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212 lines (199 loc) · 25.7 KB

Code snippets for ABP that start with an x

ABPx in Action!

PRO TIP: Rename the aspnet-core folder of your project to [Your-Project-Name] to take full advantage of ABPx

Do you see room for improvement or do you have a snippet in mind you want to have included? Feel free to create an issue, I will see what I can do!

C# snippets (source code)

 Prefix                                     | Description                                                                              
 ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 xAddPermissionGroupToContext               | Add group permission to context in PermissionDefinitionProvider.cs                       
 xAddPermissionToGroup                      | Adds permission to group in PermissionDefinitionProvider.cs                              
 xAddPolicyPermissions                      | Adds policy permissions                                                                  
 xAppServiceClassStub                       | Inserts a complete AppService class stub based upon the [YourProjectName]AppService class
 xApplicationMenuItemIcon                   | New ApplicationMenuItem variable with icon                                               
 xApplicationMenuItemUrl                    | New ApplicationMenuItem variable with url                                                
 xAsyncExecuterCountAsync                   | Inserts AsyncExecuter.CountAsync statement                                               
 xAsyncExecuterFirstOrDefaultAsync          | Inserts AsyncExecuter.FirstOrDefaultAsync statement                                      
 xAsyncExecuterToListAsync                  | Inserts AsyncExecuter.ToListAsync statement                                              
 xAuthorizeAttributeAbp                     | Inserts the ABP Authorize attribute for a class or a method                              
 xAuthorizeAttributeMicrosoft               | Inserts the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization Authorize attribute                       
 xBuilderEntity                             | builder.Entity stub                                                                      
 xBusinessExceptionClass                    | Inserts a complete CustomException class that inherits from class BusinessException      
 xCanBeNullAttribute                        | CanBeNull attribute                                                                      
 xCanCreate                                 | Boolean canCreate variable and checks if Create is granted                               
 xCanCrudMethods                            | Checks if CRUD methods are granted                                                       
 xCanDelete                                 | Boolean canDelete variable and checks if Delete is granted                               
 xCanUpdate                                 | boolean canUpdate variable and checks if Edit/Update is granted                          
 xCheckGetListPolicyAsync                   | Inserts await CheckGetListPolicyAsync()                                                  
 xCheckGetPolicyAsync                       | Inserts await CheckGetPolicyAsync()                                                      
 xCheckNotNull                              | Check.NotNull statement                                                                  
 xCheckNotNullMaxLength                     | Check.NotNull (+ MaxLength) statement                                                    
 xCheckNotNullMaxMinLength                  | Check.NotNull (+ Max/MinLength) statement                                                
 xCheckNotNullOrEmpty                       | Check.NotNullOrEmpty statement                                                           
 xCheckNotNullOrEmptyMaxLength              | Check.NotNullOrEmpty (+ MaxLength) statement                                             
 xCheckNotNullOrEmptyMaxMinLength           | Check.NotNullOrEmpty (+ Max/MinLength) statement                                         
 xCheckNotNullOrWhiteSpace                  | Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace statement                                                      
 xCheckNotNullOrWhiteSpaceMaxLength         | Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace (+ MaxLength) statement                                        
 xCheckNotNullOrWhiteSpaceMaxMinLength      | Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace (+ Max/MinLength) statement                                    
 xCreateMapFromCreateDtoToType              | CreateMap from Create[Type]Dto to [Type] statement                                       
 xCreateMapFromCreateUpdateDtoToType        | CreateMap from CreateUpdate[Type]Dto to [Type] statement                                 
 xCreateMapFromDtoToCreateUpdateDto         | CreateMap from [Type]Dto to CreateUpdate[Type]Dto statement                              
 xCreateMapFromDtoToType                    | CreateMap from [Type]Dto to [Type] statement                                             
 xCreateMapFromDtoToUpdateDto               | CreateMap from [Type]Dto to Update[Type]Dto statement                                    
 xCreateMapFromTypeToDto                    | CreateMap from [Type] to [Type]Dto statement                                             
 xCreateMapFromTypeToLookupDto              | CreateMap from [Type] to [Type]LookupDto statement                                       
 xCreateMapFromUpdateDtoToType              | CreateMap from Update[Type]Dto to [Type] statement                                       
 xCrudAppServiceCreateDtoAndUpdateDto       | Inserts a complete CrudAppService class with CreateDto and UpdateDto separated           
 xCrudAppServiceCreateUpdateDto             | Inserts a complete CrudAppService class with CreateUpdateDto combined                    
 xCtor                                      | constructor stub                                                                         
 xCtorBusinessException                     | constructor stub in a class derived from BusinessException                               
 xDataTypeAttribute                         | DataType attribute                                                                       
 xDbSet                                     | Inserts a DbSet for a class statement in DbContext                                       
 xEfCoreRepositoryClassStub                 | Inserts EfCoreRepositoryClass stub                                                       
 xEmailAddressAttribute                     | EmailAddress Attribute                                                                   
 xFilterProperty                            | Inserts property Filter                                                                  
 xFindByNameAsyncIRepository                | Adds a FindByNameAsync method to an IRepository interface                                
