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File metadata and controls

232 lines (183 loc) · 8.17 KB

Protecting Secrets in Ansible

Protecting Secrets in Ansible

  • There is one big problem with playbook-dict.yml
  • The database password is in plain text in playbook
  • Ansible provides a tool for managing secrets
  • `ansible-vault` helps you encrypt/decrypt files containing secrets for your app

$ ansible-vault --help

Usage: ansible-vault [create|decrypt|edit|encrypt|encrypt_string|rekey|view] [options] [vaultfile.yml]

encryption/decryption utility for Ansible data files

--ask-vault-pass      ask for vault password
-h, --help            show this help message and exit


  • Uses AES256 encryption
  • Secret files can be
    • Loaded automatically as host_vars or group_vars inventory files
    • Included with include_vars or vars_files directives
  • Encrypted files can be distributed with your application
Exercise: Protecting our database passwords
  • Create a new file called secrets.yml
    mkdir -p group_vars/web
    vim group_vars/web/secrets.yml
    vault_staging_database_password: <some password>
    vault_production_database_password: <some password>
  • Encrypt group_vars/web/secrets.yml
    ansible-vault encrypt group_vars/web/secrets.yml
    New Vault password: 
    Confirm New Vault password: 
    Encryption successful
    • Make sure you can remember your password!

Integrating vaulted secrets

  • Replace references to staging/production database passwords
        password: "{{ vault_staging_database_password }}"
        password: "{{ vault_production_database_password }}"

Running Ansible with vault

  • Run playbook using --ask-vault-pass flag
      ansible-playbook playbook-dict.yml --ask-vault-pass
      Vault Password: ******

Alternate ways to provide vault password

  • Typing the vault password all the time is annoying
  • You can put your vault password in a file
    echo "mysecretpassword" > .vault_password
  • Then run playbook with argument with --vault-id
     ansible-playbook --vault-id .vault_password playbook-dict.yml
  • Be sure you add this file to .gitignore!!!

Managing multiple vault secrets

  • As of Ansible 2.4 it is possible to have multiple encryption keys
  • Change directory
     cd $INTRO_ANSIBLE_DIR/vault-management
     ├── ansible.cfg.example
     ├── group_vars
     │   ├── dev
     │   │   └── dev-secret.yml
     │   └── prod
     │       └── prod-secret.yml
     └── inventory
         └── hosts
  • We want to encrypt dev and prod secrets separately
    • separate devs from prod secrets

Using separate vault passwords

prompting for password
  • Encrypt the prod secret
    • For the prod password, let's tell Ansible to **prompt** for a password
    ansible-vault encrypt --encrypt-vault-id prod --vault-id prod@prompt \
    • Ansible will prompt for new password
    • Encrypted file contains tag for prod

Using separate vault passwords

password file
  • Encrypt the dev secret
    • For the dev password, let's use a password file
    echo "mydevvaultpassword" > dev_vault_password
     ansible-vault encrypt --encrypt-vault-id dev \
         --vault-id dev@dev_vault_password group_vars/dev/dev-secret.yml
    • Ansible will **not** prompt for a password
    • Encrypted file contains tag for dev

Accessing vaulted files

  • You can now use vault-ids when accessing vaulted files
    ansible-vault view --vault-id dev@dev_vault_password \
    ansible-vault view --vault-id prod@prompt \
  • Or do all at the same time
    ansible-vault view --vault-id prod@prompt \
       --vault-id dev@dev_vault_password  \
    • Ansible will prompt and use the existing file

Using vault-ids with ansible-playbook

  • Pass --vault-id that is relevant for environment
     ansible-playbook playbook-dev.yml -i inventory/hosts \
        --vault-id dev@dev_vault_password
  • If play requires multiple vault passwords
     ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts  \
         --vault-id dev@dev_vault_password  \ 
         --vault-id prod@prompt \
         playbook-dev.yml playbook-prod.yml

Vault Ids and ansible.cfg

  • It is possible to configure location of vault password file in ansible.cfg
    # other config
    # dev_vault_password is in ~/.ansible directory, prod_vault_password in
    # working directory
    vault_identity list = dev@~/.ansible/dev_vault_password, prod@prod_vault_password

Adding secure content inline

ansible-vault encrypt_string
  • Sometimes useful to add secure content in a playbook inline
  • encrypt_string generates vaulted output that can be added to a playbook
    echo "mysecretPas2wurd1" | ansible-vault --vault-id @prompt encrypt_string \
        --stdin-name vault_my_password
     New Vault password:  *******
     Confirm New Vault password: *******
     vault_my_password: !vault |


  • ansible-vault is a way to secrets safe
    • passwords
    • API keys
    • SSL keys
  • Easy to distribute encrypted secrets with code without compromising them
  • Automatically integrates into automation tasks

Destroy VM

  • We are now done with the VM we've been using
  • Before we move on we need to stop the current Vagrant VM
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy