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Super Resolution repositories

forked from ChaofWang

Awesome paper list:





Awesome Super-Resolution




Awesome repos:

repo Framework
EDSR-PyTorch PyTorch
Image-Super-Resolution Keras
image-super-resolution Keras
Super-Resolution-Zoo MxNet
super-resolution Keras
neural-enhance Theano
srez Tensorflow
waifu2x Torch
BasicSR PyTorch
super-resolution PyTorch
VideoSuperResolution Tensorflow
video-super-resolution Pytorch
MMSR PyTorch

DL based approach

Note this table is referenced from VideoSuperResolution

Non-DL based approach

SCSR: TIP2010, Jianchao Yang et al.paper, code

ANR: ICCV2013, Radu Timofte et al. paper, code

A+: ACCV 2014, Radu Timofte et al. paper, code

IA: CVPR2016, Radu Timofte et al. paper

SelfExSR: CVPR2015, Jia-Bin Huang et al. paper, code

NBSRF: ICCV2015, Jordi Salvador et al. paper

RFL: ICCV2015, Samuel Schulter et al paper, code

Super Resolution workshop papers



Model Published Code Keywords
SRCNN ECCV14 Keras Kaiming
RAISR arXiv - Google, Pixel 3
ESPCN CVPR16 Keras Real time/SISR/VideoSR
VDSR CVPR16 Matlab Deep, Residual
DRCN CVPR16 Matlab Recurrent


Model Published Code Keywords
DRRN CVPR17 Caffe, PyTorch Recurrent
LapSRN CVPR17 Matlab Huber loss
EDSR CVPR17 PyTorch NTIRE17 Champion
SelNet CVPR17 - NTIRE17
SRGAN CVPR17 Tensorflow 1st proposed GAN
MemNet ICCV17 Caffe
SRDenseNet ICCV17 -, PyTorch Dense
SPMC ICCV17 Tensorflow VideoSR
EnhanceNet ICCV17 TensorFlow Perceptual Loss
PRSR ICCV17 TensorFlow an extension of PixelCNN


Model Published Code Keywords
MS-LapSRN TPAMI18 Matlab Fast LapSRN
DCSCN arXiv Tensorflow
IDN CVPR18 Caffe Fast
DSRN CVPR18 TensorFlow Dual state,Recurrent
RDN CVPR18 Torch Deep, BI-BD-DN
SRMD CVPR18 Matlab Denoise/Deblur/SR
xUnit CVPR18 PyTorch Spatial Activation Function
DBPN CVPR18 PyTorch NTIRE18 Champion
WDSR CVPR18 PyTorchTensorFlow NTIRE18 Champion
ZSSR CVPR18 Tensorflow Zero-shot
DUF CVPR18 Tensorflow VideoSR
TDAN arXiv - VideoSR,Deformable Align
CARN ECCV18 PyTorch Lightweight
RCAN ECCV18 PyTorch Deep, BI-BD-DN
SRFeat ECCV18 Tensorflow GAN
TSRN ECCV18 Pytorch
ESRGAN ECCV18 PyTorch PRIM18 region 3 Champion
EPSR ECCV18 PyTorch PRIM18 region 1 Champion
PESR ECCV18 PyTorch ECCV18 workshop
FEQE ECCV18 Tensorflow Fast
NLRN NIPS18 Tensorflow Non-local, Recurrent
SRCliqueNet NIPS18 - Wavelet
CBDNet arXiv Matlab Blind-denoise
TecoGAN arXiv Tensorflow VideoSR GAN


