diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 71b60f8e..d436c1da 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,21 +2,34 @@
This is a hacked up fork of [tilemaker](https://github.com/systemed/tilemaker).
-It's eventual goal is to let you do:
+It lets you do:
tile-smush foo.mbtiles bar.mbtiles
-and get a `smushed.mbtiles` that is the concatenation of the layers in the input files.
+and get a `merged.mbtiles` that is the concatenation of the layers in the input files.
It's meant to work on mbtiles produced by [mapt](https://github.com/cldellow/mapt/). These mbtiles may have overlapping tiles, but the tiles will not have overlapping layers.
This means they can be merged by just concatenating the protobufs, which in theory is a mechanical transformation that should be able to be done very quickly.
+## Caveats
+This was very much built just to enable my personal use case: using [mapt](https://github.com/cldellow/mapt/) to generate thematic layers, then merging them into a single file.
+As such, it prioritizes speed and "just enough to work".
+- If two or more input mbtiles files contain the same layers, the result
+ is undefined.
+- The `json` metadata value will get its `vector_tiles` entries merged,
+ but any other entries (such as `tilestats`) are just dropped on the floor.
+ - This JSON munging is done via string manipulation. It's a total hack,
+ but it works. If someone wants to send a PR using rapidjson, it'd be welcome.
## Alternatives
-You can also use [tile-join](https://github.com/mapbox/tippecanoe) from Mapbox's tippecanoe. It seems to do more stuff, and be slower than it could be for this use case.
+You can also use [tile-join](https://github.com/mapbox/tippecanoe) from Mapbox's tippecanoe. It has a much broader scope, which comes at the cost of being 10-50x slower.
## Installing
diff --git a/src/tilemaker.cpp b/src/tilemaker.cpp
index 7a50e54a..0d76596d 100644
--- a/src/tilemaker.cpp
+++ b/src/tilemaker.cpp
@@ -155,56 +155,6 @@ int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
MBTiles merged;
- std::vector matching;
- for (int zoom = 0; zoom < 15; zoom++) {
- Bbox bbox = inputs[0]->bbox[zoom];
- for (const auto& input : inputs) {
- if (input->bbox[zoom].minX < bbox.minX) bbox.minX = input->bbox[zoom].minX;
- if (input->bbox[zoom].minY < bbox.minY) bbox.minY = input->bbox[zoom].minY;
- if (input->bbox[zoom].maxX > bbox.maxX) bbox.maxX = input->bbox[zoom].maxX;
- if (input->bbox[zoom].maxY > bbox.maxY) bbox.maxY = input->bbox[zoom].maxY;
- }
- // std::cout << "z=" << std::to_string(zoom) << " minX=" << std::to_string(bbox.minX) << " minY=" << std::to_string(bbox.minY) << " maxX=" << std::to_string(bbox.maxX) << " maxY=" << std::to_string(bbox.maxY) << std::endl;
- for (int x = bbox.minX; x <= bbox.maxX; x++) {
- for (int y = bbox.minY; y <= bbox.maxY; y++) {
- if ((x * (1 << zoom) + y) % shards != shard)
- continue;
- matching.clear();
- for (const auto& input : inputs) {
- if (input->zooms[zoom].test(x, y))
- matching.push_back(input.get());
- }
- if (matching.empty())
- continue;
- if (matching.size() == 1) {
- // When exactly 1 mbtiles matches, it's a special case and we can
- // copy directly between them.
- //std::vector old = tlsTiles[matching[0]->index]->readTile(zoom, x, y);
- std::vector old = matching[0]->mbtiles.readTile(zoom, x, y);
- std::string buffer(old.data(), old.size());
- // TODO: is this valid? We have a lock, but we'll access
- // from different threads. This might be problematic because
- // we cache the prepared statement.
- merged.saveTile(zoom, x, y, &buffer, false);
- continue;
- }
- // std::cout << "need to merge z=" << std::to_string(zoom) << " x=" << std::to_string(x) << " y=" << std::to_string(y) << std::endl;
- // Multiple mbtiles want to contribute a tile at this zxy.
- // They'll all have disjoint layers, so decompress each tile
- // and concatenate their contents to form the new tile.
- // TODO: do this
- }
- }
- }
if (shard == 0) {
// Populate the `metadata` table
// See https://github.com/mapbox/mbtiles-spec/blob/master/1.3/spec.md#content
@@ -218,6 +168,10 @@ int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
double minLonCurrent, maxLonCurrent, minLatCurrent, maxLatCurrent;
std::map metadata;
+ // Use a map to dedupe. You can have _the exact same_ layer, e.g.
