- clojure.kr
- Articles: clojure | Functional Works
- Clojure - News
- www.tryclj.com
- clojurecademy.com
- clojureverse.org
- Clojure Complete (클로저 완전정복)
- Clojure Complete (클로저 완전정복)
- www.4clojure.com
- Clojure - DEV Community
- Building a community for sustainability-oriented Clojure work - Community Center / Community Building - ClojureVerse
- Practicalli: Clojure community - getting help
- clojure for the brave and true
- Clojure koans
- Awesome Clojure
- Awesome list of clojure resources
- AwesomeClojure
- awesome-clojure: Clojure를 사용하는 국내 회사
- Clojure releases vs. Clojure book publication dates
- Clojure Programming Ch11 - Numerics and Mathematics
- Clojure Programming Ch12: Design Pattern
- 클로저 디자인 패턴
- Clojure Design Patterns
- Steven Proctor, "The Interceptor Pattern" - YouTube
- www.livecoding.tv/videos/?q=clojure
- ClojureTV
- Clojure Remote 2016
- What are your favorite Clojure/script youtube channels? : Clojure
(defn podcast [themes] (conj themes 'Clojure 'ClojureScript))
- ClojureScript Podcast
- The future of Clojure | ThoughtWorks
- A hidden message in Cognicast podcasts
- Gene Kim - Cognicast Episode 159
- :borkdude (The man, the myth, the legend) by Lost in Lambduhhs • A podcast on Anchor
- Best Episodes of Functional Design in Clojure | Podchaser
- Clojure : Articles
- Episode 04 - Clojure by Telia Norway
- #71 - The true and brave Daniel Higginbotham by defn
- Could we build Newtonian mechanics on purpose? - LispCast
- On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules - LispCast
- What if data is a really bad idea? - LispCast
- Jacek Schae
- Clojure Memo
- ClojureDocs is a community-powered documentation and examples repository for the Clojure programming language
- A central documentation hub for the Clojure community https://cljdoc.org
- SICP in clojure
- SICP In Clojure “I personally don't think SICP will help you much with Clojure. YMMV.”
- SICP Distilled
- ddp-and-mp - SICP Data-directed Programing and Message Passing Example
- SICP-ch4
- 컴퓨터 프로그램의 구조와 해석 SICP - YouTube
- 클로저 요리 학원
- Clojure Programming
- The Beauty of Clojure
- Data Sorcery with Clojure
- Why we picked Clojure
- Why Clojure?
- Why Clojure?
- Clojure, I Choose You! | Aspect Analytics
- Clojure from the ground up: roadmap
- Just Enough Clojure for Riemann
- Clojure With Carin Meier
- Clojonic: Pythonic Clojure
- www.clojurebridge.org
- clojurebridge-berlin.org
- Gradual typing for Clojure
- reddit.com/r/clojure
- Code Speak Loop
- Palindromic sequences in Clojure
- clojure cheat sheet
- ClojureCheatSheet: Quick reference to a modern Lisp :-)
- Clojure Cheatsheets
- clojure.java.jdbc A low-level Clojure wrapper for JDBC-based access to databases
- Vars
- Creative computing with Clojure
- Contributing to Clojure
- Category Theory abstractions for Clojure
- Open Source Clojure project to Monitor Deforestation from Satellite Imagery
- Implementing a Clojure ns-browser in Light Table with React
- Light Table: The strange and wonderful saga of a pure Clojure editor — Pratik Karki - YouTube
- Clojure로 웹 서비스 개발 시작해보기
- Micro-Services: Clojure vs Scala
- ex-info
- Iris/Clojure Introduction (Part I)
- Data Science in Clojure at Yieldbot
- Reloaded a protocol and "No implementation of method"?
- Is Typed Clojure worth the trouble?
- Korean Clojure User Group
- Dynamic Binding을 사용할 때 주의점
- Strictly Tagged Clojure
- Static Analysis in Clojure: Java Interoperability
- Tricks for Java interop - How to reference inner classes, enums, generics, and varargs
- Clojure - Java Interop
- Clojure Don’ts: Single-branch if
- clojure-study/guestbook
- Dataflow (Reactive) Programming
- Rich Already Answered That!
- Rich-Hickey-fanclub: "every time I watch one of his talks I feel like someone has gone in and organized my brain"
- Introduction to Logic Programming with Clojure - Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
- One Major Difference Between Clojure And Common Lisp
- Four Reasons to Use Maps Instead of Classes
- Understanding Specter: Clojure's missing piece
- Using Emacs with Clojure
- macOS에서 Emacs로 클로저 개발하기
- Configuring Emacs as a Clojure IDE - LSP Mode - LSP support for Emacs
- A minimum-viable emacs config. for literate programming with Clojure
- Using Emacs for Literate Programming with Clojure - YouTube
- Writing Friendlier Clojure
- Structural typing for Clojure, somewhat inspired by Elm
- 클로저(Clojure)를 시작하는 계기
- Clojure all the way down: Finally a useful LISP
- Clojure HTTP API 서버 구현을 위한 라이브러리
- Realtime Collaboration with Clojure - Leonardo Borges
- Clojure and Electric Bikes
- SOLID Principles in Clojure
- Clojure and the Curve
- An Archaeology-Inspired Database
- Serverless Microservices - Ben Vandgrift & Adam Hunter
- Why is Clojure bootstrapping so slow?
- The 2016 JUXT Clojure Technology Radar
- JUXT Blog - The JUXT Clojure Radar 2021
- Clojure Destructuring Tutorial and Cheat Sheet
- Clojure - Destructuring lists and maps tutorial - YouTube
- Destructuring in Clojure - Ostash.Dev
- Destructuring in Clojure - YouTube
- Locks vs Concurrency Primitives
- 구글 개발자, 자연어로 작성하는 프로그래밍 언어 공개
- The End of Dynamic Languages
- Cat API + React/Reagent Native
- Why you should use Clojure for your next microservice
- Extend IFn protocol like if you were part of clojurescprit core team
- #171: Living Clojure, ClojureScript, and more with Carin Meier
- My Clojure Workflow, Reloaded
- Clojure, The Good Parts
- Clojure programs versus Java source code included
- Hyperpolyglot Lisp: Common Lisp, Racket, Clojure, Emacs Lisp
- deftype vs defrecord
- Clojure deftype with
| Dainius Jocas - Down the rabbit hole with Clojure, defrecord, and macros - DEV Community
- choosing type forms 2
- Ubuntu to deploy from Dockerfile. clojure. *.jar. or something like that
- Clojure Fundamentals For Beginners
- CSP 예제
- Application Configuration
- Micro-Services: Scala vs Clojure
- An Archaeology-Inspired Database
- the difference between cljs-devtools and dirac DevTools
- Lines of Code - does it matter?
- Lesser known Clojure: variants of threading macro
- Mixing macros and code in cljc and supporting clj, cljs and self-hosted cljs, see https://github.com/cgrand/macrovich
- Clojure Macros — Lessons from unspoken symbols
- Clojure Macros: Creating vars from a map — Martin Klepsch
- Is it possible to redefine existing Clojure syntax with macros? : Clojure
- Let's tap> with let> (a.k.a. My First Macro: taplet) - Showcase / Your Projects and Libraries - ClojureVerse
- Clojure Arcana
- X> & x>>: auto-transducifying thread macros - Showcase - ClojureVerse
- 클로저 매크로에 대해 알아보자 | 그린랩스
- Threading with Style – Digital Digressions by Stuart Sierra ->, ->> macro
- Macros vs. Monads
- 클로저 개발팀을 위한 지속적인 통합
- 동시성 프로그래밍 하기 좋은 Clojure
- 2016 클로저브릿지 소개 이민선
- Clojure: Getting Started From Newbie to Newbie
- A foray into Clojure
- exercism.io/languages/clojure/about
- codewars.com/?language=clojure
- 순수함수란 무엇인가에 대한 저의 생각
- clojureremote.com
- 케빈 TV 22회 - 부록영상: 클로저(Clojure) 소개하다가 당황하기
- 스칼라를 이용한 개발 이후
- How Zalando's Using Clojure+Spark (Slides)
- Quick Recipe for #Kafka Streams in #Clojure
- Externs Inference
- Clojure에서의 다형성(Polymorphism) 지원
- Why Clojure is better than C, Python,Ruby and java and why should you care
- 리스트 비교하기 — 클로져
- What do veteran Lisp programmers think of Clojure?
