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beempy CLI

beempy is a convenient CLI utility that enables you to manage your wallet, transfer funds, check balances and more.

Using the Wallet

beempy lets you leverage your BIP38 encrypted wallet to perform various actions on your accounts.

The first time you use beempy, you will be prompted to enter a password. This password will be used to encrypt the beempy wallet, which contains your private keys.

You can change the password via changewalletpassphrase command.

beempy changewalletpassphrase

From this point on, every time an action requires your private keys, you will be prompted ot enter this password (from CLI as well as while using steem library).

To bypass password entry, you can set an environment variable UNLOCK.

UNLOCK=mysecretpassword beempy transfer <recipient_name> 100 STEEM

Using a key json file

A key_file.json can be used to provide private keys to beempy:

    "account_a": {"posting": "5xx", "active": "5xx"},
    "account_b": {"posting": "5xx"},


beempy --keys key_file.json command

When set, the wallet cannot be used.

Common Commands

First, you may like to import your Steem account:

beempy importaccount

You can also import individual private keys:

beempy addkey <private_key>

Listing accounts:

beempy listaccounts

Show balances:

beempy balance account_name1 account_name2

Sending funds:

beempy transfer --account <account_name> <recipient_name> 100 STEEM memo

Upvoting a post:

beempy upvote --account <account_name>

Setting Defaults

For a more convenient use of beempy as well as the beem library, you can set some defaults. This is especially useful if you have a single Steem account.

beempy set default_account test
beempy set default_vote_weight 100

beempy config
 | Key                 | Value  |
 | default_account     | test   |
 | default_vote_weight | 100    |

If you've set up your default_account, you can now send funds by omitting this field:

beempy transfer <recipient_name> 100 STEEM memo


.. click:: beem.cli:cli
    :prog: beempy

beempy --help

You can see all available commands with beempy --help

 ~ % beempy --help
Usage: beempy [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...

  -n, --node TEXT        URL for public Steem API (e.g.
  -o, --offline          Prevent connecting to network
  -d, --no-broadcast     Do not broadcast
  -p, --no-wallet        Do not load the wallet
  -x, --unsigned         Nothing will be signed
  -l, --create-link      Creates hivesigner links from all broadcast
  -s, --steem            Connect to the Steem blockchain
  -h, --hive             Connect to the Hive blockchain
  -k, --keys TEXT        JSON file that contains account keys, when set, the
                         wallet cannot be used.
  -u, --use-ledger       Uses the ledger device Nano S for signing.
  --path TEXT            BIP32 path from which the keys are derived, when not
                         set, default_path is used.
  -t, --token            Uses a hivesigner token to broadcast (only broadcast
                         operation with posting permission)
  -e, --expires INTEGER  Delay in seconds until transactions are supposed to
                         expire (defaults to 60)
  -v, --verbose INTEGER  Verbosity
  --version              Show the version and exit.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

  about                   About beempy
  addkey                  Add key to wallet When no [OPTION] is given,...
  addtoken                Add key to wallet When no [OPTION] is given, a...
  allow                   Allow an account/key to interact with your...
  approvewitness          Approve a witnesses
  balance                 Shows balance
  beneficiaries           Set beneficaries
  broadcast               broadcast a signed transaction
  buy                     Buy STEEM/HIVE or SBD/HBD from the internal
  cancel                  Cancel order in the internal market
  changekeys              Changes all keys for the specified account Keys...
  changerecovery          Changes the recovery account with the owner key...
  changewalletpassphrase  Change wallet password
  claimaccount            Claim account for claimed account creation.
  claimreward             Claim reward balances By default, this will...
  config                  Shows local configuration
  convert                 Convert SBD/HBD to Steem/Hive (takes a week to...
  createpost              Creates a new markdown file with YAML header
  createwallet            Create new wallet with a new password
  curation                Lists curation rewards of all votes for
  currentnode             Sets the currently working node at the first...
  customjson              Broadcasts a custom json First parameter is the...
  decrypt                 decrypt a (or more than one) decrypted memo/file...
  delegate                Delegate (start delegating VESTS to another...
  delete                  delete a post/comment POST is @author/permlink
  delkey                  Delete key from the wallet PUB is the public...
  delprofile              Delete a variable in an account's profile
  delproxy                Delete your witness/proposal system proxy
  deltoken                Delete name from the wallet name is the public...
  disallow                Remove allowance an account/key to interact...
  disapprovewitness       Disapprove a witnesses
  download                Download body with yaml header
  downvote                Downvote a post/comment POST is @author/permlink
  draw                    Generate pseudo-random numbers based on trx id,...
  encrypt                 encrypt a (or more than one) memo text/file with...
  featureflags            Get the account's feature flags.
  follow                  Follow another account
  follower                Get information about followers
  following               Get information about following
  followlist              Get information about followed lists follow_type...
  history                 Returns account history operations as table
  importaccount           Import an account using a passphrase
  info                    Show basic blockchain info General...
  interest                Get information about interest payment
  keygen                  Creates a new random BIP39 key or password based...
  listaccounts            Show stored accounts Can be used with the ledger...
  listkeys                Show stored keys
  listtoken               Show stored token
  message                 Sign and verify a message
  mute                    Mute another account
  muter                   Get information about muter
  muting                  Get information about muting
  newaccount              Create a new account
  nextnode                Uses the next node in list
  notifications           Show notifications of an account
  openorders              Show open orders
  orderbook               Obtain orderbook of the internal market
  parsewif                Parse a WIF private key without importing
  pending                 Lists pending rewards
  permissions             Show permissions of an account
  pingnode                Returns the answer time in milliseconds
  post                    broadcasts a post/comment.
  power                   Shows vote power and bandwidth
  powerdown               Power down (start withdrawing VESTS from...
  powerdownroute          Setup a powerdown route
  powerup                 Power up (vest STEEM/HIVE as STEEM/HIVE POWER)
  pricehistory            Show price history
  reblog                  Reblog an existing post
  reply                   replies to a comment
  rewards                 Lists received rewards
  sell                    Sell STEEM/HIVE or SBD/HBD from the internal...
  set                     Set default_account, default_vote_weight or...
  setprofile              Set a variable in an account's profile
  setproxy                Set your witness/proposal system proxy
  sign                    Sign a provided transaction with available and...
  stream                  Stream operations
  ticker                  Show ticker
  tradehistory            Show price history
  transfer                Transfer SBD/HBD or STEEM/HIVE
  unfollow                Unfollow/Unmute another account
  updatememokey           Update an account's memo key
  updatenodes             Update the nodelist from @fullnodeupdate
  upvote                  Upvote a post/comment POST is @author/permlink
  userdata                Get the account's email address and phone number.
  verify                  Returns the public signing keys for a block
  votes                   List outgoing/incoming account votes
  walletinfo              Show info about wallet
  witness                 List witness information
  witnesscreate           Create a witness
  witnessdisable          Disable a witness
  witnessenable           Enable a witness
  witnesses               List witnesses
  witnessfeed             Publish price feed for a witness
  witnessproperties       Update witness properties of witness WITNESS with...
  witnessupdate           Change witness properties