+ // as hikeratlas does with its hacky parks/city_parks hijinks.
+ std::map layers;
for (auto& input : inputs) {
for (const auto& entry : input->mbtiles.readMetadata()) {
metadata[entry.first] = entry.second;
@@ -230,6 +184,48 @@ int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
if (entry.first == "maxzoom" && zoom > maxzoom)
maxzoom = zoom;
+ if (entry.first == "json") {
+ // This is incredibly hacky! I don't want to learn how to use a C++ JSON
+ // library
+ const char* vectorLayers = strstr(entry.second.c_str(), "\"vector_layers\":[");
+ if (!vectorLayers) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("no vector_layers found for " + input->filename);
+ }
+ vectorLayers += strlen("\"vector_layers\":[");
+ //std::cout << "INPUT: " << vectorLayers << std::endl;
+ const char* start = NULL;
+ // This is a total hack, it'll fail if you have braces in strings, e.g.
+ int braces = 0;
+ while(*vectorLayers != ']') {
+ if (start == NULL && *vectorLayers == ']')
+ break;
+ if (start == NULL && *vectorLayers == '{') {
+ start = vectorLayers;
+ }
+ if (*vectorLayers == '{') {
+ braces++;
+ }
+ if (*vectorLayers == '}') {
+ braces--;
+ }
+ if (start && braces == 0) {
+ std::string layer(start, vectorLayers - start + 1);
+ //std::cout << "LAYER: " << layer << std::endl;
+ layers[layer] = "";
+ start = NULL;
+ }
+ vectorLayers++;
+ }
+ }
input->mbtiles.readBoundingBox(minLonCurrent, maxLonCurrent, minLatCurrent, maxLatCurrent);
@@ -255,6 +251,69 @@ int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
merged.writeMetadata("minzoom", std::to_string(minzoom));
merged.writeMetadata("maxzoom", std::to_string(maxzoom));
+ std::string vector_layers = "{\"vector_layers\":[";
+ int i = 0;
+ for (auto const& entry : layers) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ vector_layers += ",";
+ vector_layers += entry.first;
+ i++;
+ }
+ vector_layers += "]}";
+ merged.writeMetadata("json", vector_layers);
+ }
+ std::vector matching;
+ for (int zoom = 0; zoom < 15; zoom++) {
+ Bbox bbox = inputs[0]->bbox[zoom];
+ for (const auto& input : inputs) {
+ if (input->bbox[zoom].minX < bbox.minX) bbox.minX = input->bbox[zoom].minX;
+ if (input->bbox[zoom].minY < bbox.minY) bbox.minY = input->bbox[zoom].minY;
+ if (input->bbox[zoom].maxX > bbox.maxX) bbox.maxX = input->bbox[zoom].maxX;
+ if (input->bbox[zoom].maxY > bbox.maxY) bbox.maxY = input->bbox[zoom].maxY;
+ }
+ // std::cout << "z=" << std::to_string(zoom) << " minX=" << std::to_string(bbox.minX) << " minY=" << std::to_string(bbox.minY) << " maxX=" << std::to_string(bbox.maxX) << " maxY=" << std::to_string(bbox.maxY) << std::endl;
+ for (int x = bbox.minX; x <= bbox.maxX; x++) {
+ for (int y = bbox.minY; y <= bbox.maxY; y++) {
+ if ((x * (1 << zoom) + y) % shards != shard)
+ continue;
+ matching.clear();
+ for (const auto& input : inputs) {
+ if (input->zooms[zoom].test(x, y))
+ matching.push_back(input.get());
+ }
+ if (matching.empty())
+ continue;
+ if (matching.size() == 1) {
+ // When exactly 1 mbtiles matches, it's a special case and we can
+ // copy directly between them.
+ //std::vector old = tlsTiles[matching[0]->index]->readTile(zoom, x, y);
+ std::vector old = matching[0]->mbtiles.readTile(zoom, x, y);
+ std::string buffer(old.data(), old.size());
+ // TODO: is this valid? We have a lock, but we'll access
+ // from different threads. This might be problematic because
+ // we cache the prepared statement.
+ merged.saveTile(zoom, x, y, &buffer, false);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // std::cout << "need to merge z=" << std::to_string(zoom) << " x=" << std::to_string(x) << " y=" << std::to_string(y) << std::endl;
+ // Multiple mbtiles want to contribute a tile at this zxy.
+ // They'll all have disjoint layers, so decompress each tile
+ // and concatenate their contents to form the new tile.
+ // TODO: do this
+ }
+ }