Presented by Travis Holton
- I work at Catalyst here in Wellington
- I write code in
- Python
- Perl (long ago)
- Nowadays almost exclusively "devops" related stuff
- mostly Ansible
- some Docker
- I also do training at Catalyst
- Ansible
- Kubernetes
- GitHub:
- Twitter: @heytrav
- Email:
- Assumes some experience with Ansible
- Assumes knowledge of basic concepts:
- playbooks
- plays
- tasks
- variables
- Examine different types of cluster deployment
- See how we can use built-in features of Ansible to manage deploying and upgrading
- Provide tools that can be used in any build or CI/CD pipeline
- Setup
- Cloud Signup
- Review basics
- Provisioning Machines
- Deploying the Application
- Upgrade Strategies
- In-place rolling upgrade
- Blue Green
- Closing
- Keating, Jesse. Mastering Ansible. Packt, 2015
- Hochstein, Lorin et al. Ansible Up & Running 2nd Edition. O'Reilly, 2017
- Based somewhat on my own experience
- Clone the course material and sample code
git clone
- or follow along on GitHub
- README -> Course Outline
- ..or follow along in pdf in base directory
- For this workshop we'll be using Ansible ≥ 2.8
- Installation options
- Requirements
- ≥ python3.5
- virtualenv
- Set up local Python environment
virtualenv -p `which python3` venv
Activate virtualenv as base of Python interpreter
source ~/venv/bin/activate
Update Python package manager (pip)
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Source code for exercises is under the
├── files
│ └── rsyslog-haproxy.conf
├── group_vars
│ ├── all/
│ ├── appcluster.yml
│ ├── app.yml
│ ├── bastion.yml
│ ├── cluster/
│ ├── db.yml
│ ├── loadbalancer/
│ ├── private_net.yml
│ ├── publichosts.yml
│ └── web.yml
├── inventory
│ ├── cloud-hosts
│ └── openstack.yml
├── lb-host.yml
├── app-blue-green-upgrade.yml
├── app-rolling-upgrade.yml
├── blue-green-start-switch.yml
├── deploy.yml
├── provision-hosts.yml
├── remove-hosts.yml
├── setup-blue-green.yml
├── tasks
├── templates
│ ├──
- There are a few partially complete playbooks under `ansible` folder
- We will complete these as we discuss important concepts
- Comments in playbooks match examples in course slides
# ADD something here
- name: Example code to add to playbook
hosts: somehost
- Open
- Sign up for an account
- Enter promo code
- pycon2019
- Your terminal will need to be logged in to interact with OpenStack on the Catalyst Cloud
- Activate the OpenStack config in your terminal
- This will prompt you to enter your Catalyst Cloud password
source <your account name> Please enter your OpenStack Password for project ... *******
Note: This will need to be done each time a new terminal is opened if particpants want to connect via openstacksdk
- Task
- An action to perform
- Play
- a collection of tasks
- Playbook
- YAML file containing one or more plays
- A playbook is a YAML file containing a list of plays
- A play is a dictionary object
- A play must contain:
- A string representing a particular host or group of hosts
hosts: localhost
hosts: appserver
- These are what you will configure
- A string representing a particular host or group of hosts
- A play may optionally contain:
- tasks
- A list of dictionaries
- What you want to do
- name
- Description of the play
- vars
- Variables scoped to the play
- tasks
- A task is a dictionary object containing
- name
- Describes what the task does
- Optional but best practice to use
- module
- Dictionary object
- Key represents Python module which will perform tasks
- May have arguments
- name
Two styles of module object in tasks
- string form
- dictionary form
- Dictionary form is more suitable for complex arguments
- Matter of preference/style
- Module
- Blob of Python code which is executed to perform task
- Inventory
- File containing hosts and groups of hosts to run tasks
- Ansible is fussy about indentation
- TABS not allowed (Ansible will complain)
Playbook indentation
- name: This is a play hosts: somehosts # 2 spaces tasks: - name: This is a task # 4 spaces module: # 6 spaces attr: someattr # 8 spaces attr1: someattr attr2: someattr
Task file indentation
- name: This is a task module: somehosts # 2 spaces attr1: value1 # 4 spaces attr2: value2 # 4 spaces attr3: value3 # 4 spaces loop: "{{ list_of_items }}" # 2 spaces
- Use an editor that supports YAML syntax
filesyntax on filetype plugin indent on
set tabstop=2 "Indentation levels every two columns set expandtab "Convert all tabs that are typed to spaces set shiftwidth=2 "Indent/outdent by two columns set shiftround "Indent/outdent to nearest tabstop
