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danthe edited this page Mar 27, 2019 · 6 revisions

Though the pipeline is fully usable as-is, there are some features in our backlog that could serve as ideas for future enhancements. Here they are, in no particular order:

  • Backend
    • C++ as execution environment. This would involve creating an equivalent to mpci_utils.r for C++ and set up a Dockerfile according to the requirements laid out here
      • Once C++ support is implemented, it would be nice to add a faster, parallelized version of PC from this repo. Ideally one would first implement discrete conditional independence tests for this project and embed it as linked library.
    • It would be nice to implement support for prior knowledge using the fixed_edges and fixed_gaps parameters of pcalg
    • There is an existing endpoint picking out notable edges according to edge weight, finding notable paths would be interesting as well
    • The endpoint interventional distribution does not yet support non-categorical values
    • One could periodically save intermediate results for long computations
  • Frontend
    • There are endpoints for validating and annotating edges using the EdgeInformation object. Support for this feature on the frontend side would be nice