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Releases: hcoles/pitest


29 Nov 10:32
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  • #1067 Improved Quarkus and Roboelectric support
  • #1116 Option to exclude lines 0 and 1 of all classes
  • #1118 Detect missing plugins

As a result of #1067 it is important that mutations are only created for a single class for each JVM. The MutationGrouper extension point has therefore been removed as this allowed this constraint to be violated. Any third party plugins using this extension are no longer supported.

Releases also includes multiple changes to internal data structures. Any third party plugins relying on these structures may need to be updated.

1116 provides a coarse way to exclude auto-generated code not picked up by pitest's other filters. It is disabled by default as it may exclude code that is valid for mutation in some situations, but can be enabled by adding the feature string +nofirstline.


16 Nov 09:35
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  • #1105 Aggregator resolves wrong file for out of package kotlin files with same name
  • #1111 Fix log typo (thanks @wangbo15)


11 Nov 13:03
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  • #1106 Do not replace Map.of with Collections.emptyMap
  • #1109 Relax source file debug check


10 Nov 07:44
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#1098 Include case values in switch mutation descriptions


10 Oct 09:10
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#1094 Search for source files outside of package dirs

Adds support for languages such as Kotlin where source files may not be within a directory structure which matches their package. Note that if the same filename occurs in more than one location, pitest cannot guarantee to resolve the correct file.


03 Oct 11:54
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  • 1092 - Upgrade to ASM 9.4
  • 1091 - Properly escape coverage XML
  • 1088 - Remove unused dependency distance param
  • 1085 - Do not produce timestamp reports by default

Note that 1085 changes the default behaviour so reports are no longer written to timestamped directories by default. If you require this behaviour you will need to explicitly enable it.


22 Aug 09:00
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  • #1078 - Alter Config Updater interface
  • #1079 - Avoid JBoss logging by default

1078 is a breaking interface change, but is included in a point release as it is believed there are currently no external clients.


03 Aug 08:28
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  • #1063 - Improve filtering of equivalent return mutants
  • #1064 - Remove legacy return val mutators and old defaults group
  • #1066 - Expand static initializer filtering
  • #1070 - Remove jacoco agent if present on argline


18 Jul 09:21
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  • #1052 - Support maven argLine property and single string argLines
  • #1054 - Provide control over auto addition of -Djava.awt.headless=true
  • #1055 - Option to autoset number of threads
  • #1056 - Set timeout for socket communication
  • #1058 - Set defaults for input and output encoding for programmatic api

1054 Moves support of auto adding headless=true (to prevent keyboard focus being stolen on Macs) into a feature.
It is enabled by default, but can be disabled by adding -MACOS_FOCUS to the features string.

1055 adds the option to guess the appropriate number of threads for the current machine by adding +auto_threads
the features string. This option is disabled by default and designed for local use. It is not recommended
for use on a CI server.


08 Jul 08:43
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  • #1050 - Check minions are alive to prevent process hangs