- For this tutorial we are going to need seven machines
- 2 for nginx web server
- 2 for our web application
- 1 database host
- 1 load balancer
- 1 bastion
- Seems like a lot, but we are trying to simulate upgrades across a cluster
- HTTP traffic reaches web hosts via load balancer
- Application receives traffic from web hosts on port 5000
- DB receives traffic from app hosts on 5432
SSH traffic
- only bastion reachable from outside
- all other hosts only SSH from bastion
- Architecture defined using Ansible groups
- Inventory and groups fundamental to deploying and configuring
hosts: web
localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/env python"
[appcluster] pycon-web[1:2] pycon-app[1:2] pycon-db
[loadbalancer] pycon-lb
[bastion] pycon-bastion
[web] pycon-web[1:2]
[db] pycon-db
[app] pycon-app[1:2]
[publichosts:children] bastion loadbalancer
[private_net:children] appcluster loadbalancer
[cluster:children] bastion loadbalancer appcluster
├── group_vars/ .
│ ├── all/
│ ├── appcluster.yml
│ ├── app.yml
│ ├── bastion.yml
│ ├── cluster/
│ ├── db.yml
│ ├── loadbalancer/
│ ├── private_net.yml
│ ├── publichosts.yml
│ └── web.yml
Tasks in the first play are executed on local machine
name: Provision a set of hosts in Catalyst Cloud hosts: localhost gather_facts: false
- To run the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/cloud-hosts provision-hosts.yml
- We need to add a few things for this playbook to run
- A dictionary representation of the inventory file
"groups": {
"all": [
"app": [
"appcluster": [
- Need to define hosts that we plan to create
- Hosts in the cluster group
- Add following to
# ADD hosts to create host_set: "{{ groups.cluster }}"
- Re-run the playbook
- Cloud deployments typically involve creating resources with a provider
- Instances
- Networks
- Security groups, acls, etc
- We are using OpenStack Modules
- The modules that start with
- The modules that start with
Behind the scenes using the OpenStack API
- same endpoints used by
- same endpoints used by
Boilerplate for creating multiple cloud hosts
- log in to cloud provider
- create router, network, security groups
- create each host
- all tasks with os in module are cloud api
- building cloud modules generally boilerplate
- The first play uses cloud modules to create objects on your tenant
- Add the following to
# ADD create cloud resource methods
- name: Connect to Catalyst Cloud
- name: Create keypair
name: "{{ keypair_name }}"
public_key: "{{ ssh_public_key }}"
- name: Create network
name: "{{ network_name }}"
state: present
- name: Create subnet
name: "{{ subnet_name }}"
network_name: "{{ network_name }}"
state: present
cidr: "{{ subnet_cidr }}"
allocation_pool_start: "{{ subnet_dhcp_start }}"
allocation_pool_end: "{{ subnet_dhcp_end }}"
ip_version: "4"
dns_nameservers: "{{ default_nameservers }}"
- name: Create router
state: present
name: "{{ router_name }}"
network: "{{ public_net_name }}"
- "{{ subnet_name }}"
- Contains dictionary mapping all hosts to variables defined under
group_vars/ app.yml db.yml
- Need to create list of security groups from all hosts
- Add following to playbook
# ADD extract security groups from inventory security_groups: "{{ host_set | map('extract', hostvars, 'security_groups') | sum(start=[]) | list | unique }}" security_group_names: "{{ security_groups | map(attribute='group') | list | unique }}"
- Hosts in private_net group do not have public IP
- Only bastion is directly accessible by SSH
- All other hosts can only be reached from bastion
- Ansible relies on SSH to talk to remote hosts
- Just need to pass SSH arguments for hosts in *private_net* group
- Use `add_host` to assign `ansible_ssh_common_args`
# ADD SSH args
- name: Set ssh args for bastion
name: "{{ }}"
ansible_ssh_common_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ForwardAgent=yes"
loop: "{{ launch.results }}"
when: in groups.bastion
- name: Set ssh args for rest of cluster
name: "{{ }}"
ansible_ssh_common_args: >
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
-o ForwardAgent=yes
-o ProxyCommand='ssh {{ hostvars[].ansible_user }}@{{ hostvars[groups.bastion[0]].ansible_host }} exec nc -w300 %h %p'
loop: "{{ launch.results }}"
when: in groups.private_net
- Edit
on each host- bastion host to resolve all hosts in cluster for SSH
- web to resolve app host
- app host to resolve db
- Set NZ locale, timezone, etc.