Model Published Code Keywords
RBPN CVPR19 PyTorch VideoSR
SRFBN CVPR19 PyTorch Feedback
AdaFM CVPR19 PyTorch Adaptive Feature Modification Layers
MoreMNAS arXiv - Lightweight,NAS
FALSR arXiv TensorFlow Lightweight,NAS
Meta-SR CVPR19 PyTorch Arbitrary Magnification
AWSRN arXiv PyTorch Lightweight
OISR CVPR19 PyTorch ODE-inspired Network
DNI CVPR19 PyTorch
MAANet arXiv Multi-view Aware Attention
RNAN ICLR19 PyTorch Residual Non-local Attention
FSTRN CVPR19 - VideoSR, fast spatio-temporal residual block
MsDNN arXiv TensorFlow NTIRE19 real SR 21th place
SAN CVPR19 Pytorch Second-order Attention,cvpr19 oral
EDVR CVPRW19 Pytorch Video, NTIRE19 video restoration and enhancement champions
Ensemble for VSR CVPRW19 - VideoSR, NTIRE19 video SR 2nd place
TENet arXiv Pytorch a Joint Solution for Demosaicking, Denoising and Super-Resolution
MCAN arXiv Pytorch Matrix-in-matrix CAN, Lightweight
IKC&SFTMD CVPR19 - Blind Super-Resolution
SRNTT CVPR19 TensorFlow Neural Texture Transfer
RawSR CVPR19 TensorFlow Real Scene Super-Resolution, Raw Images
resLF CVPR19 Light field
CameraSR CVPR19 realistic image SR
ORDSR TIP model DCT domain SR
U-Net CVPRW19 NTIRE19 real SR 2nd place, U-Net,MixUp,Synthesis
DRLN arxiv Densely Residual Laplacian Super-Resolution
EDRN CVPRW19 Pytorch NTIRE19 real SR 9th places
FC2N arXiv Fully Channel-Concatenated
GMFN BMVC2019 Pytorch Gated Multiple Feedback
CNN&TV-TV Minimization BMVC2019 TV-TV Minimization
HRAN arXiv Hybrid Residual Attention Network
PPON arXiv code Progressive Perception-Oriented Network
SROBB ICCV19 Targeted Perceptual Loss
RankSRGAN ICCV19 PyTorch oral, rank-content loss
edge-informed ICCVW19 PyTorch Edge-Informed Single Image Super-Resolution
s-LWSR arxiv Lightweight
DNLN arxiv Video SR Deformable Non-local Network
MGAN arxiv Multi-grained Attention Networks
IMDN ACM MM 2019 PyTorch AIM19 Champion
ESRN arxiv NAS
PFNL ICCV19 Tensorflow VideoSR oral,Non-Local Spatio-Temporal Correlations
EBRN ICCV19 Tensorflow Embedded Block Residual Network
Deep SR-ITM ICCV19 matlab SDR to HDR, 4K SR
feature SR ICCV19 Super-Resolution for Small Object Detection
STFAN ICCV19 PyTorch Video Deblurring
KMSR ICCV19 PyTorch GAN for blur-kernel estimation
CFSNet ICCV19 PyTorch Controllable Feature
FSRnet ICCV19 Multi-bin Trainable Linear Units
SinGAN ICCV19 PyTorch bestpaper, train from single image


