Just lots of not working things in this folder.
Note: Try the new mbed board version 1.2.3 for the Nano33BLE and PortentaH7
Not official yet so will need to put in your preferences comma seperated list
and if you find issues put them here
I will just do a stream of concsiousness while I fly through my examples.
While not relevant to just this version: unlike most arduino boards this board install (write at the end of the installation) has something that requires admin access. At school it installs, I can compie but I think uploading to the Portenta does not work, while uploading to the Nano33BLE works.
Running the example RPC --> serialpassthrough_RPC I just don't understand this at all. I should, but I don't
not working my wifi example ../my05-Web-server.ino compiles without error but I am concerned about this statement
Alternatives for WiFi.h: [WiFiNINA@1.5.0 WiFi@1.2.7 WiFi@1.0]
-> candidates: [WiFiNINA@1.5.0 WiFi@1.2.7 WiFi@1.0]
Since the Library is in the libraries folder .
../my01-BlinkM7.ino works on either core seperately ,
../my03-BLE-LED-control.ino works on either core seperately ,
../my05-Web-server.ino Possibly only from the M7 core, I even tried RPC,
../my06_LED_onboard_setRGB.ino works on either core seperately ,
../my07-analog-test.ino works on both cores, minor change to get RPC working see my02f,
../my08-mbed-blink.ino works on either core seperately ,
../my10-DAC-to-ADC.ino did not test on M4, but DAC must be A0, for reading A6 and D6 worked, but A5 and D5 did not,
../m09-Tensoflow/b00_template works on M7 only,
../m09-Tensoflow/b01_makerML_hello_world.ino fixed up some issues not related to this new version 1.2.3 build,
../m09-Tensoflow/b02_makerML_xor.ino Runs on both cores, Led flashes, of course no serial for M4,
../m09-Tensoflow/b03_makerML_layers.ino Only tested on M7 as it has lots of serial commands.,
../m09-Tensoflow/b05_makerML_medium_image.ino works on M7 merged the 2 files,
../m09-Tensoflow/b06_makerML_one_hot.ino Worked fine on M7, I combined the tabbed file,
../b07_m4_rpc_m7_print.ino uses rpci1 to show the M4 serial printworks, combined the files, the next one is better,
../m09-Tensoflow/b08-rpc-m4-hello-world-sine.ino This runs the serial plotter using the TFLITE hello world sine wave but from the M4 core using RPC. A bit advanced,
---------------------------------------------- Start Machine Learning Programs --------------------------------- my09-tensorflow-machine-learning-link.md
---------------------------------------------- End Machine Learning Programs ---------------------------------
my13_uart_m4_m7_print.ino Not needed as much now with RPC working
my11-servo.ino Left it at school will have to do it later