 xGetListAsyncIRepository                   | Adds a GetListAsync method to an IRepository interface                                   
 xGetLookupAppService                       | Adds a GetLookupAsync method to an AppService class                                      
 xGetLookupIAppService                      | Adds a GetLookupAsync method to an IAppService interface                                 
 xGps                                       | Inserts { get, private set }                                                             
 xGetRequiredIAppService                    | Inserts GetRequiredService<IAppService> and IAppService field                            
 xGetRequiredService                        | Inserts GetRequiredService and matching field                                            
 xGs                                        | Inserts { get, set }                                                                     
 xGuidGeneratorCreate                       | Inserts GuidGenerator.Create() statement                                                 
 xBuilderHasOneWithManyForeignKeyRequired   | Inserts HasOne<Type>().WithMany().ForeignKey().IsRequired statement                      
 xIAppService                               | Inserts a complete IAppService interface with CRUD methods for a given Type              
 xICrudAppServiceCreateUpdateDto            | Inserts a completed ICrudAppService interface with CreateUpdateDto combined              
 xICrudAppServiceCreateDtoAndUpdateDto      | Inserts a complete ICrudAppService interface with CreateDto and UpdateDto separated      
 xCrudMethodsIAppService                    | Inserts the basic CRUD methods in an IAppService                                         
 xIGuidGenerator                            | Inserts a IGuidGenerator parameter in a constructor                                      
 xIMongoCollection                          | Inserts as IMongoCollection for a class statement in DbContext                           
 xIRepository                               | Inserts a IRepository parameter in  a constructor                                        
 xIfInline                                  | Inline if statement                                                                      
 xIfIsGrantedAsyncPermission                | Inserts if (await IsGrantedAsync(permission)){ }statement                                
 xIfNotNullInline                           | Inline if not null statement                                                             
 xIfNotNull                                 | If not null statement                                                                    
 xIfNullInline                              | Inline if not null statement                                                             
 xIfNull                                    | If null statement                                                                        
 xIfRepoGetCountAsync                       | Inserts if(await _repository.GetCountAsync() ? 0) statement                              
 xIf                                        | If statement                                                                             
 xImpIHasCreationTime                       | Implements IHasCreationTime interface                                                    
 xImpIApplicationService                    | Implements IApplicationService interface                                                 
 xImpIDataSeedContributor                   | Implements IDataSeedContributor (+ ITransientDependency) interface                       
 xImpIRepository                            | Implements IRepository interface                                                         
 xImpITransientDependency                   | Implements ITransientDependency interface                                                
 xInhBusinessException                      | Inherits BusinessException class                                                         
 xInhSpecification                          | Inherits Specification class                                                             
 xInhAggregateRoot                          | Inherits AggregateRoot class                                                             
 xInhAppService                             | Inherits ProjectNameAppService class                                                     
 xInhApplicationService                     | Inherits ApplicationService class                                                        
 xInhApplicationTestBase                    | Inherits ApplicationTestBase class                                                       
 xInhAuditedAggregateRoot                   | Inherits AuditedAggregateRoot class                                                      
 xInhAuditedEntity                          | Inherits AuditedEntity class                                                             
 xInhAuditedEntityDto                       | Inherits AuditedEntityDto class                                                          
 xInhCreationAuditedAggregateRoot           | Inherits CreationAuditedAggregateRoot class                                              
 xInhCreationAuditedEntity                  | Inherits CreationAuditedEntity class                                                     
 xInhCreationAuditedEntityDto               | Inherits CreationAuditedEntityDto class                                                  
 xInhDomainService                          | Inherits DomainService class                                                             
 xInhDomainTestBase                         | Inherits DomainTestBase class                                                            
 xInhEntity                                 | Inherits Entity class                                                                    
 xInhEntityDto                              | Inherits EntityDto class                                                                 
 xInhFullAuditedAggregateRoot               | Inherits FullAuditedAggregateRoot class                                                  
 xInhFullAuditedEntity                      | Inherits FullAuditedEntity class                                                         
 xInhFullAuditedEntityDto                   | Inherits FullAuditedEntityDto class                                                      
 xInhPagedAndSortedResultRequestDto         | Inherits PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto class                                            
 xInjectAppService                          | Inserts Inject IMyAppService MyAppService statement                                      
 xInjectHttpClient                          | Inject HttpClient property                                                               
 xInjectIJSRuntime                          | Inject IJSRuntime property                                                               
