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You might also be interested in [hybridify][], [hybridify-all][], [relike-all][], [letta][]
npm i {%= name %} --save
For more use-cases see the tests
const {%= varname %} = require('{%= name %}')
Note: It treat functions as asynchronous, based on [is-async-function][].
Why you should be aware of that? Because if you give async function which don't have last argument called with some of the [common-callback-names][] it will treat that function as synchronous and things may not work as expected.
It's not a problem for most of the cases and for node's native packages, because that's a convention.
So, the [relike-all][] package successfuly can promisifies all of the fs
functions for example, except fs.createReadStream
and fs.createWriteStream
which is normal.
{%= apidocs('index.js') %}
While relike
always trying to use native Promise if available in the enviroment, you can
give a Promise constructor to be used on enviroment where there's no support - for example, old
broswers or node's 0.10 version. By default, relike
will use and include [bluebird][] on old enviroments,
as it is the fastest implementation of Promises. So, you are able to give Promise constructor, but
it won't be used in modern enviroments - it always will use native Promise, you can't trick that. You
can't give custom promise implementation to be used in any enviroment.
var fs = require('fs')
var relike = require('relike')
relike.promisify.Promise = require('q') // using `Q` promise on node 0.10
var readFile = relike.promisify(fs.readFile)
readFile('package.json', 'utf8')
.then(console.log, console.error)
One way to pass a custom Promise constructor is as shown above. But the other way is passing it to .Promise
of the promisified function, like that
var fs = require('fs')
var relike = require('relike')
var statFile = relike.promisify(fs.stat)
statFile.Promise = require('when') // using `when` promise on node 0.10
statFile('package.json').then(console.log, console.error)
One more thing, is that you can access the used Promise and can detect what promise is used. It is easy, just as promise.Promise
and you'll get it.
Or look for promise.___bluebirdPromise
and promise.___customPromise
properties. .___bluebirdPromise
(yea, with three underscores in front) will be true if enviroment is old and you didn't provide promise constructor to .Promise
So, when you give constructor .__customPromise
will be true and .___bluebirdPromise
will be false.
var fs = require('fs')
var relike = require('relike')
var promise = relike(fs.readFile, 'package.json', 'utf8')
promise.then(JSON.parse).then(function (val) {
console.log(val.name) // => 'relike'
}, console.error)
console.log(promise.Promise) // => used Promise constructor
console.log(promise.___bluebirdPromise) // => `true` on old env, falsey otherwise
console.log(promise.___customPromise) // => `true` when pass `.Promise`, falsey otherwise
Or finally, you can pass Promise constructor as second argument to .promisify
method. Like that
const fs = require('fs')
const relike = require('relike')
const readFile = relike.promisify(fs.readFile, require('when'))
const promise = readFile('index.js')
console.log(promise.Promise) // => The `when` promise constructor, on old enviroments
console.log(promise.___customPromise) // => `true` on old environments
{% if (verb.related && verb.related.list && verb.related.list.length) { %}
{%= related(verb.related.list, {words: 12}) %} {% } %}
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](https://github.com/{%= repository %}/issues/new).
But before doing anything, please read the CONTRIBUTING.md guidelines.
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{%= reflinks(verb.reflinks) %}
[npmjs-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/{%= name %} [npmjs-img]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/{%= name %}.svg?label={%= name %}
[license-url]: https://github.com/{%= repository %}/blob/master/LICENSE [license-img]: https://img.shields.io/npm/l/{%= name %}.svg
[downloads-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/{%= name %} [downloads-img]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/{%= name %}.svg
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