Releases: hlmod/Shop-Core
Releases · hlmod/Shop-Core
Update shop.sp
Fixed issue with SetCredits native
3.0D3 up version
Native fix
Fixed native native int Shop_GetClientId(int client);
Now it returns id from database instead of boolean.
3.0D1: Merge pull request #56 from FD-Forks/sql_format
Version bump
B8 release
Mark Steamworks as optional
Added @CrazyHackGUT changes
Merge branch 'luckfix'
Item loading problem fix and IsValidCall on plugins unload
Huge update
Merged changes from original FrozDark shop update.
- Fixed. Shop_UnregisterMe. Now correctly removes items in functions and admin panels.
- Fixed negative numbers transfer
- Fixed native Shop_SetClientItemTimeleft. Now it can make item infinite by duration time
- Fixed, when plugin went crazy
- Added natives
- Menu now have normal number of items
- Shop_OnAuthorized now called after player inventory is being loading and Shop_IsAuthorized returns true after inventory was loaded
- Plugin now saves toggled item data into database instead of KeyValues
- Added native Shop_GetItemType to get item type
- Fixed bug in callback of credits transfer, when admin id is incorrectly sended.
- Changed callback Shop_OnLuckProcess to Shop_OnClientLuckProcess
- Changed callback Shop_OnItemLuck to Shop_OnClientShouldLuckItem
- Changed native Shop_OnItemLucked to Shop_OnClientItemLucked
- Added transfer fee in callback Shop_OnCreditsTransfer and Shop_OnCreditsTransfered
- Fixed bug, when native
saves integer value instead of float.
Minor optimizations.