- Add following to
# ADD bastion -> private_net for SSH
- name: Set up the bastion host mapping
hosts: bastion
become: true
- name: Add entry to /etc/hosts for all instances
dest: /etc/hosts
line: "{{ hostvars[item].ansible_host }} {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups.private_net }}"
- Set up resolution for application components (i.e. nginx and application)
# ADD web -> app for proxy pass
- name: Set up web hosts with mapping to backend
hosts: web
become: true
- name: Map each frontend host to speak to a specific backend
dest: /etc/hosts
line: "{{ hostvars[[(group_index | int) - 1]].ansible_host }} backend"
# ADD app -> db for application
- name: Add mapping for db on app boxes
hosts: app
become: true
- name: Map each app host to speak to db
dest: /etc/hosts
line: "{{ hostvars[item].ansible_host }} {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups.db }}"
# ADD locale and timezone
- name: Set locale and local timezone
hosts: cluster
become: true
- name: Add NZ locale to all instances
name: en_NZ.UTF-8
state: present
- name: Set local timezone
name: Pacific/Auckland
One last run of the provisioning playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory/cloud-hosts provision-hosts.yml
Should take a few minutes to set up cluster
In case task fails with SSH error just hit
and restart
- Useful to gather info about hosts
- public IP
- groups
- Can use
to gather info about clusteransible-inventory --list
ansible-inventory --host pycon-bastion
- Pipe output through tools like
- We'll need the bastion IP if we want to SSH into hosts in the cluster
ansible-inventory --host pycon-bastion | grep public_v4
- Or if you have
installedansible-inventory --host pycon-bastion | jq '{"publicIP": .openstack.public_v4}'
{ "publicIP": "<your public ip>" }
- Use this to SSH into cluster
ssh -A -t ubuntu@<your public ip> ssh pycon-web1
- The
playbook sets up our application- Web server running nginx
- App server running a Python Flask
- Postgresql Database
- HA proxy
--list-tasks <playbook>
gives an overview of plays and tasksansible-playbook deploy.yml --list-tasks
play #1 (private_net): Set ansible_host for private hosts TAGS: [] [0/19740] tasks: . play #2 (cluster): Update apt cache on all machines TAGS: [] tasks: . play #3 (db): Set up database machine TAGS: [deploy,db] tasks: . play #4 (db): Set up app and database machine TAGS: [deploy,db] tasks: . play #5 (app): Set up app server TAGS: [deploy,app] tasks: . play #6 (web): Set up nginx on web server TAGS: [deploy,web] tasks: .