Model Published Code Keywords
FISR AAAI 20 TensorFlow Video joint VFI-SR method,Multi-scale Temporal Loss
ADCSR arxiv
SCN AAAI 20 Scale-wise Convolution
LSRGAN arxiv Latent Space Regularization for srgan
Zooming Slow-Mo CVPR 20 PyTorch joint VFI and SR,one-stage, deformable ConvLSTM
MZSR CVPR 20 Meta-Transfer Learning, Zero-Shot
VESR-Net arxiv Youku Video Enhancement and Super-Resolution Challenge Champion
blindvsr arxiv PyTorch Motion blur estimation
HNAS-SR arxiv PyTorch Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search, Lightweight
DRN CVPR 20 PyTorch Dual Regression, SISR STOA
SFM arxiv PyTorch Stochastic Frequency Masking, Improve method
EventSR CVPR 20 split three phases
USRNet CVPR 20 PyTorch
PULSE CVPR 20 PyTorch Self-Supervised
SPSR CVPR 20 Code Gradient Guidance, GAN
DASR arxiv Code Real-World Image Super-Resolution, Unsupervised SuperResolution, Domain Adaptation.
STVUN arxiv PyTorch Video Super-Resolution, Video Frame Interpolation, Joint space-time upsampling
AdaDSR arxiv PyTorch Adaptive Inference
Scale-Arbitrary SR arxiv Code Scale-Arbitrary Super-Resolution, Knowledge Transfer
DeepSEE arxiv Code Extreme super-resolution,32× magnification
CutBlur CVPR 20 PyTorch SR Data Augmentation
UDVD CVPR 20 Unified Dynamic Convolutional,SISR and denoise
DIN arxiv Code asymmetric co-attention, deep interleaved network
PANet arxiv PyTorch Pyramid Attention
SRResCGAN arxiv PyTorch
ISRN arxiv iterative optimization, feature normalization.
RFB-ESRGAN CVPR 20 NTIRE 2020 Perceptual Extreme Super-Resolution Challenge winner
CSNLN CVPR 20 PyTorch Cross-Scale Non-Local Attention,Exhaustive Self-Exemplars Mining, Similar to PANet
TTSR CVPR 20 PyTorch Texture Transformer
NSR arxiv PyTorch Neural Sparse Representation
RFANet CVPR 20 PyTorch state-of-the-art SISR
Correction filter CVPR 20 PyTorch Enhance SISR model generalization
Unpaired SR CVPR 20 Unpaired Image Super-Resolution
STARnet CVPR 20 PyTorch Space-Time-Aware multi-Resolution
SSSR CVPR 20 code SISR for Semantic Segmentation and Human pose estimation
VSR_TGA CVPR 20 code Temporal Group Attention, Fast Spatial Alignment
SSEN CVPR 20 Similarity-Aware Deformable Convolution
SMSR arxiv PyTorch Sparse Masks, Efficient SISR
LF-InterNet ECCV 20 PyTorch Spatial-Angular Interaction, Light Field Image SR
Invertible-Image-Rescaling ECCV 20 Code ECCV oral
IGNN arxiv Code GNN, SISR
MIRNet ECCV 20 PyTorch multi-scale residual block
SFM ECCV 20 PyTorch stochastic frequency mask
TCSVT-LightWeight TCSVT TensorFlow LightWeight modules
PISR ECCV 20 PyTorch FSRCNN,distillation framework, HR privileged information
MuCAN ECCV 20 VideoSR, Temporal Multi-Correspondence Aggregation
DGP ECCV 20 PyTorch ECCV oral, GAN, Image Restoration and Manipulation,
RSDN ECCV 20 Code VideoSR, Recurrent Neural Network, TwoStream Block
CDC ECCV 20 PyTorch Diverse Real-world SR dataset, Component Divide-and-Conquer model, GradientWeighted loss
MS3-Conv arxiv Multi-Scale cross-Scale Share-weights convolution
OverNet arxiv Lightweight, Overscaling Module, multi-scale loss, Arbitrary Scale Factors
RRN BMVC20 code VideoSR, Recurrent Residual Network, temporal modeling method
SRFlow ECCV 20 code Spotlight, Normalizing Flow
LatticeNet ECCV 20 Lattice Block, LatticeNet, Lightweight, Attention
BSRN ECCV 20 Model Quantization, Binary Neural Network, Bit-Accumulation Mechanism
VarSR ECCV 20 Variational Super-Resolution, very low resolution
HAN ECCV 20 PyTorch SISR, holistic attention network, channel-spatial attention module
DeepTemporalSR ECCV 20 Temporal Super-Resolution
DGDML-SR ECCV 20 Zero-Shot, Depth Guided Internal Degradation Learning
MLSR ECCV 20 TensorFlow Meta-learning, Patch recurrence
PlugNet ECCV 20 PyTorch Scene Text Recognition, Feature Squeeze Module
TextZoom ECCV 20 code Scene Text Recognition
TPSR ECCV 20 NAS,Tiny Perceptual SR
CUCaNet ECCV 20 PyTorch Coupled unmixing, cross-attention,hyperspectral super-resolution, multispectral, unsupervised
MAFFSRN ECCVW 20 Code Multi-Attentive Feature Fusion, Ultra Lightweight
SRResCycGAN ECCVW 20 PyTorch RealSR, CycGAN
A-CubeNet arxiv SISR, lightweight
MoG-DUN arxiv SISR
Understanding Deformable Alignment arxiv VideoSR, EDVR, offset-fidelity loss
AdderSR arxiv SISR, adder neural networks, Energy Efficient
RFDN arxiv PyTorch SISR, Lightweight, IMDN, AIM20 WINNER
Tarsier arxiv improve NESRGAN+,injected noise, Diagonal CMA optimize
DeFiAN arxiv PyTorch SISR, detail-fidelity attention, Hessian filtering
ASDN arxiv Arbitrary Scale SR
DAN NeurIPS 20 PyTorch Unfolding the Alternating Optimization
DKC ECCVW 20 Deformable Kernel Convolutional, VSR
FAN ECCVW 20 Frequency aggregation network, RealSR
PAN ECCVW 20 PyTorch Lightweight, Pixel Attention
SCHN arxiv Blind SR, Spatial Context Hallucination
A2F-SR ACCV 20 PyTorch Lightweight, Attentive Auxiliary Feature Learning
IPT arxiv Pre-Trained Image Processing Transformer, Imagenet pretrained, dramatically improve performance
GLEAN arxiv Latent Bank, large scale factor
BasicVSR arxiv VideoSR, The Search for Essential Components
EVRNet arxiv VideoSR, design on Edge Devices
HRAN arxiv lightweight,SISR
FCA arxiv Frequency Consistent Adaptation, Real SR
DAQ arxiv Distribution-Aware Quantization
HiNAS arxiv NAS, layerwise architecture sharing strategy, a 1080Ti search, gradient based


More years papers, plase check Quick navigation

Model Published Code Keywords
TrilevelNAS arxiv - Trilevel Architecture Search Space
SplitSR arxiv - lightweight,on Mobile Devices
NODE-SR arxiv - progressively restore, Neural Differential Equation
BurstSR arxiv - multi-frame sr, new BurstSR dataset

Super Resolution Dataset

Note this table is referenced from here.

Name Usage Link Comments
Set5 Test download jbhuang0604
SET14 Test download jbhuang0604
BSD100 Test download jbhuang0604
Urban100 Test download jbhuang0604
Manga109 Test website
SunHay80 Test download jbhuang0604
BSD300 Train/Val download
BSD500 Train/Val download
91-Image Train download Yang
DIV2K2017 Train/Val website NTIRE2017
Flickr2K Train download
Real SR Train/Val website NTIRE2019
Waterloo Train website
VID4 Test download 4 videos
MCL-V Train website 12 videos
GOPRO Train/Val website 33 videos, deblur
CelebA Train website Human faces
Sintel Train/Val website Optical flow
FlyingChairs Train website Optical flow
Vimeo-90k Train/Test website 90k HQ videos
SR-RAW Train/Test website raw sensor image dataset