 xInjectIMapper                             | Inject IMapper property                                                                  
 xInjectNavigationManager                   | Inject NavigationManager property                                                        
 xInjectService                             | Inject IMyService MyService                                                              
 xManagerCreateAsync                        | Inserts _manager.CreateAsync statement                                                   
 xMethodAsync                               | Inserts an async Task method stub                                                        
 xMethodAsyncReturn                         | Inserts an async task<ReturnType> method stub                                            
 xMethodReturn                              | Inserts a <ReturnType> method stub                                                       
 xMethodVoid                                | Inserts a void method stub                                                               
 xNotNullAttribute                          | NotNull attribute                                                                        
 xObjectMapperMap                           | ObjectMapper.Map statement                                                               
 xOnAfterRender                             | OnAfterRender method stub                                                                
 xOnAfterRenderAsync                        | OnAfterRenderAsync method stub                                                           
 xOnInitialized                             | OnInitialized method stub                                                                
 xOnInitializedAsync                        | OnInitializedAsync method stub                                                           
 xOnParametersSet                           | OnParameterSet method stub                                                               
 xOnParametersSetAsync                      | OnParameterSetAsync method stub                                                          
 xPermissionClass                           | Inserts a static class with Default/Create/Update/Delete constants                       
 xPropPrivateSetter                         | property with private setter                                                             
 xReadOnlyListLookupDto                     | Inserts an IReadOnlyList for a LookupDto object                                          
 xRepoDeleteAsync                           | Inserts _repository.DeleteAsync statement                                                
 xRepoGetAsync                              | Inserts var VarName = _repository.GetAsync statement                                     
 xRepoGetCountAsync                         | Inserts var totalCount = _repository.GetCountAsync statement                             
 xRepoGetListAsync                          | Inserts var items = _repository.GetListAsync statement                                   
 xRepoInsertAsync                           | Inserts _repository.InsertAsync statement                                                
 xRepoUpdateAsync                           | Inserts repository.UpdateAsync statement                                                 
 xRequiredAttribute                         | Required Attribute                                                                       
 xReturnDbSetFirstOrDefaultAsync            | Inserts return await DbSet.FirstOrDefaultAsync()                                         
 xReturnListResultDto                       | Inserts return new ListResultDto statement                                               
 xReturnObjectMapperMap                     | return ObjectMapper.Map statement                                                        
 xReturnObjectMapperToDto                   | return ObjectMapper.Map from SourceType to Dto statement                                 
 xReturnPagedResultDto                      | Inserts return new PagedResultDto statement                                              
 xReturnPagedResultDtoObjectMapper          | Inserts return new PagedResultDto with ObjectMapper statement                            
 xStringLengthAttribute                     | StringLength attribute                                                                   
 xThrowBusinessException                    | Inserts throw new BusinessException statement                                            
 xThrowCustomException                      | Inserts throw new CustomException statement                                              
 xThrowEntityNotFoundException              | Inserts throw new EntityNotFoundException statement                                      
 xThrowUserFriendlyException                | Inserts throw new UserFriendlyException statement                                        
 xUnAssertThrowsAsyncAbpValidationException | Inserts var exception = Assert.ThrowsAsync<AbpValidationException>                       
 xUnAssertThrowsAsyncBusinessException      | Inserts var exception = Assert.ThrowsAsync<BusinessException>                            
 xUnAssertThrowsAsyncCustomException        | Inserts Assert.ThrowsAsync<YourCustomException>                                          
 xUnAssertThrowsCustomException             | Inserts Assert.Throws<YourCustomException>                                               
 xUnCreateAsyncAppService                   | Inserts var result = await AppService.CreateAsync statement                              
 xUnGetListAsyncAppService                  | Inserts var result = await AppService.GetListAsync statement                             
 xUnGetRequiredIAppService                  | Inserts GetRequiredService<IAppService> and IAppService field                            
 xUnGetRequiredService                      | Inserts GetRequiredService and matching field                                            
 xUnMethodTaskStub                          | a xUnit test Task method stub                                                            
 xUnMethodVoidStub                          | a xUnit test void method stub                                                            
 xUnResultItemsShouldContain                | Inserts result.Items.ShouldContain statement                                             
 xUnResultIdShouldNotBeGuidEmpty            | Inserts result.Id.ShouldNotBe(Guid.Empty)                                                
 xUnResultItemsShouldNotContain             | Inserts result.Items.ShouldNotContain statement                                          
 xUnResultTotalCountShouldBeGreater         | Inserts result.TotalCount.ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqual statement                           
 xConstantGroupNamePermission               | a GroupName constant                                                                     

