- First commit
- README.md with:
- description
- requirements
- point1
- point2
- point3
- point4
- point5
- Added Hacking license
- point1 (using amministrazioni.txt )
- point2 (using amministrazioni.txt )
- MANUAL with instructions on how to install the requirements for the project on Debian
- google_analytics check script
- Matrix link updated
- python venv setup instructions
- point4
- point2 beginning index parameter
- google_analytics check script updated
- point3
- Instructions to run scripts
- point2 skip empty links
- point2 url validation
- google_analytics check script updated
- Switched the whole project to enti.tsv insead of amministrazioni.txt
- Better folder structure
- Added missing license header and authors to each file
- Scripts now accept an optional date parameter to say where to read/write things.
- Updated manual
- Updated PROGRESS.md to have information from the beginning of the project too and a current status section to see what we've done and what is missing.
- Docker container (doesn't work)
- Check that GA was found
- Enti.tsv path instead of date
- Auto-accept cookies (thanks Mauro Gorrino)
- Export JSON from point3
- Send PEC mail successfully
- Docker environment properly working.
- Generate GA_General, a graph showing how many PA's use GA over time
│ .gitignore
│ │ google_analytics.js
│ │ MANUAL.md
│ │ commons.py
│ │ point1.py
│ │ point2.py
│ │ point3.py
│ │ point4.py
│ │ point4_sample.cfg
│ │ requirements.txt
│ │ .gitkeep
- Downloads a tsv file containing various details of italian PAs to then save in a folder inside out/ named after the date of download
- Can scan all the PAs sites for google_analytics presence and report it in the approriate folder (see MANUAL.md).
- Process point2 output and generate a new enti.[format] in the appropriate folder (see MANUAL.md). You can choose the export format between json and tsv (default).
The structure is the same except for the out/ folder:
│ │ LICENSE.txt
│ │ README.md
│ │ enti.tsv
│ │
│ └───google_analytics
│ │
| └───point2
| | | 1.ERR.txt
| | | 2.OK.txt
| | | 3.OK.txt
| | | ...
| | | 22844.OK.txt
| |
| └───point2
| | | enti.tsv
| |
| └───point4
- Reads data from point3 and send emails correctly. It doesn't check if all required fields exists yet.
- Nothing done yet.