- lazy-seq 여부 판별하기
- On lazy sequence and parallelism. · GitHub
- Laziness in Clojure
- Delta Stochastic Gradient Descent 딥러닝 첫걸음 2장
- backprop-xor
- multi-class
- Interop with c in clojure
- Problems with the JVM
- The Legend of Long JVM Startup Times
- Clojure's unsung heroics with concurrency
- Clojure Concurrency: The Ultimate Guide
- The Dawn of Lightweight Concurrency for Java and Clojure
- Clojure: virtual thread and dynamic var performance
- This will cover 95% of all your needs - Clojure concurrency pragmatic guide! - YouTube
- compojure-api-strong-coercions
- masnun.com/category/clojure
- Clojure Made Simple
- github.com/matthiasn/talk-transcripts
- Readable Clojure
- Thoughts on UI tests
- Thoughts on Clojure UI framework @ tonsky.me
- Clojure Linear Algebra Refresher (1) - Vector Spaces
- Clojure Linear Algebra Refresher (2) - Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Clojure Linear Algebra Refresher (3) - Matrix Transformations
- Clojure Linear Algebra Refresher (3) - Matrix Transformations
- Clojure Linear Algebra Refresher (4) - Linear Transformations
- Hello World of Programming with Linear Algebra
- Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vectors, pt. 1
- Clojure Future / Delay / Promise
- Faster Compilation/Runtime and Spec Caching Fixes
- Maven으로 Leiningen 프로젝트 패키징하기
- JUXT Blog - How-to: Clojure libraries on Maven Central
- Improved JavaScript Object Literal Printing
- Clojure, Java 9, and You - Toby Crawley
- Moving Forward by Letting Go
- Tree visitors in Clojure
- The Morgan And Grand Iron Clojure Compiler
- The Tensors Must Flow - William Piel
- Introducing Clojurists Together
- 리치 히키와의 인터뷰 (마이클 포거스)
- Cool Things in Clojure 1.9
- Getting Started With Clojure Is Now Easier Than Ever - on a Mac
- Pink Gorilla | An interactive notebook for Clojure land - resurrected 2019 jupyter
- Key Lesson: Building CloudRepo With Clojure
- clj-chrome-devtools is a simple library for controlling a headless Chrome with the Chrome DevTools Protocol
- Quicker Clojure startup with AppCDS and AOT
- What little clojure tricks did you not realize for years?
- Java arrays and unchecked math
- example - 게임 상태 관리 예
- 함수형 프로그래밍 언어에 대한 고찰
- Reasoned Schemer for Clojure
- Clojure/ClojureScript Boot literate programming template
- 개발 환경 설정
- nil punning
- Clojure nil busting one-liners | Daw-Ran Liou
- Clojure at Netflix
- Modelling Time - Eric Evans - DDD Europe 2018
- 시간 값 모델링에 clojure 사용
- Welcome Clojure 10
- 후속문(Continuation) : 제1부. 개념과 call/cc
- facebook clojure korea group에서 가져온 설명
- clojure는 continuation 미제공, 많은 언어에서 이미 continuation을 제공하고 있거나, 또는 제공하는 방향으로 흘러가고 있는 추세(e.g. Java의 Fiber 지원 예정)
- 그러므로 continuation을 제대로 이해하고, 경우에 따라서 적절하게 활용할 수 있다면 매우 좋음
- continuation은 제어 구조를 개발자가 직접 구현할 수 있게 해 준다는 점에서, run-time 매크로에 비유할 수 있다
- 보통의 매크로는 compile-time에 확장되지만, continuation은 run-time에 개발자가 원하는 대로 장차 실행될 코드를 선택/확장할 수 있게 해주는 기능 제공
- Deep Learning in Clojure from Scratch to GPU - Part 0 - Why Bother?
- 모듈러(Modular) 연산
- Domain Modelling using Clojure
- What I learned after writing Clojure for 424 days, straight
- A Joyful Introduction to Clojure
- Clojure 허쉴?
- Clojure 개발 환경 셋업 #1 - Leiningen
- Clojure 개발 환경 셋업 #2 - REPL
- Clojure 개발 환경 셋업 #3 - Calva 33:05~33:45
- Clojure socket prepl cookbook
- Try to build with graal
- Updating diagnostics for Boeing’s 737 MAX Clojure 3.2만 line. Java였으면 50만 line이 넘었을 거로 추정함
- Advent of Parens 2019
- CuPy accelerates NumPy on the GPU? Hold my Cider, here's Clojure!
- A wrinkle in Clojure
- Spec2 experience
- Introspection tools: Java decompilers - Clojure Goes Fast
- Clojure, Faster – Tech blog
- Railway oriented programming, clojure and exception handling: why and how? | by Yulia Kleb | AppsFlyer | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- performancepaper: A reproducible, open examination of the paper "A performance comparison of Clojure and Java" by Gustav Krantz
- Fun with Lambda Calculus
- Clojure and gRPC - overcoming FOMO (by Sathya Vittal) @ LNDCLJ - YouTube
- Blog in Clojure Code Review - YouTube
- Model Checking in Clojure - YouTube
- Consistent Hashing with Clojure | Ponderings of a Curious Mind
- algo.generic
- Write pretty printed Clojure data structures to the clipboard
- What Lies Beneath - A Deep Dive Into Clojure's Data Structures - Mohit Thatte - YouTube
- Dynamic Notebooks and Literate Programming (by Sam Ritchie) - YouTube
- A Random Job Interview Challenge In Clojure | Savo's Blog
- A Year Or So With Clojure | Giovani Altelino
- Reimplementing TeX's Algorithms: Looking Back at Thirty Years of Programming
- I will never let monads be in a Clojure project
- Systems in Clojure
- Atabey Kaygun — Kruskal's Algorithm Implemented in Clojure
- Atabey Kaygun — Stoer-Wagner Algorithm in Clojure
- Enigma 1: Turning rotors
- Ostash.Dev - Code is a poetry
- Semantic Clojure Formatting | Meta Redux
- clojure-dsl-resources: A curated list of Clojure resources for dealing with domain-specific languages
- Graph visualization playground with Cytoscape. | Yehonathan Sharvit
- Atabey Kaygun — Calculating Vertex Covers in Clojure
- Rewrite EDN while preserving comments and formatting - YouTube
- Clojure of Things — Adam Helinski - YouTube
- Clojure is difficult, but worth it — Sezal Jain - YouTube
- A closer look at {{roam/render}}
- Clojure's slow start — what's inside? - Clojure Goes Fast
- Adam James VODS - YouTube
- Rapid Application Development with Hydrogen | by Irati Etxeberria | magnet.coop | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- Clojure from a Schemer's perspective | More magic
- Clojure Goodness: Pure Function Sample Buying Coffee From FP Programming In Scala Written In Clojure - Messages from mrhaki
- Emanuel Goette, alias Crespo: Clojure code snippet
- Creating Dungeon Games in Clojure; Data Functions - YouTube
- An example for redis publish subscribe feature with clojure...? - Questions & Help / How to? - ClojureVerse
- clojure-quotes/generated.md at master · Azel4231/clojure-quotes
- Clojure for Java Developers
- dictionary - How to refactor Clojure source code, especially to rename the keywords of a map collection? - Stack Overflow
- My Clojure Port-Mortem
- First principles of Clojure with ClojureScript and React - YouTube
- The concepts behind Data-Oriented programming | Yehonathan Sharvit
- clojure-vulnerability-check-action: A simple GitHub Actions to scan for vulnerable dependencies
- Agile & Coding: Wake up, sleepy lambda
- Clojure Vs. Java Comparison Guide in 2021 - Visualmodo
- Functional Polymorphism using Clojure’s Multimethods | by Ilan Uzan | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- The Lisp Curse
- Consistent Hashing with Clojure. In this post, let’s try and understand… | by Suvrat Apte | helpshift-engineering | Medium
- 🛠 Bootstrapping our CI – Nextjournal
- Practicalli: Overview of Language Server Protocol LSP for Clojure development
- "Alda's dynamic relationship with Clojure" by Dave Yarwood - YouTube
- dave yarwood · Why I'm rewriting Alda in Go and Kotlin
- Symbolic Assembly: Using Clojure to Meta-program Bytecode - Ramsey Nasser - YouTube
- Why Clojure (Lisp) is good for writing transpilers – Sequenced Thoughts from C/S
- User-Agent parser for Clojure
- Remus: a new RSS/Atom feed parser for Clojure
- Kern parser combinator with bb
- Environ variables are not for configuring software
- First Clojure stream in English
- Dealing with emoji in Clojure
- Clojure in Highload Cup
- In-Memory SQLite Database In Clojure
- On Clojure arguments
- The power of finding facts about personal preferences – Maurício Szabo
- How to avoid "illegal reflective access" warning in Clojure interop. (Cast?) - Stack Overflow
- PF4J and Clojure – Andrey Listopadov
- Stacktraces with clojure functions contain irrelevant information - Clojure Q&A
- Study: Clojure, CoffeeScript and Haskell Are the Most Expressive General-purpose Languages
- Clojurists Together 2020-Q4: new features and thank you! - YouTube
