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assh is a command-line utility to make it easy to SSH to your AWS EC2 Instances.


At the current time, this package is only installable from source.

pip install -e git+ will install assh plus dependencies.

Alternatively, clone this repo and run pip install . from within the repository.


» assh --help
Usage: assh [OPTIONS] [QUERY]...

  --log-level TEXT          Set log level
  -m, --mode TEXT           Connection mode (ssh, ssm, ssm-ssh)
  -v, --via TEXT            Proxy SSH via host
  -l, --login_name TEXT     EC2 Instance Username Override
  -i, --identity_file TEXT  SSH Private Key
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

Basic usage can be with assh i-abc123def, however assh will search based on the Name tag as well, so if instance i-abc123def has a name of Target, assh target would allow connection.


  • -m / --mode: Valid values: ssh, ssm, ssm-ssh:
    • ssh: This creates a plain SSH connection. (Default)
    • ssm: This starts a session using SSM Session Manager. This does not utilise SSH at all.
    • ssm-ssh: This will cause the SSH connection to be proxied over SSM's Session manager.
    • Both ssm and ssm-ssh have an extra dependency on your system having awscli and session-manager-plugin both configured.
  • -v / --via: This allows you to use a given instance as a jump host to get to the final destination, ie assh --via i-789def123 i-123abcdef will cause the connection to get routed like so: Client ---> i-789def123 --> i-123abcdef. This parameter supports tab completion if configured.
  • -l / --login_name: This allows you to override the default username resolution functionality with a given name.
  • -i / --identity_file: This allows you to set your SSH private key.


assh can be configured from a YAML file as well. Create ~/.assh/config.yaml with the following content:

default-key: ~/.ssh/id_aws
  standard: ~/.ssh/id_other_aws
    top-secret-keypair: ~/.ssh/id_top_secret
- username: fred
  image-name: .*
  - username: foo
    image-name: bar
  - username: baz
    description: qux
  • default-key allows a default private key to be supplied.
  • default-keypairs is a mapping of keypair names to private key locations on the local filesystem. "Keypair names" refers to the name visibile in the AWS console/API when describing an instance (or use aws ec2 describe-key-pairs and reference the KeyName value.)
  • profiles allows for mapping of specific keypairs (like in the default-keypairs section), but per locally configured AWS profile. This means you can have a profile configured as [profile aws-profile-top-secret] in your ~/.aws/config, and the above config file would map top-secret-keypair to ~/.ssh/id_top_secret only for that AWS profile.
  • global-username-patterns allows the default username resolution to be extended with a custom set of patterns. Each entry in the list MUST have a username field, and can have an image-name, or a description field.
  • username-patterns allows for the same mapping to exist, but on a per-AWS profile name, similar to the profiles section above. (In future these two sections should be merged, but to preserve compatibility they are not being merged at the corrent time)


  • Bash: eval "$(_ASSH_COMPLETE=source assh)"
  • Zsh: eval "$(_ASSH_COMPLETE=source_zsh assh)"