- hosts attribute influences which hosts Ansible interacts with
hosts: web
- This will interact with all hosts in the web group
hosts: app
- Run the deploy playbook
ansible-playbook deploy.yml
- Once deploy is finished you'll need the IP of your loadbalancer
ansible-inventory --host pycon-lb | grep public_v4
- Should be able to open in your browser as:
http://<public ip>
- HAProxy provides an overview of active web hosts in cluster
http://<public ip>
- Login details
- user: admin
- password: train
- Without some kind of redundancy, we risk of disrupting entire operation
- Minimal or zero downtime during upgrade of application
- Do not deploy a broken version of our application
- In-place rolling upgrade
- Blue-Green
- Traditional approach to upgrading applications across a cluster
- Creating new infrastructure can be prohibitively expensive
- Operates on infrastructure that already exists
- Minimise downtime by upgrading parts of the cluster at a time
ansible-playbook app-rolling-upgrade.yml -e app_version=v1
- At the moment there is no real difference to running
ansible-playbook deploy.yml -e app_version=v1 --limit app
- Tempting to just rely on idempotent behaviour to _do the right thing_
There are two problems with this approach
- Ansible's default batch management behaviour
does not check health of application
- By default runs each task on all hosts concurrently
- A failed task might leave every host in cluster in a broken state
Tasks | Host1 | Host2 |
task1 | ok |
ok |
task2 | ok |
ok |
task3 | fail |
fail |
task4 | - |
- |
TASK [Install app requirements] ******************************
Tuesday 20 August 2019 07:44:32 +1200 (0:00:02.565) 0:00:09
changed: [pycon-app1]
changed: [pycon-app2]
TASK [Install app requirements] ******************************
Tuesday 20 August 2019 07:44:32 +1200 (0:00:02.565) 0:00:09
failed: [pycon-app1]
failed: [pycon-app2]
- Broken code may not be obvious in task
One task leaves application in a broken state - Run the rolling upgrade playbook with `app_version=v3`
Tasks | Host1 | Host2 |
task1 | ok |
ok |
task2 | ok |
ok |
task3* |
ok |
ok |
task4 | ok |
ok |
- The
attribute can be added to the play attributes - Determines batch size Ansible will operate in parallel
- integer
serial: 1
serial: 3
- percentage of cluster
serial: 50%
- integer
- Running with
attribute set to 1
Tasks | Host1 | Host2 |
task1 | ok |
ok |
task2 | ok |
ok |
task3 | ok |
ok |
task4 | ok |
ok |
- Run the
playbook again with-e app_version=v1
- Update
as follows:- name: Upgrade application in place become: true hosts: app # Serial attribute serial: 1
- Try again with `-e app_version=v3`
- Deploying
still breaks the application
Tasks | Host1 | Host2 |
task1 | ok |
ok |
task2 | ok |
ok |
task3* |
ok |
ok |
task4 | ok |
ok |
- Before we proceed, please reset your environment
ansible-playbook app-rolling-upgrade.yml -e app_version=v1
- Need to detect broken application and stop deployment
- Verify app is running after upgrade
- The Flask web application that runs on app server listens on port 5000
- Can use `wait_for` to stop and listen for port to be open before proceeding
- Add following to
# ADD wait for 5000 - name: Make sure gunicorn is accepting connections wait_for: port: 5000 timeout: 60
- We're still missing something so don't run the playbook yet!
- The application may not have loaded new configuration
- We need to force handler to restart gunicorn before waiting on port
- Add following to
# ADD flush handlers - meta: flush_handlers
- Now re-run the playbook with
-e app_version=v3
- Playbook stops execution on first host when check on port fails
Tasks | Host1 | Host2 |
task1 | ok |
- |
task2 | ok |
- |
restart gunicorn* |
ok |
- |
wait_for | fail |
- |
- During an upgrade we change configuration and restart the application
- Downtime might be disruptive to users of website
Following update with `app_version=v3` half of the cluster is broken
curl --head http://<public ip>
HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
- Before we proceed, please reset your environment
ansible-playbook app-rolling-upgrade.yml -e app_version=v1
- Ideally the loadbalancer should not send traffic to the hosts(s) we are updating
- While upgrading app host, need to disable traffic to upstream web host
The `hosts:` attribute of a play determines *context*
- name: Play on app host hosts: app
While on host `app1`, we can call all inventory variables by name, i.e.
