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Smooth transition to L2, just like sorbet before main course

Winners of Arbitrum 🏆 and Optimism 🏆 for ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum 2021 Hackathon

Live Demo

eth-sorbet is a react component that improves DApp users' onboarding experience to L2 networks or sidechains.

When a user lands on the DApp, it will bring up a series of screens that guides the users to switch to the L2 network that the developer selected. Users will no longer need to manually enter the L2 network configs in their wallets and can make deposits and interact with the L2 networks right away.

Alt Welcome screen in eth-sorbet eth-sorbet saves you from managing user onboarding!

Alt Switching networks in eth-sorbet We handle wallet RPC calls to add network for users, instead of asking your users to do that manually.


npm install --save @huskyfinance/eth-sorbet


See example for more detailed usage guide.

import React, { Component } from 'react'

// import modal and target network config
import { Sorbet, xDai } from '@huskyfinance/eth-sorbet'

// load css
import '@huskyfinance/eth-sorbet/dist/index.css'

// using web3
// const provider = web3.currentProvider

// using ethers
// provider should be type of ethers.ExternalProvider . 

// using metamask directly
const provider = window.ethereum

const config = {
  targetNetwork: xDai,
  dappName: 'Example App',

  open: isOpen,
  handleClose: handleClose,

  // optional

  // the user address to check their balance.
  address: userAddress,

  // logo of your app
  dappLogo: '',

  // theme color
  color: '#26EFE6',

  // darkmode
  darkMode: true

class Example extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Sorbet config={config} walletProvider={provider} />

Supported Networks

Arbitrum logo Avalanche logo Binance Smart Chain logo Optimism logo Polygon / Matic logo POA (Sokol) logo xDai logo

Network Config Native Deposit Supported
Arbitrum (Kovan)
Avalanche -
Binance Smart Chain -
Optimism (Kovan)
Optimism (Mainnet)
Polygon / Matic (Mainnet)
Polygon / Matic (Mumbai)
POA (Sokol) -

Supported Wallets

Metamask logo

Network Add Network Switch Network

Run in dev

Run the library:

cd \eth-sorbet
yarn start

In another terminal, run the example App which will refresh if the library changes

cd \eth-sorbet\example
yarn start


MIT © 2021 husky-finance