- Why clojure is so powerful for flow and creativity in code | Racket
- Clojure, I Choose You! | Aspect Analytics
- Solving the Expression Problem with Clojure 1.2
- Organizing Clojure code - A real problem? - Community Center / Beginners - ClojureVerse
- Counting HTTP 0 9 3 0 by Oleksii Kachaiev - YouTube
- 왜 폴 그레이엄은 회사 이름을 Y Combinator라고 지었을까 - 컬리 기술 블로그
- Live coding Mail File, day 4! Parse email, get money. - YouTube
- Funktionale Programmierung - DSLs ganz einfach mit Clojure
- Homoiconicity & Feature Flags — Martin Klepsch
- Inside Clojure's Collection Model – Inside Clojure
- Rewriting the Technical Interview
- (recur thoughts "Building a library I - Rationale")
- (recur thoughts "Building a library II - Planning phase")
- (recur thoughts "Building a library III - Study case ez-wire")
- (recur thoughts "Building a library IV")
- Organizing Clojure code with Functional Core, Imperative Shell | by Shantanu Kumar | May, 2021 | Medium
- Executing Shell / System commands in Clojure - YouTube
- Paths, Paths, Paths ... classpath
- The Classpath is a Lie
- classpath: Classpath/classloader/deps.edn related utilities
- An Architect's View: deps.edn and monorepos
- An Architect's View: deps.edn and monorepos II
- An Architect's View: deps.edn and monorepos III (Polylith)
- An Architect's View: deps.edn and monorepos IV
- An Architect's View: deps.edn and monorepos V (Polylith)
- Use Clojure CLI and deps.edn to Build and Run Clojure app. tools.deps explained - YouTube
- Using Hue connected lights and temp sensors to preview today's weather! | Medium
- Fibonacci Numbers in the Real World
- tammy makes things: The Fibonacci Sequence in Clojure
- Once Upon a Class
- Learn AST - Clojure – Nextjournal
- What I learned launching my first product, part 1 - Startup in a Month
- What I learned launching my first product, part 2 - Startup in a Month
- What I learned launching my first product, part 3 - Startup in a Month
- Clojure to markdown
- This is why people say that in functional programming the order of execution doesn’t matter - Learning Resources - ClojureVerse
- Tour of our 250k line Clojure codebase – Tech blog
- Algebraic Effects(-ish Things) in Clojure - lilac.town
- Inspiring a future Clojure editor with forgotten Lisp UX - Shaun Lebron - YouTube
- OSS Clojure-Datalog Databases
- On Types
- Building Site - YouTube
- Datomic Cloud - Getting Started - YouTube
- Data validation in Clojure - Ostash.Dev
- Just a Blog: Clojure CLI Tools in Debian - GSoC 2021 Partial Evaluation Report
- Betting your company on Lisp: 5 years with Clojure in production by Adam Tornhill - YouTube
- The Artificery: CSS: Optimizations and Organization
- Hacking with Handlebars in Java and Clojure: Part I | by Pranav Gajjewar | helpshift-engineering | Medium
- Hacking with Handlebars in Java and Clojure: Part II | by Pranav Gajjewar | helpshift-engineering | Aug, 2021 | Medium
- A Functional Approach for Problem A of ICPC 2018 World Finals - Flexiana
- A Catalogue of Chords Example | jpreston.xyz
- 6 Years of Professional Clojure. TL;DR Clojure is a great programming… | by Erez Rabih | Jul, 2021 | Nanit Engineering
- Blog - Metosin
- Reflective Towers of Interpreters | SIGPLAN Blog
- Reactive Clojure: You don't need a web framework, you need a web language
- 프로그래머를 위한 이름 짓는 원리 | 그린랩스
- Clojure and Postgres, no JDBC. By Duane Bester | ITNEXT
- Clojure meets Minecraft (Witchcraft/Glowstone) - YouTube
- SymmetricalDataSecurity: Idiomatic Clojure without sacrificing performance
- PurefunctionPipelineDataflow/DataFlow_dataOriented_DataDriven_en.md at master · linpengcheng/PurefunctionPipelineDataflow
- Bel in Clojure
- 그린랩스 클로저 사용 실태 조사 2022 | 그린랩스
- Cuddly, Octo-Palm Tree: Notes on Optimizing Clojure Code: Measurements
- Clojure isnt for me
- How to create a library that works with Clojure and ClojureScript - YouTube
- "Simple Made Easy" - Rich Hickey (2011) - YouTube
- Using Javascript libraries from Clojure
- Thinking about system composition
- Signals vs Streams, in terms of backpressure (2023)
- Bad nREPL: 10 Things You Hate About nREPL | Meta Redux
- Fix your Clojure code: Clojure comes with design patterns (Part 1)
- Fix your Clojure code: Clojure comes with design patterns (Part 2)
- Model-View-Controller, a classic architectural pattern in Clojure
- temporal and action properties
- Clojure visual-tools meeting 17 - various updates - YouTube
- Clojure visual-tools meeting 18 - Mosaic and other updates - YouTube
- Clojure visual-tools meeting 21: ggplot study session 1 - YouTube
- Scicloj LLM Meetup 1: Introduction - YouTube
- Scicloj LLM Meetup 2: Prompt engineering, managing embeddings - YouTube
- Scicloj LLM Meetup 3: LLMOps with Bosquet - YouTube
- Scicloj LLM meetup 4: Architectures and ideas behind transformer-based generative LLMs - Community Center / Meetups and Events - ClojureVerse
- Scicloj LLM meetup 5: Library overviews and selected discussions - Community Center / Meetups and Events - ClojureVerse
- Clojure is a product design tool. | Precursor
- clojure implementation of LangChain's recursive splitter
- Fast Starting JVM Clojure with Checkpoint/Restore (Part 1)
- Building a real-world Clojure application from SCRATCH - YouTube
- Griffin - The bank you can build on
- Clojure in production: what do we use in real-world services? - YouTube
- Environment what? Variables?. Just forget about those, most probably… | by Irina Yaroslavova Stefanova | Oct, 2023 | Medium
- Private Methods in Clojure - YouTube
- Private constants & breaking private functions in Clojure - YouTube
- Clojure for Node Developers: File System
- A Clojure Pattern: Fallback for Numeric Values | LinkedIn
- REPL-driving the browser by Josh Glover - YouTube
- Batching in Clojure is boring | LinkedIn
- Managing components and systems without libraries (closeable pattern) in Clojure - YouTube
- DB 현재는 모든 과거의 필연적인 산물이다 - Bitemporal 을 곁들인 타임머신
- "Clojure for Data Science in the Real World" by Kira McLean - YouTube
- Quickref for Clojure Core
- 20 cool Clojure functions
- Intro to Higher Order Functions
- Clojure higher-order functions explained: fnil | Daw-Ran Liou
- Clojure higher-order functions explained: complement | Daw-Ran Liou
- Functions Explained Through Patterns - Joseph Wilk
- 함수를 다른 함수의 인자로 넘겨보자
- Fast Function Currying in Clojure (Without Macros)
- Chris Houser / Jonathan Claggett - Illuminated Macros - YouTube
- Clojure Functions in Four Ways - Rake Routes
- Building trees with and without zippers | Vincent Cantin’s blog
- Clojure Zippers
- The filter function in JavaScript and Clojure a detailed comparison with anonymous functions - YouTube
- Exceptions in Clojure
- Clojure Error Messages are Accidental - LispCast
- What Is Behind Clojure Error Messages?
- Working with binary data in clojure serialization
- Clojure Sequence API Cheatsheet – Nextjournal
- Clojure: Sequences, part 1
- Sequences - 기계인간 John Grib
- Metadata - 기계인간 John Grib
- Datatypes - deftype, defrecord and reify - 기계인간 John Grib
- You can't convert list of lists to a map - YouTube
- Method Values – Inside Clojure
- Learn Clojure – Functions with multiple arguments - YouTube
- Tricky Clojure Functions: partial, comp, juxt and more - YouTube
- clojure.spec
- A Tool For Thought
- 5 Differences between clojure.spec and Schema
- Where to put specs for Clojure.Spec?
- Custom defn macro with clojure.spec - part 1: conform/unform
- Custom defn macro - part 2: playing with parse trees
- clojure.spec
- Schema & Clojure Spec for the Web Developer
- clojure.spec for functions by example
- ghostwheel - Robustness and Observability Without the Pain
- Orchestra : complete instrumentation for clojure.spec
- serene - Generate clojure.spec with GraphQL and extend GraphQL with clojure.spec
- spectator
- spell-spec - clojure.spec.alpha helpers that check for misspelled map keys, with expound integration
- If you use Clojure Spec, how do you use it? Do you tend to put all your specs in one place or distribute them through the "modules" of your program?
