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159 lines (125 loc) · 5.71 KB


Reflecs is an entity component system implemented in C99. It's design goal is to pack as much punch as possible into a small library with a minimal API and zero dependencies. The result: a fast, feature-rich ECS framework in a library no larger than 80Kb. Here are the feature highlights:

  • Periodic, reactive and on demand systems
  • A job scheduler for executing systems in multiple threads
  • A module system for organizing components and systems, and importing them from libraries
  • An ecosystem of modules that include a physics engine and a web dashboard
  • Automatic FPS limiter so application does not consume more CPU than needed
  • Adaptive optimizations that remove unused systems from critical path
  • Fine-grained memory preallocation API to prevent allocations in the main loop

In addition, reflecs has a flexible architecture with many features that let you write powerful applications with just a few lines of code:

  • Prefab entities let you store components in memory once, and reuse it many times
  • Expressive system signatures, with AND, OR, NOT and optional operators
  • Use entities as components to create hierarchies, indexes and DAGs
  • Features group systems so they can be enabled/disabled with a single API call
  • Time management ensures frames progress at a constant pace, regardless of FPS
  • Create/delete entities and add/remove components while iterating in a system
  • Add components to systems to build stateful systems

Check out the examples and documentation to learn more!


To build reflecs, you need to install bake which is currently only supported on Linux and macOS. See the bake README for installation instructions:

Then to clone, build and install reflecs, do:

bake clone SanderMertens/reflecs

Getting started

To create a new reflecs application, first create a new project:

bake init app

To add reflecs as a dependency to your application, modify the project.json so that it looks like this:

    "value": {
        "use": ["reflecs"]

You can now use the reflecs API in your source code. If you get compiler errors for missing definitions, make sure that your project includes the (generated) file bake_config.h, as it contains the include statements for your dependencies.

To run the project, do:

bake run app


To use a module in reflecs, first install it on your machine:

bake clone SanderMertens/reflecs-components-transform

Then, add it as a dependency to the project.json of your project:

    "value": {
        "use": ["reflecs", "reflecs.components.transform"]

Then import it in code:

ECS_IMPORT(world, EcsComponentsTransform);

After that, you will be able to use the systems and components that are defined by the module.

Reflecs has a growing ecosystem of modules. The following modules are currently available:

Module Description
reflecs.components.transform Components for positioning, rotating and scaling entities
reflecs.components.physics Components for moving entities Components for describing a drawing canvas and camera
reflecs.components.geometry Components for describing geometry
reflecs.components.input Components for describing keyboard and mouse input
reflecs.components.http Components for describing an HTTP server with endpoints Simple 2D physics engine with limited 3D features A civetweb-based implementation of components-http A web-based dashboard for monitoring reflecs performance An SDL2-based renderer
reflecs.math Matrix and vector math functions
reflecs.util Utility functions and datastructures


The following code shows a simple reflecs application:

typedef struct Position {
    float x;
    float y;
} Position;

typedef int32_t Speed;

void Move(EcsRows *rows) {
    void *row;
    for (row = rows->first; row < rows->last; row = ecs_next(rows, row)) {
        Position *p = ecs_data(rows, row, 0);
        Speed *s = ecs_data(rows, row, 1);
        p->x += *s * rows->delta_time;
        p->y += *s * rows->delta_time;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    EcsWorld *world = ecs_init();

    /* Register components and systems */
    ECS_COMPONENT(world, Position);
    ECS_COMPONENT(world, Speed);
    ECS_FAMILY(world, Movable, Position, Speed);
    ECS_SYSTEM(world, Move, EcsOnFrame, Position, Speed);

    /* Create entity with Movable family */
    ecs_new(world, Movable_h);

    /* Limit application to 100 FPS */
    ecs_set_target_fps(world, 100);

    /* Progress world in main loop (invokes Move system) */
    while (true) {
        ecs_progress(world, 0);

    return ecs_fini(world);