Multi platform system wide hotkeys for Python 3.10+
Currently no mac support but pull requests or collaboration is very welcome!
Note: currently this fork of system_hotkey exists just to fix Python 3.10 compatibility.
the old
pip3 install system_hotkey310
should do the trick
install pywin32
For x11 you should use xcffib (bsd license),
If for some reason you have to use the python xlib bindings (gpl license), a few fixes need be added first. See here
Input Keysyms
System hotkeys uses the keysym names from xlib for everything besides modifiers.(although case insensitive) grep for vk_codes for a list of available chars. If you are unable to bind to a certain key please let us know.
You can bind directly to symbols such as ["',. etc Numpad keys can be binded by prefixing with kp_.
Supported modifiers include:
- control
- shift
- super (windows key)
- alt
InvalidKeyError will be raised if a key was not understood
from system_hotkey import SystemHotkey
hk = SystemHotkey()
hk.register(('control', 'shift', 'h'), callback=lambda x: print("Easy!"))
A SystemRegisterError will be raised if a hotkey is already in use.
To unregister a hotkey
hk.unregister(('control', 'shift', 'h'))
A KeyError will be raised if the combination is not already grabbed.
A UnregisterError will be raised if unregistering failed for any other reason.
If you want you can pass in a custom consumer:
def some_func(self, event, hotkey, args):
hk = SystemHotkey(consumer=some_func)
hk.register(hotkey, arg1, arg2, arg3)
So you have a master function that receives all hotkey presses and can delegate as desired.
Note Modifier keys are independent of order i.e control + alt + del is the same as alt + control + del
- Support for up to 3 modifiers and a key
- I have only mapped most common keys, i have not experimented with Unicode/Japanese characters etc. It's only a matter of mapping a name to the keysym on Linux and virtual key code on windows.
- binding to kp_left (key pad left) will also bind to kp_4, there is a flag (unite_kp) to toggle this behaviour but it is experimental
- Requires an xserver (x11)...