- Clojure Spec Expressing Data Constraints without Types - Alex Miller - YouTube
- Union Types with Clojure.Spec
- speced.def provides spec-backed forms of defn, defprotocol, fn, let etc. using the same exact syntax as clojure.core's
- Dictionary-like Specs in Clojure
- cond->
- core.async
- Building a chat system using core.async and server-sent-events
- Queuing On EC2 With core.async
- Reducers, transducers and core.async in Clojure
- Reducers in Clojure - Level Up Coding
- Faster csv reading/processing, how I got there with core.async - Showcase / Your Projects and Libraries - ClojureVerse
- concurrently - A clojure library for making concurrent process-engine backed by core.async
- superv.async - extends core.async with error handling and includes a number of convenience functions and macros
- wsscode-async: Core.async utilities package
- core.logic
- core.memoize
- core.typed
- Why we’re no longer using Core.typed
- core.typed 클로저 정적 타입 맛보기
- Why we're no longer using Core.typed
- 단점(facebook clojure korea)
- 부실한 에디터 지원
- cursive나 cider 모두 core.typed를 지원하지만
- cider는 nrepl 의존성 문제로 cider가 기본으로 잘 안뜨고 또 파일이 커지면 check가 너무 오래 걸림
- cursive는 nrepl을 띄우고 따로 type 체크를 실행해줘야 체크를 함
- 느린 속도; 타입 체크가 느림
- 외부 라이브러리의 타입 지원
- core.typed를 지원하는 라이브러리가 거의 없다 보니 사용하는 라이브러리 함수의 type annotation을 직접 붙여줘야함
- ^:no-check 옵션을 키고 내 코드에서 통과할 정도로만 붙여주면 되긴 하지만 상당히 번거로움
- 외부 라이브러리가 매크로인 경우 매크로가 풀린 코드에 대해서 type annotation을 붙여 줘야하는 것도 어려운 점
- Designing a database like an archaeologist
- fn
- for
- future
- map
- A guide to Custom Map Types in Clojure | WSSCode Blog
- Clojure Goodness: Merge Maps With Function To Set Value Duplicate Keys - Messages from mrhaki
- array-map
- Clojure Goodness: Turning Map Values To Map Keys - Messages from mrhaki
- Returns a map
- Clojure: Pre and Post conditions - YouTube
- How to use map, apply, concat and mapcat in Clojure - YouTube
- Transient set loses data? : Clojure
- Maps vs records - Community Center / Watercooler - ClojureVerse
- Converting CURL header to Clojure map - YouTube
- closeable-map: A Clojure map that implements java.io.Closeable, so that it represents an execution context that you can close
- match
- namespace
- reduce
- string
- tail recursion
- 초보자를 위한 클로져
- 클로저 웹 개발 시작하기
- Best Clojure Books
- This is the home of O'Reilly's Clojure Cookbook - http://clojure-cookbook.com
- Clojure
- Clojure for the Brave and True
- Clojure in Action, Second Edition
- The Joy of Clojure
- Elements of Clojure by Zachary Tellman
- Web Development with Clojure, Second Edition
- Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition: Build Large, Maintainable Web Applications Interactively by Dmitri Sotnikov and Scot Brown
- ClojureScript
- Awesome ClojureScript
- ClojureScript Koans
- ClojureScript Next
- Exploring the Clojurescript REPL
- ClojureScript Unraveled
- Having Fun with Clojurescript on Google Cloud Function | by Zero One Group | Zero One Group | Medium
- algo.monads - Macros for defining monads, and definition of the most common monads
- ClojureScript Unraveled
- Differences from Clojure
- Why ClojureScript Matters
- Web development with ClojureScript, Om, ReactJS and Related Libraries in V Acts
- Fast JavaScriptCore Desktop ClojureScript REPL
- Companies that are using Clojure
- ClojureScript on Android
- ClojureScript - React Native
- ClojureScript HTML5 Game Programming with phaser.js
- Unhinted ClojureScript
- Node.js and ClojureScript
- ClojureScript :static-fns 컴파일 옵션
- ClojureScript clojure Namespace Aliasing
- ClojureScript
now supports:rename
- ClojureScript
- ClojureScript로 하는 함수형 UI 프로그래밍
- VR with ClojureScript, three.js and Google Cardboard
- Compiling ClojureScript Projects Without the JVM
- 33. Running ClojureScript Tests
- Cleaner ClojureScript React Native Interop
- 클로저스트립트에서 매크로 작성시 주의점
- Capturing ClojureScript Errors on the Server
- A visual overview of the similarities and differences between ClojureScript and JavaScript
- Writing Node.js scripts with ClojureScript
- How to get *ns* string in ClojureScript
- NAVER Tech Talk: 개발언어, 설계(2018년 2월)
- Up and running with ClojureScript in 2018
- Taming Advanced Compilation bugs in ClojureScript projects - /dev/solita
- Mike Fikes explains the ClojureScript Compiler (from https://cljs.pro) - YouTube
- thegeez blog - Walkthrough of a spreadsheet/database-hybrid with Clojure(Script)
- Modern JS with CLJS: class and template literals - Projects / shadow-cljs - ClojureVerse
- Accountant is a ClojureScript library to make navigation in single-page applications simple
- iOS App 개발 with React Native + ClojureScript
- JUXT Blog - Speed up your ClojureScript Webapp
- Chris Mccormick - ClojureScript UIs in 500 Bytes
- "ClojureScript Has It All! Except Maybe for Types" by Kamil Waheed - YouTube
- Vlojure - A New Way to Write ClojureScript - YouTube
- applied-science/js-interop A JavaScript-interop library for ClojureScript
- asami: A graph store for Clojure and ClojureScript
- cat - Category Theory and Algebraic abstractions for Clojure and ClojureScript. http://funcool.github.io/cats/latest
- Catalysis - Full stack (+ clj cljs reagent datomic datascript datsync) web development
- cljcastr: A Zencastr-style podcasting studio in Clojure
- cljs2go - ClojureScript to Go
- cljs4excel - Run a ClojureScript REPL within Microsoft Excel
- cljs-ajax - simple Ajax client for ClojureScript
- cljs-devtools - Better presentation of ClojureScript values in Chrome Devtools
- cljs-oops
- cljs를 advanced 모드로 컴파일시, 외부 자바스크립트 라이브러리에 대한 externs 파일이 필요
- 이 라이브러리를 사용하면 그럴 필요가 전혀 없음. 이 라이브러리의 매크로들이 내부적으로 aget/aset 호출로 다 변경해 주기 때문
- externs 파일이 없는 경우도 많고, externs generator를 돌려도 제대로 동작하지 않는 경우도 있고, 직접 만들기는 상당히 번거로움
- externs가 제공이 안되는 경우 이 라이브러리를 사용
- cljs-test-display
- clojurecuda.uncomplicate.org
- clojerl - Clojure implemented on the Erlang VM
- cloverage - Simple clojure coverage tool. Currently requires clojure 1.4
- commom-pool-sample - Example for Apache Common Pool 2
- criterium - Benchmarking library for clojure http://hugoduncan.github.com/criterium
- cursive
- Guest Post - Beginning Clojure: Cursive
- Clojure 강좌 01 - Cursive 설정
- Clojure 강좌 02 - Cursive에서 REPL 사용하기
- Clojure 강좌 05 - Cursive에서 Paredit 사용하기
- Cursive local REPL 에서 UnsupportedClassVersionError 에러가 날 경우
- Cursive: Installing
- My repl in Cursive throws compiler exceptions until I restart it : Clojure
- Complete Clojure Development Environment Setup: IntelliJ IDEA, Cursive, ASDF/RTX, Toolbox - YouTube
- datascript - An immutable in-memory database and Datalog query engine in ClojureScript
- datawalk REPL에서 데이터 확인
- de-jong - ClojureScript de Jong Attractor http://cjlarose.com/de-jong
- Dirac is a Chrome DevTools fork with extra features for ClojureScript developers
- dogfort - An experimental web server framework for ClojureScript on Node.js
- editscript: A library designed to diff and patch Clojure data structures
- figwheel-main | Figwheel Main provides tooling for developing ClojureScript applications
- Keechma
- kinsky
- krell - Stand alone, low configuration ClojureScript tooling for React Native
- modern-cljs - A series of tutorials on ClojureScript
- natal - Bootstrap ClojureScript React Native apps
- Om - Driving React Native with ClojureScript
- open-korean-text-4clj - A Open Korean Text Processor wrapper for Clojure
- pacman-cljs - HTML 5 Pac-Man written in ClojureScript
- PigPen - Map-Reduce for Clojure
- Planck - a ClojureScript REPL and script execution environment
- portfolio
- Posh is a ClojureScript / React library that lets you use a single DataScript database to store your app state
- ReactNativeDuckie : iOS App Development with React Native and ClojureScript
- Reagent: Minimalistic React for ClojureScript
- Zelkova - Elm-style FRP for Clojure and ClojureScript
- Reagent deep dive part 1: Hiccup and ratoms
- ClojureScript Reagent Reframe
- 만들면서 배우는 Reagent. ClojureScript의 React wrapper 라이브러리인… | by Jeongbong Seo | bgpworks | Medium
- 만들면서 배우는 Reagent Part 1 | Jeongbong Seo
- re-frame - A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs, in Clojurescript
- Re-frame 시작하기 (1)
- Re frame
- The Re-frame Guide
- ClojureScript Web App Tutorial Using Re-Frame and Http-Fx - YouTube
- "Growing Data Center networking mgmt UI using ClojureScript, Reagent and re-frame" by Kirill Ishanov - YouTube
- re-frame-10x - A debugging dashboard for re-frame. Comes with free x-ray glasses. (Previously known as re-frame-trace)
- re-frame-debux
- re-frame-flow: Graph based visualization tool for Re-frame event chains
- re-gen: Generator for re-frame application with navigation and using MaterialUI
- Replete: A Standalone iOS CLJS REPL
- sablono - Lisp/Hiccup style templating for Facebook's React in ClojureScript
