- Navigate to RDS in the AWS console
- Select a mysql compatible database - choose your size according to your needs. For simplicity start with a db.m1.small, v. 5.6.x.
- Select
for creating a replica in a different zone. - Enter your database name and root credentials.
- Enter your preferences in terms of backup schedule, etc.
- Do not put the database in a VPC at this time.
- Create the instance
- Navigate to the instance security groups, select the RDS group and add a rule with a CIDR/IP of
- Clone the duracloud management console repository:
git clone https://github.com/duracloud/management-console.git
- Checkout the latest tag via git.
- Connect to MySQL
mysql -u <root-username> -h <your mysql host>
- Create database
create database duracloud_accounts; exit;
- Create database schema
mysql -u root -h your.mysql.host duracloud_accounts < management-console/resources/sql/schema-3.1.6.sql
- Clone the duracloud mill repository:
git clone https://github.com/duracloud/mill.git
- Checkout the latest tag via git
- Connect to MYSQL
mysql -u root -h <your mysql host>
- create database
create database duracloud_mill; exit;
- Create database schema
mysql -u root -h your.mysql.host duracloud_mill < mill/resources/mill-schema-2.5.2.sql
Be sure to change the passwords in the script first
grant all privileges on duracloud_accounts.* to 'accountsadmin'@'%' identified by 'accountsadminpassword';
grant select on duracloud_accounts.* to 'accountsreader'@'%' identified by 'accountsreaderpassword';
grant all privileges on duracloud_mill.* to 'milladmin'@'%' identified by 'milladminpassword';
grant select on duracloud_mill.* to 'millreader'@'%' identified by 'millreaderpassword';
flush privileges;