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hhh edited this page Jan 19, 2019 · 6 revisions




hyper-ui is a lightweight front-end UI lib.

This package(@hyper-ui/core) is the core of hyper-ui which mainly deals with basic UI things.



This lib is rather lightweight. The size of this core package which you need to include is less than 10KB!


To create interactive UIs, just define simple components for each state in your app, and changes will be found as well as updated efficiently.


You can just easily include it and start writing the code of you app because it can be just plain JavaScript.



  1. Use npm to install it as a dependency:

    npm install @hyper-ui/core
  2. Import the default export of this lib:

    // es2015+
    import HUI from "@hyper-ui/core";
    // or es5
    const HUI = require("@hyper-ui/core");
  3. Use it to build your app.


  1. Include one of the following script tags in your HTML file: (If you want a specified version, just replace latest with that. For more information, visit or

    via jsdelivr:

    <script type="text/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script>

    or via unpkg:

    <script type="text/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script>
  2. Access the APIs via the HUI global.

Env Requirements

This lib depends on some features such as Map, Symbol, array.includes and so on. So, if you want to use it in some old browsers, consider including some polyfills. For instance, include hpolyfill by putting one of the following script tags in your HTML: (it should be put before the script tag of this lib)

via jsdelivr:

<script type="text/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script>

or via unpkg:

<script type="text/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script>


TODO Example

Here is a TODO app example:

// Define the editor
const Editor = HUI.define('Editor', {
    // Initializer
    init(props, store, context) {
        // Set the submission handler
        store.handle('submit', event => {
            // Prevent default action
            // Get the input and its value
            const input = store.get('input'),
                content = input.value;
            // Handle submission
            if (content) {
                // Add the item
                context.push('items', content);
                // Clear the input
                input.value = '';
            } else {
                // Hint the user to type something
    // Renderer
    render(props, store) {
        // Render a form with an input and a submit button in it
        return HUI('form', { onsubmit: store.getHandler('submit') }, [
            // The input
            HUI('input', {
                ref: store.setter('input'),
                placeholder: props.placeholder
            // The submit button
            HUI('button', { attr: { type: 'submit' } }, 'Add')
// Define the item list
const ItemList = HUI.define('ItemList', {
    // Required context
    context: ['items'],
    // Renderer
    render(props, store, context) {
        // Render an unordered item list
        return HUI('ul', null, context.get('items').map((content, index) => (
            // A list item
            HUI('li', null, [
                // Item content
                HUI('span', { style: { marginRight: '1em' } }, content),
                // Delete link
                HUI('a', {
                    href: 'javascript:;',
                    // Handle `click` event
                    onclick(event) {
                        // Delete the item
                        context.splice('items', index, 1);
                }, 'Delete')
// Define the app
const App = HUI.define('App', {
    // Renderer
    render() {
        return [
            // Heading
            HUI('h1', null, 'TODO'),
            // Editor
            HUI(Editor, { placeholder: 'content' }),
            // Item list
// Render the app
    { defaultContext: { items: [] } }
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