If we want variable for a different host, must use _hostvars_
- hostvars['otherhost'].ansible_host
- Sometimes need to configure one host *in the context of another host*
Run a command on server **B** using inventory from **A**
- enable/disable web hosts at the load balancer
- The `delegate_to` directive is useful for this
- We want to disable host we're updating on pycon-lb
# ADD disable application at lb - name: Disable application at load balancer haproxy: backend: catapp-backend host: "{{ web_server }}" state: disabled delegate_to: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ groups.loadbalancer }}"
- When we are sure the app is running, we need to re-enable traffic to the
# ADD enable application at lb - name: Re-enable application at load balancer haproxy: backend: catapp-backend host: "{{ web_server }}" state: enabled delegate_to: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ groups.loadbalancer }}"
- Run playbook with
- v1
- v2
- v3
- During upgrades
- curl site url from terminal
- check HAProxy stats
- Upgrade to v3 should not leave entire cluster (or part of site) broken
- Disable application at LB (no HTTP requests)
- Upgrade necessary applications, configuration
- Re-enable at LB
- Repeat process across pool
- Mixed versions will be running for a period of time
Start with all traffic going to blue hosts
Update traffic on green hosts
Direct traffic through green and verify ok
Ok, so update blue side
Reset traffic to blue side of cluster
Alternative if green app not healthy
Redirect traffic back to blue
- We need to do is put our cluster in blue-green mode
- First reset our environment
ansible-playbook app-rolling-upgrade.yml -e app_version=v1
Run the following playbook:
ansible-playbook setup-blue-green.yml -e live=blue
- Verify half of cluster active on HAProxy stats page
- For blue green we will use the following playbook
- In our inventory
# ansible/inventory/cloud-hosts [blue] pycon-web1 pycon-app1 [green] pycon-web2 pycon-app2 [blue_green:children] blue green
- For blue-green we need to assign active and not active half of cluster
- Can assign groups of hosts to _ad hoc_ groups
- By default we declare _blue_ active
Add following to `app-blue-green-upgrade.yml`
# ADD set active group - name: Set live group as active hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars: active: "{{ groups[ live | default('blue') ] }}" tasks: - name: Add active hosts to group add_host: name: "{{ item }}" groups: - active with_items: "{{ active | default(groups.blue_green) }}"
- The play we added creates an ad hoc group called active
Initially equal to **blue** group
- We want to update hosts **not in the active** group
- The hosts attribute has syntax for set theory operations on inventory
- These enable fine control over which hosts playbooks operate
Combination of hosts in two groups
All hosts in web and db groups
- name: Union of hosts
hosts: web:db
Hosts that are in first and second group
Hosts that are in both the web and the blue group
- name: Intersection of hosts
hosts: web:&blue
Set of hosts in first set but not in second set
Hosts that are in the app group but not in the active group
- name: Difference of groups
hosts: app:!active
- Update playbook similar to rolling upgrade example
Update app in inactive part of cluster
# ADD set to update hosts: app:!active
- Should update app2 
- Restart the app and verify it is listening on port
# ADD flush handlers and check port - meta: flush_handlers - name: Make sure gunicorn is accepting connections wait_for: port: 5000 timeout: 60
- Use delegation to enable traffic to green at loadbalancer
# ADD enable traffic to inactive - name: Enable traffic to updated app server hosts: web:!active become: true tasks: - name: Enable application at load balancer haproxy: backend: catapp-backend host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" state: enabled delegate_to: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ groups.loadbalancer }}"
- Now disable blue side at loadbalancer
# ADD disable traffic to active side - name: Stop traffic to initial live group hosts: web:&active become: true tasks: - name: Disable application at load balancer haproxy: backend: catapp-backend host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" state: disabled delegate_to: "{{ item }}" loop: "{{ groups.loadbalancer }}"
- Let's run the blue green upgrade playbook
ansible-playbook app-blue-green-upgrade.yml -e app_version=v2
- Can switch back to blue active by running
ansible-playbook setup-blue-green.yml -e live=blue
- Try running upgrade with v3 and v4
- May want to make additional checks on site
- v4 works but does not display version on site
- Add additional check to play
# ADD check version display - name: Check that the site is reachable via nginx uri: url: "http://{{ ansible_host }}:5000" status_code: 200 return_content: yes headers: HOST: "{{ hostvars[groups.loadbalancer[0]].openstack.public_v4 }}" register: app_site failed_when: "'version: ' + app_version not in app_site.content" delegate_to: "{{ web_server }}"
- Please do not forget to clean up your clusters!
ansible-playbook remove-hosts.yml