- secretary - A client-side router for ClojureScript
- shadow-cljs ClojureScript compilation made easy http://shadow-cljs.org
- Shadow CLJS User’s Guide
- lein-cljsbuild를 대체할 수 있는 compiler
- lein 연동 가능, 독립 실행도 가능
- t3tr0s-slides
- tau.alpha - a ClojureScript library for managing webworkers, ideally similar to Clojure's concurrency primitives
- untangled - A ClojureScript-based webapp framework
- Vlojure
- xforms: Extra transducers and reducing fns for Clojure(script)
- zprint - A fast zprint filter
- Meetup: Simplicity and Power in the latest Clojure CLI - YouTube
- Rails Conf 2012 Keynote: Simplicity Matters by Rich Hickey
- clojure Stuart Halloway on Radical Simplicity - YouTube
- Functional / Microservices in Real-Time Financials
- Solving Problems the Clojure Way - Rafal Dittwald - YouTube
- javascript 로 구현된 카드게임의 코드를 보면서
- 첫 번째 구현에서 어떤 부분이 clojure way 라고 볼 수 없는지 어디서 순수함수와 사이드 이펙트가 섞여 있는 상황인지 보여주고
- 그것을 분리하는 작업 시연
- Goodbye YAML: Infrastructure as Code in Clojure - Eno Compton & Tyler van Hensbergen - YouTube
- Serverless Fullstack with Amplified Clojure(script) - YouTube
- Expert to Expert: Rich Hickey and Brian Beckman - Inside Clojure - YouTube
- The Dutch Clojure Meetup - YouTube
- A Love Letter to Clojure
- Clojure European Summer Time - Data Driven RAD with Malli, by Arne Brasseur - YouTube
- Zach Tellman - Always Be Composing - YouTube
- Lessons Learned; the Nice and Accurate Counsel of Alex Miller, Programmer – Alex Miller - YouTube
- On Abstraction – Zach Tellman - YouTube
(def random [:en 001 "abstraction"])
- YouTube- Why We Bet Our Startup on Clojure - YouTube
- 제6회 - 2017.11.11 @D2 Startup Factory
- (Clojure) 2022 meetup+ greenlabs - YouTube
- Brian Goetz prefers Clojure over Scala and Kotlin on the JVM (Java language architect) nipafx clip - YouTube
- A History of Clojure by Rich Hickey with Q&A - YouTube
- Changing to Clojure mid-flight by Marcus Rydberg - YouTube
- Every Clojure Talk Ever - Alex Engelberg and Derek Slager - YouTube
- TECHㅣ컨퍼런스 - YouTube 그린랩스
- Give me Interactive Programming, or give me death, by Peter Strömberg - YouTube
- "Design in Practice" by Rich Hickey - YouTube
- Back to the Future: How 80s Arcade Games Taught me Clojure by Mey Beisaron - YouTube
- "Portal - Exploring new Workflows with Visual Tools" by Chris Badahdah - YouTube
- Babashka Conf 2023: "Don't Forget the REPL" by Martin Kavalar - YouTube
- Clojure Arcade: Mac Man Quick Start - YouTube
- clojure/conj
- "High Performance Clojure" by Chris Nuernberger - YouTube
- "Clojure in the Fintech Ecosystem" by Philip Cooper - YouTube
- "How to build a Clojure dialect" by Jeaye Wilkerson - YouTube
- "How to transfer Clojure goodness to other languages" by Elango Cheran and Timothy Pratley - YouTube
- Clojure/conj 2015
- Clojure/conj 2016
- clojure/conj 2017
- Clojure/conj 2018
- clojureD 2019: "Workflow engines with Clojure – It's a match!" by Tim Zöller - YouTube
- clojureD 2020: "Writing maintainable Clojure" by Erik Assum - YouTube
- :clojureD 2021 - YouTube
- clojurenorth.com
- Clojure/north 2020 - YouTube
- Clojure/West 2015
- Clojure/west2016
- Clojure/west2017
- EuroClojure
- Midwest.io 2014 - Rules as a Control Structure - Ryan Brush
- reClojure 2022
- stuarthalloway/presentations
- Debugging in Clojure?
- REPL Based Debugging in Clojure
- Clojure observability and debugging tools
- Inline def: an effective* debugging technique for Clojure
- clj-debugger
- debug-repl
- debux - A simple debugging library for Clojure and ClojureScript
- Sayid (siy EED) - a tool for debugging and profiling clojure code
- The Top 100 Clojure Libraries in 2016 - After Analyzing 30,000+ Dependencies
- Clojure SQL Migration Libaries
- The state of Clojure on Android
- A modular blogging platform written in Clojure
- Managed lifecycle of stateful objects in Clojure
- Clojure programming world: 6 essential libraries and other tools
- Creating and publishing Clojure libraries - DEV Community
- 🌳 5 Awesome Clojure Projects — UI Design Tool & More | by 💎 Tom Smykowski | Jan, 2023 | Medium
- abclj: Clojure to Common lisp interop
- adi - data modelling for the ambitious http://docs.caudate.me/adi datomic 대신
- aero: A small library for explicit, intentful configuration
- amazonica: A comprehensive Clojure client for the entire Amazon AWS api
- americano: A simple tool for compiling Java from the Clojure CLI
- Anglican - a open source, just-in-time-compiled probablistic programming language
- annotate - Annotate is a library for adding type annotations to functions and checking those types at runtime
- arachne-framework.org
- Atom
- autonormal: A library for storing and querying graph data in a Clojure map
- Avout - distributed state in clojure
- awesome-clojure-likes: Curated list of Clojure-like programming languages
- aws-api: AWS, data driven
- balloon: Deflate a nested map into one level deep or inflate a one level into a nested map using delimited keys
- bankster: Money Creation Made Easy
- better-cond: A version of cond that supports :let clauses, and a number of other conveniences
- bidi - In the grand tradition of Clojure libraries we begin with an irrelevant quote
- Biff - A web framework + self-hosted deployment solution for Clojure
- blackwater: Clojure SQL query logging
- blender-clj-addon: Base code for writing blender addons in clojure
- boot - Build tooling for Clojure http://boot-clj.com
- Migrating a Leiningen Project to Boot
- Building on Boot
- clj-templates Find Clojure templates for Leiningen and Boot
- build-clj: Common build tasks abstracted into a library
- cardigan-bay: A new wiki engine in Clojure ...
- Carica - a flexible configuration library
- Chestnut - a Leiningen template for a Clojure/ClojureScript app based on Om
- Chime - a really lightweight Clojure scheduler
- cider - CIDER is a Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks for Emacs
- clerk: Local-First Notebooks for Clojure
- clj2el: Transpile Clojure to Emacs Lisp!
- clj-async-profiler: Embeddable Clojure profiler built on https://github.com/jvm-profiling-tools/async-profiler
- clj-clapps: Clojure library for creating command line apps elegantly
- cljdropbox - A Clojure library designed to ... well, that part is up to you
- clj-embed - A clojure library for using multiple clojure runtimes in a single jvm process
- 하나의 jvm에서 여러 clojure 환경 사용 가능
- 여러 버전의 라이브러리를 한 환경에서 사용 가능
- clj-graal-docs: Scripts and tips to get Clojure latest working with GraalVM latest
- clj-http - An idiomatic clojure http client wrapping the apache client. Offically supported version. http://clojars.org/clj-http
- clj-java-decompiler
- clj-kondo - A linter for Clojure code that sparks joy
- clj-lambda-layered: A sample on how to split the lib deps of a JVM/Clojure lambda into a layer
- cljmap-plantuml: View Clojure map as data diagram using PlantUML
- clj-maxima: Maxima as a clojure library
- cljol: Experimental code using Java Object Layout (JOL) from Clojure
- clj-refactor.el - Available refactorings
- clj-statecharts State Machine and StateCharts for Clojure(Script). Inspired by XState
- clj-template-reverse
- clj-tiles: Scratch-like visual programming for Clojurescript
- clj-time: A date and time library for Clojure, wrapping the Joda Time library
- clj-time: A date and time library for Clojure, wrapping the Joda Time library
- cljs-time: A clj-time inspired date library for clojurescript
- clavascript: ClojureScript syntax to JavaScript compiler
- clods: A microservice and toolchain for providing UK organisational data services (ODS)
- Clojars is a dead easy community repository for open source Clojure libraries
- clojisr: Clojure speaks statistics - a bridge between Clojure to R
- clojupyter - A Jupyter kernel for Clojure. This will let you run Clojure code from the Jupyter console and notebook
- Clojure2D P(art)icle System – Nextjournal
- clojure2minizinc - provides an interface between state-of-the-art constraint solvers (via MiniZinc) and a very high-level programming language with excellent abstraction capabilities, Clojure
- clojure-android
- clojure-api-starter web boilerplate
- clojure.bat - Launch Clojure conveniently in Windows
- ClojureCalc - A libreoffice Calc Add-In to evaluate clojure expressions
- ClojureCL - Parallel computations with OpenCL 2.0 in Clojure High Performance Computing and GPGPU in Clojure: access the supercomputer on your desktop
- clojure-clr-monogame-test at pong
- clojure-clr-next: Next generation of ClojureCLR under development
- ClojureDart: A port of Clojure that compiles to Dart
- The Clojure Toolbox - A categorised directory of libraries and tools for Clojure
- clojure.java.jdbc - A low-level Clojure wrapper for JDBC-based access to databases
- clojure-lsp: Language Server (LSP) for Clojure
