess<T> }? (ArrayAccess is currently an interface in haxe)
    • Eh..., just rasterize the types with index signatures and wrap in abstracts
  • Handle callable classes

    • symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Function != 0
    • play well with other call signatures (also from construct type) -> @:selfCall on new() HaxeFoundation/haxe#3441
  • Lots of array extensions, can we do better here?

  • getTopLevelDeclarationSymbols sucks, can we use alternative methods now? Why does it exist?

  • Should we convert all const Name: T; fields to classes rather than global variables? -> Probably, what about var Name: T;? I think so.

  • Use macro to call complexType methods with type-stack pushing?

    • Maybe use macro to enable finally
  • react+react-dom have issues

  • Playcanvas, why Warning: Type has construct signature but this is currently unhandled ([Object] ScriptType [Class] ClassDeclaration /Users/geo/Projects/dts2hx/test/libs/node_modules/playcanvas/build/output/playcanvas.d.ts:22545:5) When the type is a class?

  • Issue: dts2hx three/examples/jsm/controls/orbitcontrols fails at runtime because casing is incorrect. Need to use the resolved module name instead of the input name in jsRequire

  • Printer, better function printing:

    • don't set singleLineFields on function args
    • set it on function signatures, check if resulting line length > x
    • if > x, re-print with multiLineFields
  • Issue: struct/function formatting problems in Typescript.hx

  • Issue: toSafeIdent(), result can be just _ which has special meaning in haxe

  • Automatically find tsconfig.json in convertTsModule()

  • Enums:

    • Generate method to get keys
    • Support array access
  • Construct signatures on anons A generic build version of this would work

	@:forward @:forwardStatics extern abstract ConstructType<T>(T) to T from T {

		public inline function construct(args: Array<Dynamic>): Any {
			return Type.createInstance(cast this, args);

  • Special types

    • ts.lib.IFunction should map to haxe.constrains.Function I think
  • Use subtypes for typedef anons (so it's not an anon repreated 3x)

    • i.e. abstract Name({...}) to {...} from {...} { }
  • haxe 4.2, quoted names in types instead of @:native()

  • Do we need to do anything to handle abstract classes (typescript keyword abstract)?

  • ? Maybe: When shortening paths, do we need to check for collisions with haxe root types? (like Iterator)

  • Docs: wtf is going on with IHTMLTimeElement

  • Overload documentation, requires extending MetadataItem with doc field

    • Will need to copy / reimplement jsdoc methods from services.ts
  • Review class-expression syntax let x = class ...

  • If a constructor type is a type parameter we can use Constructible

haxe on npm

  • npm haxe version should exactly always match haxe compiler version
    • e.g. npm install haxe 4.0.5 should do exactly that
    • Should include prebuilt binaries / download based on arch after install
    • This is annoying because we can never reuse the same name/version on npm (may need to get in touch with npm admins?)
      • We can unpublish specific old versions by contacting and replace them with a shim to new version so they will still work
      • We could leave all the other versions up unchanged
      • This is a big change but I think it's worth it.
    • npm publish should be an automatic part of haxe release process
  • haxe lib directory set to node_modules/@haxe
  • install haxe libraries with the @haxe namespace prefix
  • npm install @haxe/openfl

-> For this we just need two changes to the existing npm-haxe - download the haxe version that matches the package version by default - set the haxelib directory to node_modules/@haxe

  • Then establish a convention of naming modules @haxe/$name.
  • Should also have 0 dependencies, npm-haxe installs 168

! Biggest problem is the haxelib .current convention, so maybe we can't use @haxe? ! Also making @haxe org access public might be hard.

  • Use a shim, so that when haxe or haxelib are called, we first setup the haxelib directory with symlinks to dependencies in package.json

    • What happens when a dependency requires others via package.json? -> we need to symlink these too -> So basically symlink everything in node_modules ! this is expeennsiiiiive, probably only a small minority will be haxe modules ? check for haxelib.json...? ehhh => What if we scan the dependencies for hx files, then cache the results in a text file so we know if we need to re-run this process
  • How do you install haxe 4.0.5 with npm-haxe? Not clear so far

  • Binaries should be hosted on npm, so for example npm install haxe on mac installs @haxe/haxec-darwin@4.2.0 as a dependency