Snippets for launch.json and tasks.json files (source code)

 Prefix      | Description                                                       
 ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 xLaunchJson | Inserts launch configurations in launch.json needed to run project
 xTasksJson  | Inserts tasks in tasks.json needed to run project                 

Razor snippets (source code)

 Prefix                         | Description                                                         
 ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 xAuthorizeAttribute            | xAuthorizeAttribute                                                 
 xCode                          | @code block                                                         
 xCreateModalDialog             | Create modal dialog                                                 
 xDataGridColumnText            | Inserts a DataGridColumn                                            
 xDataGridColumnEnum            | Inserts a DataGridColumn for an enum                                
 xDataGridCheckColumn           | Inserts a DataGridCheckColumn for boolean values                    
 xDataGridColumnLongDateString  | Inserts a DataGridColumn in long date format                        
 xDataGridColumnShortDateString | Inserts a DataGridColumn in short date format                       
 xFieldDateEdit                 | Inserts a TextEdit field in a Create/Update dialog                  
 xFieldEnumSelect               | Inserts a Select field for enum in a Create/Update dialog           
 xFieldNumericEdit              | Inserts a NumericEdit field in a Create/Update dialog               
 xFieldSelect                   | Inserts a Select field a Create/Update dialog                       
 xFieldTextEdit                 | Inserts a TextEdit field in a Create/Update dialog                  
 xFieldMemoEdit                 | Inserts a MemoEdit field in a Create/Update dialog                  
 xIfCanCreate                   | If CanCreate                                                        
 xIfCanDelete                   | If CanDelete                                                        
 xIfCanUpdate                   | If CanUpdate                                                        
 xInheritsComponentBase         | Inserts @inherits [YourProjectName]ComponentBase statement          
 xInjAuthorizationService       | Injects interface IAuthorizationService                             
 xListAbpCrudPageBase           | Inserts a paged list for a standard CrudAppService                  
 xListIAppService               | Inserts a paged list for a custom IAppService                       
 xPage                          | Inserts @page directive                                             
 xFeedbackValidation            | Inserts <Feedback> validation statement                             
 xPageParam                     | Inserts @page directive with Parameter                              
 xUpdateModalDialog             | Update modal dialog                                                 
 xInjectHttpClient              | Inserts @inject HttpClient directive                                
 xInjectIJSRuntime              | Inserts @inject IJSRuntime directive                                
 xInjectIMapper                 | Inserts @inject IMapper directive                                   
 xInjectService                 | Inserts @inject MyService MyService                                 
 xInjectAppService              | Inserts @inject MyService MyService                                 
 xInjectNavigationManager       | Inserts @inject NavigationManager directive                         
 xInjectProtectedLocalStorage   | Inserts @inject ProtectedLocalStorage directive in Blazor Server app
 xSubmitButton                  | Inserts a SubmitButton