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Mark Herringer edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 34 revisions

Emergency Health data

Our objective is to improve the quality of Emergency health data in OpenStreetMap. With input from domain experts we will define user stories that describe the need for emergency care data. We will use a set structure for the user story definition.


  • Accurate emergency health facility data

'Definition of the scope, service provision capacities, laboratory capacities, and optimal catchment populations for emergency hospital care should be a priority.'

Maternal Mortality in Sierra Leone - A short video that presents the challenge being faced as well as the personas we are thinking about.

Open development

Healthsites interprets Open development in a number of ways.

  • We invite stakeholders in the health cluster to share baseline health facility under an open data license.
  • We invite specialists to share user stories, participatory video that communicate emergency health needs in parts of the world where service is poor.
  • We invite National statistics offices to work with us in the open to share baseline data.

User stories

Example: As a < type of user >, I want < some goal including health facility attributes > so that < some reason >.


  1. As an epidemiologist I want to know where the diagnostic services are so that I can perform clinical_pathology and sample analysis.
  2. As an epidemiologist I want to know which facilities have isolation rooms so that I can reduce transmission of a disease
  3. As an epidemiologist I want to know which health facilities have ventilators so that I can support patients suffering from disease
  4. As an epidemiologist I want to know which health facilities have ICU beds so that I can support patients suffering from disease
  5. As an epidemiologist I want to know the number of Doctors and nurses at a health facility so that I can assess the capacity to manage a disease outbreak event
  6. As an epidemiologist I want to know the number of hospital beds at a health facility so that I can assess the capacity to manage a disease outbreak event
  7. As an epidemiologist I want to identify the presence of a COVID19-TEST-Facility in my facility so that people can find me and do the test. (this tag is not yet available in OSM)

Maternity care

  1. As a pregnant mom I would like to know if a facility has a well staffed operating theatre should I need a C-section.
  2. As a mother with a newborn baby that has health issues I would like to know if a facility has Paediatric surgery so that I can give my baby the best care possible.
  3. As a mother with a newborn baby that has health issues I would like to know if a facility has** NICU or neonatal unit or Providers skilled in emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC)** so that I can give my baby the best care possible.
  4. As a pregnant mom preparing for birth I would like to visit a facility with an ultrasound so that I can give my baby the best care possible.

Road accidents and other emergencies

  1. As a citizen responding to a road accident I want to know where the nearest emergency facility is so that I can take the person I’m helping to the right facility
  2. As a emergency care specialist I want to make use of an ultrasound to correctly diagnose a condition so that the patient can be referred correctly for the appropriate care

Human Centered Design to drive the development of baseline health facility data with Healthsites

Emergency health attributes

  • ICU unit - healthcare:speciality=intensive
  • Ventilators - healthcare:speciality=ventilators
  • Hospital beds - beds:*
  • Number of Doctors - staff_count:doctors:*
  • Number of Nurses - staff_count:nurses:*
  • Operating theatre - healthcare:speciality=surgery
  • Emergency care facility - healthcare:speciality=emergency
  • Paediatric surgery - healthcare:speciality=paediatric_surgery
  • Neonatal unit - healthcare:speciality=Neonatal unit
  • Imaging equipment - healthcare:speciality=diagnostic_radiology
  • Diagnostics available - healthcare:speciality=diagnostic_radiology, MRI, Ultrasound, X-ray, MRI/CT-scans, Microscopy, Basic haematology analyses, Serology (ELISA), Molecular detection
  • Electricity type - electricity=grid, generator, solar, other, none
**Key Value Description
health_amenity:type clinic, doctors, hospital, dentist, pharmacy For describing useful and important facilities for visitors and residents
healthcare:speciality= anaesthetics, cardiac_surgery, diagnostic_radiology, emergency, emergency_medicine, infectious_diseases, intensive, obstetrics:antenatal, obstetrics:caesarean_section, obstetrics:postnatal, paediatrics paediatric_surgery, surgery, tropical, tropical_medicine, vaccination Emergency Health data attributes
Beds * Indicates the number of beds in a hotel or hospital
staff_count:doctors * Indicates the number of Doctors at a hospital
staff_count:nurses * Indicates the number of Nurses at a hospital
Electricity type grid, generator, solar, other, none Used to indicate the source of the power generated

Emergency health attributes (DRAFT)

  • ICU beds
  • Ventilators
  • Hospital beds
  • Number of Doctors
  • Number of Nurses
  • Operating theatre
  • Emergency care facility
  • Triage facility

  • Paediatric surgery
  • Neonatal unit
  • Imaging equipment
  • Ultrasound

  • X-ray

  • MRI/CT-scans

  • Electricity type
  • Diagnostics available
  • Microscopy

  • Parasitology determination
  • Basic blood slide reads (WBC/RBC counts)
  • Basic haematology analyses
  • Haemoglobin measurements
  • CRP Measurement
  • Serology (ELISA)
  • Molecular detection
  • Basic PCR
  • Quantitative PCR

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