- ClojureRS: Clojure, implemented atop Rust (unofficial)
- clojure-rte · GitLab rational type expressions (RTEs)
- clojure/tools.macro: Utilities for macro writers
- clojure-turtle - A Clojure library that implements the Logo programming language in a Clojure context
- clojure-web-minsetup
- Clojush - The Push programming language and the PushGP genetic programming system implemented in Clojure. http://hampshire.edu/lspector/push.html
- cloroutine - Coroutine support for clojure
- code3dworld: Learn programming in 3D World
- codox - Clojure documentation tool
- coffi: A Foreign Function Interface in Clojure for JDK 17
- cogent: a small theorem prover in clojure
- comment-or-uncomment-sexp command
- Common-Metadata-Repository
- Compojure routing
- 4 Sinatra inspired frameworks on the JVM that will boost your productivity
- github.com/metosin/compojure-api/blob/master/examples/async/src/example/handler.clj
- ring 최신 SPEC인 async SPEC을 3가지 타입으로 지원
- Ring의 async handler를 리턴하는 방식
- 이벤트 방식 프로그래밍 라이브러리인 manifold(https://github.com/ztellman/manifold)의 deferred를 리턴하는 방식
- core.async의 채널을 리턴하는 방식
- ring 최신 SPEC인 async SPEC을 3가지 타입으로 지원
- async-compojure-example
- corona-project: Europe COVID-19 statistics website generator
- CounterClockWise IDE Eclipse Plugin for the Clojure Language
- cryogen - Static sites generated with Clojure
- Crux - The open database with temporal graph query
- dali is a Clojure library for representing the SVG graphics format
- data.deque - Persistent Deque for Clojure(Script)
- datahike: A durable Datalog implementation adaptable for distribution
- datalevin: A simple, fast and versatile Datalog database
- Datalog
- datascript: Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS
- Dativity - a stateless, data driven process engine library for Clojure and ClojureScript
- data.int-map: A map optimized for integer keys
- Datomic - Double-entry accounting software written in Clojure with Datomic
- deps.clj: A port of the clojure CLI bash script to Clojure. Can be run as executable or from source with babashka or JVM
- devart-codefactory: Create a piece of art using code
- docopt.clj: Clojure implementation of the docopt description language
- dog-board - A website written in noir
- doxa - in-memory database
- Drake is a simple-to-use, extensible, text-based data workflow tool that organizes command execution around data and its dependencies
- dtype-next: A Clojure library designed to aid in the implementation of high performance algorithms and systems
- Duckling - a Clojure library that parses text into structured data
- Duct - Server-side application framework for Clojure
- edamame: Configurable EDN/Clojure parser with location metadata
- electric Electric Clojure – a signals DSL for fullstack web UI, with compiler-managed network sync
- Enlive - a selector-based (à la CSS) templating library for Clojure
- expresso - A clojure library for symbolic manipulation of Algebraic Expressions
- Etaion - Pure Clojure implementation of Webdriver protocol
- Eva - a distributed database-system implementing an entity-attribute-value data-model
- event - event signalling and conditional restart Clojure(Script) restart system (in Common Lisp) better than exception system
- Fail / Pass pipelines for Clojure and ClojureScript https://github.com/runexec
- failjure - Monadic error utilities for general use in Clojure projects return값으로 error를 다루는 library
- Ferret is a Clojure to C++ compiler
- ffclj: Clojure ffmpeg wrapper
- fijit: A Clojure library for Scala interop
- FkCSS: Powerful styling without leaving Clojure/ClojureScript - f**k CSS
- flambo - A Clojure DSL for Apache Spark
- flare - Dynamic Tensor Graph library in Clojure (think PyTorch, DynNet, etc.)
- fluokitten: Category theory concepts in Clojure - Functors, Applicatives, Monads, Monoids and more
- fluree/db: Fluree database / query server source
- fresh: Library to keep clojure src files up to date in a live runtime
- fxl - a Clojure spreadsheet library
- fxml
- fulcro - A library for development of single-page full-stack web applications in clj/cljs http://fulcrologic.github.io/fulcro
- geminio - Http client with client side load balancer (http-kit + consul + ribbon)
- get-port: Get an available TCP port in Clojure
- Glow: Syntax Highlighting for Clojure Source Code
- google.github.io/closure-library
- hiccup
- ClojureScript: React with a Hiccup by David Vujic - YouTube
- hiccup-bridge - Hiccup to html, html to hiccup
- hiccup.space - clojure(script) based template engine
- html-to-hiccup - Emacs package that turns HTML into Hiccup syntax, a notation popular when doing Clojure/ClojureScript web development
- xml-hiccup: Convert XML into Hiccup in Clojure and ClojureScript
- hike
- Hitchhiker trees are a newly invented (by @dgrnbrg) datastructure, synthesizing fractal trees and functional data structures, to create fast, snapshottable, massively scalable databases
- holy-lambda: The micro framework that integrates Clojure with AWS Lambda on either Java, Clojure Native, or Babashka runtime
- holy-lambda-ring-adapter: An adapter between Ring core request/response model and Holy Lambda. Run Ring applications on AWS Lambda
- honeysql: Turn Clojure data structures into SQL
- HTTP Kit - A high-performance event-driven HTTP client+server for Clojure
- immutant
- Impala is a simple bytecode interpreter written in Clojure
- infix: A Clojure library for expressing LISP expressions as infix rather than prefix notation
- injest: +>, +>>, x>>, =>>: Auto-transducifying, auto-parallelizing path thread macros
- Inlein - run Clojure scripts with dependencies
- inspector-gadget: Leiningen plugin responsible for finding possible vulnerabilities in clojure applications
- Instaparse 1.4.1 What if context-free grammars were as easy to use as regular expressions?
- integrant - Micro-framework for data-driven architecture
- instructor-clj is a Clojure lib to get structured output from LLMs
- jackdaw
- jai - Manipulate source code like the DOM http://docs.caudate.me/jai
- Janet - a functional and imperative programming language
- jank programming language - Clojure/LLVM/Gradual Typing
- jasentaa: A parser combinator library for Clojure and ClojureScript
- java.data - Functions for recursively converting Java beans to Clojure and vice versa
- jme-clj: A Clojure 3D Game Engine Wrapper, Powered By jMonkeyEngine
- jo clojure: Fast Embeddable Clojure in C/C++
- joker - Small interpreted dialect of Clojure written in Go
- kalai: A source-to-source transpiler to convert Clojure to multiple target languages (Rust, C++, Java, ...)
- lab-ml/nn: 🧠 Minimal implementations of neural network architectures and layers in PyTorch with side-by-side notes
- LaTTe: LaTTe : a Laboratory for Type Theory experiments (in clojure)
- leiningen
- dependency priority (1)
- leiningen-win-installer - An Installer for Leiningen on Windows
- Leiningen GraalVM native builder image
- Leiningen: Split an uberjar into dependencies.jar and app.jar (to optimize Docker layers and AWS Lambda functions)
- Don't use Leiningen to run shell-scripts
- Emanuel Goette, alias Crespo: Como correr los test proyecto clojure? lein test
- How to use multi-stage Docker build for your Clojure application (with leiningen) - YouTube
- Leiningen plugin for executing tasks on sub-projects
- lein-count Counting Clojure Code line 수가 아니라 tree node를 이용해 code 양을 계산
- lein-nsort: Leiningen plugin that checks that order of namespace declarations for Clojure and ClojureScript
- lein-tools-deps: A leiningen plugin that lets you share tools.deps.alpha dependencies in your leiningen project
- Clojure project automation tool of my dreams - quanttype
- An Architect's View: deps.edn and monorepos
- Clojure CLI deps.edn · clojars/clojars-web Wiki
- deps-infer: Infer mvn deps from sources
- depstar: Builds JARs, uberjars, does AOT, manifest generation, etc for deps.edn projects
- neil: A CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects
- LibHoney for Java | Honeycomb
- libjulia-clj: Julia bindings for Clojure -- Currently somewhat unstable --
- libpython-clj - libpython bindings into the techascent ecosystem
- logger Simple logger that works in bb
- logseq: A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Download link: http://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases. roadmap: http://trello.com/b/8txSM12G/roadmap
- lokke: Lokke: Clojure for Guile
- Loom - Graph library for Clojure. Mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/loom-clj http://aysy.lu/loom
- lovelace: A Clojure wrapper for Notion's API 🌺
- luminus - Luminus is a Clojure micro-framework web template
- luna: A DSL that translates to regex
- malli - Plain data Schemas for Clojure/Script
- mamulengo - Lightweight database based on datascript with durable store and time travel for Clojure(Script)
- marathon-clj - Clojure client library for Mesos Marathon
- meander: Tools for transparent data transformation
- medley - A lightweight library of useful Clojure functions
- membrane: A platform agnostic clojure(script) library for creating user interfaces
- methodical: Functional and flexible multimethods for Clojure. Nondestructive multimethod construction, CLOS-style aux methods and method combinations, partial-default dispatch, easy next-method invocation, helpful debugging tools, and more
- minimax: Minimalist 3D game engine in Clojure
- mirabelle: A stream processing engine for monitoring
- mixfix-clj 중위 표기 이용 가능 e.g. 수식
- Monger - an idiomatic Clojure MongoDB driver for a more civilized age: with sane defaults, batteries included, well documented, very fast http://clojuremongodb.info
- mongrove: A Clojure library designed to interact with MongoDB using the latest java-sync drivers : https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver/4.1/driver/
- Muse
- nasus: Zero-configuration command-line async HTTP files server in Clojure. Like Python's SimpleHTTPServer but scalable
- Neanderthal - Fast native-speed matrix and linear algebra in Clojure
- Nextjournal
- nginx-clojure: Nginx module for embedding Clojure or Java or Groovy programs, typically those Ring based handlers
- Nightcode - A handy tool for your Clojure adventures
- nippy - High-performance serialization library for Clojure https://www.taoensso.com
- nrepl-gpt: allows you to query chatgpt from the clojure emacs repl
- omniconf: Configuration library for Clojure that favors explicitness
- Onyx - Distributed, masterless, high performance, fault tolerant data processing for Clojure
- optaplanner-clj: Example of Optaplanner in Clojure
- orchard: A fertile ground for Clojure tooling
- ornament CSS-in-Clj(s)
- overload-fn: Function overloading on type for Clojure
- Overtone - Collaborative Programmable Music
- oz: Data visualizations in Clojure and ClojureScript using Vega and Vega-lite
- panas.reload: a hot reload for babashka serving html+css (or htmx)
- pathom3: A library for navigating data
- Parens of the Dead - A screencast series of zombie-themed games written with Clojure and ClojureScript
- Parinfer - Let's simplify the way we write Lisp
- Parinfer for CodeMirror
- PCP: Clojure Processor -- A Clojure replacement for PHP
- pdf-2-images: Clojure wrapper for the PDFBox that converts a page range of a PDF document to images
- Pedestal - web application framework
- Pegasus is a scalable, modular, polite web-crawler for Clojure http://getpegasus.io
- penkala - a composable query builder for PostgreSQL written in Clojure
- pepa - A document management system
- Perseverance is a flexible retried operations library inspired by the Common Lisp’s condition system
- phone-number: Clojure interface to Libphonenumber
- plsci: PostgreSQL procedural language handler for Clojure via SCI
- plet - Parallel let macro inspired by Haxl
- Polylith - Polylith
- potato: Delicious conversations platform in Common Lisp and ClojureScript
- potemkin: some ideas which are almost good
- proletarian: A durable job queuing and worker system for Clojure backed by PostgreSQL
- prone Build Status - Better exception reporting middleware for Ring
- protojure
- purnam - Language Extensions for Clojurescript http://purnam.github.io/purnam
- Quasar and Akka – a Comparison
- Quasar and Akka – a Comparison
- Quil - Clojure/ClojureScript library for creating interactive drawings and animations
- racing-game-cljs
- ragtime
- rama: A Clojure library designed to facilitate development of efficient RESTful MicroServices, by Bruno Bonacci
- We reduced the cost of building Mastodon at Twitter-scale by 100x | Hacker News
- Where we’re going, we don’t need threads: Simulating Distributed Systems – Blog
- 함수를 쓸 수 있는 곳에 매크로를 쓰면 안되지'만' 매크로는 여전히 유효하게 잘 사용 (with-..) 매크로등으로 리소스 관리를 하거나, 테스트에서 많이 사용
- with-redefs를 테스트에서 매우 중요하게 사용. 특히 no-op 함수를 event log의 용도로 재정의해서 원하는 테스트 상황을 재현 가능
- 스키마(https://github.com/plumatic/schema)를 사용해서 타입/스키마 체크
- 결정론적 시뮬레이션을 통한 재현가능한 분산 환경 테스트
- rama-clojure-starter: An empty Clojure project configured for developing with Rama
- random_number
- raymarchcl - Experimental OpenCL voxel rendering/raymarching via Clojure REPL (from 2013)
- reader-macros
- reagi-game
- rebel-readline - A terminal readline library for Clojure Dialects
- reduce-fsm provides a simple way to specify clojure finite state machines
- re-find: Find functions by matching specs
- reflet: Tools for building Re-frame + React based web apps with graph and non-graph data models
- relic: Functional relational programming for Clojure(Script)
- replikativ An open, scalable and distributive infrastructure for a data-driven community of applications
- restpect Restful API 통합테스트
- rewrite-edn: Utility lib on top of rewrite-cljc with common operations to update EDN while preserving whitespace and comments
- robocode-clojure: Template project for building a Robocode Robot in Clojure
- rss-saver: Simple Clojure (Babashka) script that saves articles from world.hey.com RSS feeds
- 入(rù-lang)
- Rum: simple, flexible, extensible React wrapper for CLJS
- Salutem a system for defining and maintaining a collection of health checks
- schema: Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation
- scimacs: The Small Clojure Interpreter (SCI) integrated with emacs as a loadable module
- scittle exposes the Small Clojure Interpreter in the browser in such a way that you can use it with the script tag
- Selmer template
- sequence: Immutable, scalable, and easy to use ledger service
- sereno: An open-source uptime monitoring application built on JVM (using Clojure & ClojureScript) with PostgreSQL as a single external dependency
- shadow-git-inject: A shadow-cljs build hook that computes the "version" at build-time - from the ambient git context (latest tag?)
- shrubbery - A stubbing, spying, and mocking library for Clojure protocols
- sicmutils: Scmutils in Clojure
- sim-template - Simulant project templatej
- Specs Programming Clojure 5장
- spec-coerce - A Clojure(script) library designed to leverage your specs to coerce your information into correct types core.spec에 빠진 coerce(강제 형변환) 기능 보완 가능
- specter - Overcome your fear of manipulating nested data structures
- specter: Clojure(Script)'s missing piece
- spectomic - Generate Datomic or Datascript schema from your Clojure(script) specs
- spectrum - A library for doing static analysis of Clojure code, catching clojure.spec conform errors at compile time
- split-token: Generating and verifying split tokens with Clojure
- spring-boot-bugger: Introduce Clojure and live-coding power to your Spring Boot application!
- Spring Cloud - Proof of concept Clojure Implementation of Spring Boot Getting Started
- stub: Library to generate stubs for other Clojure libraries
- supdate - a small Clojure/ClojureScript library for transforming nested data structures
- tapestry: Weave loom fibers into your Clojure
- task - Simple, functional and value-oriented concurrency primitives for Clojure
- TCP-Server
- tesla-microservice: Common basis for some of otto.de's clojure microservices
- thi.ng - An open source collection of 20+ computational design tools for Clojure & Clojurescript
- timbre - Pure Clojure/Script logging library https://www.taoensso.com
- TinyClojure is a project to build a small, easily embeddable version of Clojure/ClojureScript in portable C++
- togglz.com
- tools.analyzer: An analyzer for Clojure code, written in Clojure and producing AST in EDN
- Toucan - A classy high-level Clojure library for defining application models and retrieving them from a DB
- Transit is a format and set of libraries for conveying values between applications written in different programming languages
- typedclojure: An optional type system for Clojure
- uix: Idiomatic ClojureScript interface to modern React.js
- ultra - A Leiningen plugin for a superior development environment
- unifyDB - a time-traveling graph database written in Clojure - YouTube
- venia - A Clojure(Script) qraphql query client library
- vizard - magic visualization
- void.cljc: About void and absence of information
- walkable - SQL library for building APIs
- ziggurat: A stream processing framework to build stateless applications on Kafka
babashka - A sprinkle of Clojure for the command line
$ bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/borkdude/babashka/master/install) $ echo '(println "hello, super fast clojure!")' > a.clj (println "hello, super fast clojure!") $ time bb -f a.clj hello, super fast clojure!
- Meetup: Writing Clojure on the Command Line with Babashka - YouTube
- Babashka: a native Clojure interpreter for scripting @ GraalVM Workshop 2021 - Speaker Deck
- Re-Writing an OpenConnect VPN Connect script in Babashka | Tech.ToryAnderson.com
- babashka 0.3.1 new features: bb.edn + invoke any function from cmd line - YouTube
- Our bb.edn
- Babashka book
- Babashka: a native Clojure interpreter for scripting — The 2021 Graal Workshop at CGO - YouTube
- Rewrite if with rewrite-clj and babashka
- Babashka in Nextjournal 101 Demo – Nextjournal
- deps.clj/deps.bat at master · borkdude/deps.clj
- Babashka pods: why, how to use and what's going on in the background? Example: go-sqlite3 - YouTube
- Playing New Music On Old Car Stereo With Clojure And Babashka | Savo's Blog
- Conjure babashka auto nREPL jack in - asciinema
- Bash and Babashka equivalents · babashka/babashka Wiki
- Babashka script to inspire you. Can be used as startup for your terminal
- "Babashka: a meta-circular Clojure interpreter for the command line" by Michiel Borkent - YouTube
- babashka-sql-pods: Babashka pods for SQL databases
- bb-clis: Babashka CLIs
- bb-guestbook Example webserver with Babashka
- bb-lambda: AWS Lambda custom runtime for Babashka scripts
- pod-babashka-sqlite3: A babashka pod for interacting with sqlite3
- reorder.clj babashka script for reordering requires and imports in clojure files
- selmer Babashka Selmer << in action – Nextjournal
- spartan.spec: A spartan version of clojure.spec compatible with babashka
- How to build a native binary for your Clojure projects with GraalVM
- GraalVM native Clojure: hello world - YouTube
- clojure-graalvm-native-binary.md at master · BrunoBonacci/graalvm-clojure
- clojure-rust-graalvm: An example of Clojure program calling a Rust library, all combined into one executable using GraalVM
- datalevin/native at master · juji-io/datalevin
- graal-build-time: Library to initialize Clojure packages at build time with GraalVM native-image
- graalvm-clojure: This project contains a set of "hello world" projects to verify which Clojure libraries do actually compile and produce native images under GraalVM
- jayfu: Jayfu is a tutorial on how to create a Clojure CLI with GraalVM native-image and SCI
- lucene-grep: Grep-like utility based on Lucene Monitor compiled with GraalVM native-image
- mobiletest
- tools-deps-native-experiment
- The Case for Clojure and GraphQL: Replacing Django
- bob2021: Repo used for a tutorial during BOB 2021, https://bobkonf.de/2021/klijs.html
- Lacinia - GraphQL implementation in pure Clojure http://lacinia.readthedocs.io
- Clojure Machine Learning, Math & Statistical Libraries Collection
- Scicloj ml-study 12.2: Literate programming with Notespace, data visualizations with Hanami - YouTube
- BTables: A fast, compact disk format for machine learning
- cortex - Machine learning in Clojure
- scicloj.ml - Proposal for a Clojure machine learning library
- tech.ml.dataset: Clojure dataframe library and pipeline for data processing and machine learning
- Clojure - Programming at the REPL: Enhancing your REPL workflow
- A REPL Story
- The Ultimate Guide To Clojure REPLs
- The fastest Clojure REPL in the world
- How to be a REPL Sorcerer - YouTube
- REPL Driven Development, Clojure's Superpower (by Sean Corfield) - YouTube
- Sending clojure data from the REPL to the clipboard | Basket's dev blog
- Reaching flow state with Clojure's REPL -- newline
- Distinction between three data related programming paradigms. | Yehonathan Sharvit
- (λ. borkdude) 님의 트위터: "#clojure tip: You can run: (require 'foobar :reload) to just reload foobar, or: (require 'foobar :reload-all) to reload foobar + namespaces it depends on. This doesn't require any special tooling or IDEs, just a running REPL. Works in CLJS REPLs too." / 트위터
- REPL vs CLI: IDE wars | (:dev/notes vlaaad)
- liftIO2021 Clojure, REPL의 수퍼파워 - 그린랩스 김상현 - YouTube
- Portfolio: A "visual REPL" for UI Component development (by Christian Johansen) - YouTube
- Clem Repl Interface · GitLab
- Clojure-Sublimed: Clojure support for Sublime Text 4
- dram: Interactive Clojure REPL Guides
- Gorilla REPL
- inf clojure REPL
- omnia - A Clojure REPL for prototyping, experimenting and trying things out
- reload-ns - Clean reload namespace for REPL
- Reveal: Read Eval Visualize Loop for Clojure
- clojure-style-guide - A community coding style guide for the Clojure programming language
- Rok's Software Engineering Blog: The "Clojure Style Guide" is simply Wrong
- The Clojure Style Guide
- Idiomatic Clojure: Code Smells
- cljfmt: A tool for formatting Clojure code
- 클로저의 test.check로 하는 강력한 테스팅
- TDD in ClojureScript
- Agile & Coding: Test Driven Development Deluxe
- Automatically generated API tests with Clojure and Reitit - /dev/solita
- would clojure.test benefit from
(defmethod assert-expr thrown-with-data? ...)
- Clojure Q&A - Clojure: automated property-based tests for complicated inputs | by Yulia Kleb | AppsFlyer | Medium
- Clojure test coverage with Eftest and Cloverage | Andrey Bogoyavlensky
- Inline unit tests in Clojure
- Tests are living documentation - Jake McCrary
- My Experience With TDD In Clojure
- bond: spying for tests
- cprop-order - Test load-config order
- endpoint-check ping test micro service 를 clojure httpkit 으로 구현, Kubernetes로 배포
- JEPSEN - Distributed Systems Safety Research
- hawk: It watches your code like a hawk! You like tests, right? Then run them with our state-of-the-art Clojure test runner
- kamera: UI testing via image comparison and devcards
- rcf: turn your Rich Comment Forms into tests
- stripe-tester-clj - Test Stripe webhooks locally in Clojure
- test-ns-hook
- Understanding Clojure transducers through types
- Transducers improve performance more than expected
- Transducers from the ground-up: the essence
- Processing documents with transducers
- Transducing a Text File
- Build Your Own Transducer and Impress Your Cat
- 번역 Transducers 이해하기
- A mental model for thinking about Clojure's Transducers | Functional Works
- Understanding Transducers - Elben Shira
- Clojure Koans 26 Transducers Notebook – Nextjournal
- Grokking Clojure transducers - /dev/solita
- Transducers - 기계인간 John Grib
- danzig - a easy-to-use transducer based data analysis tools for the clojure programming language
- 클로저 맛보기 스터디
- Clojure를 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서
- Clojure 강좌 03 - 클로저의 유일한 문법 규칙
- Clojure 강좌 04 - 클로저를 실무에서 쓰려면?
- Clojure 이야기 06 - 클로저를 처음 접하시는 분께 좋은 책 소개
- Clojure 이야기 07 - Tutorial #1
- Clojure 이야기 08 - Tutorial #2
- Clojure 이야기 09 - Tutorial #3
- Clojure 이야기 10 - Tutorial #4
- Clojure 이야기 11 - Tutorial #5
- Clojure - Why does it matter?
- Clojure By Example
- Learn Clojure in 15 minutes, perhaps
- Xah clojure tutorial
- A Brief Beginner’s Guide To Clojure
- Guide to starting with Clojure
- Clojure Programming Study Project
- Clojure - Improving Development Startup Time
- Clojure - Threading Macros Guide
- Clojure - Java Interop
- Full Stack Clojure Contact Book - YouTube
- Why Developers Should Look into Clojure
- coding dojo - maze solving
- advent-2020-clojure
- An Animated Introduction to Clojure
- Learning Clojure Part 1: Preparing local setup - DEV Community
- Learning Clojure Part 2: Basic syntax - DEV Community
- Learning Clojure Part 3: Data Structures - DEV Community
- Learning Clojure Part 4: Functions - DEV Community
- Learning Clojure Part 5: Robot Factory - DEV Community
- SciCloj: Libraries
- Why Developers Should Look into Clojure
- Clojure in a nutshell by James Trunk - YouTube
- Clojure: a mature alternative to Java - JAXenter
- Clojure Basics - YouTube
- Part 1 — A complete beginner's guide to Computer Programming with Clojure. | by Harvey Ellams | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- Part 2 — A complete beginner’s guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Installation. | by Harvey Ellams | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- Part 3 — A complete beginner’s guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Introducing LEIN and REPL. | by Harvey Ellams | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- Part 4 — A complete beginner’s guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Maths. | by Harvey Ellams | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- Part 5 — A complete beginner’s guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Text Processing. | by Harvey Ellams | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- Part 6 — A complete beginner's guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Lists, Sets, Vectors, and Maps. | by Harvey Ellams | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- Part 7 — A complete beginner’s guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Atom versus Def. | by Harvey Ellams | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Part 8 — A complete beginner’s guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Functions | by Harvey Ellams | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Part 9 — A complete beginner’s guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Regular Expressions (REGEX). | by Harvey Ellams | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Part 10 — A complete beginner’s guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Files. | by Harvey Ellams | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Part 11 — A complete beginner’s guide to Computer Programming with Clojure: Build a Chatbot. | by Harvey Ellams | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Fun with GTFS & Clojure | grison.me
- adam_james_tv - Twitch
- Better learning with Clojure - Ostash.Dev
- question-mark 0.1.10
- Poetry of Programming - YouTube
- Clojure Newbie Guide
- Revisiting Clojure – Glenn Engstrand
- 1주차 스터디 - clojure 개발 환경 구축 및 기본 - SLiPP 스터디 - SLiPP::위키
- Function Showcase: Interning Vars with Metadata Data in Clojure - YouTube
- How to Learn Clojure: The Main Study Stages
- Using Clojure Tools · Practicalli Clojure
- 10 life-changing minutes with Clojure (Windows) - DEV Community
- Beginner Clojure Environment Setup (Windows)
- clojure - Getting started with clojure | clojure Tutorial
- Six years of professional Clojure development - falkoriemenschneider.de
- Onboarding for New Clojurians - Athens Research Handbook
- (번역) 클로저, 지금 바로 시작합시다! - 1부 | 그린랩스
- (번역) 클로저, 지금 바로 시작합시다! - 2부 | 그린랩스
- the Clojure language - YouTube
- Clojure Tutorial for Beginners 1 | Abhinav Omprakash
- 그린랩스에서 클로저 시작하기 | 그린랩스
- The Animated Guide to Symex – Terminally Undead
- Setting up a basic Clojure backend - YouTube
- Fast and Elegant Clojure
- 3 Facts about Clojure every beginner must know | by Sameeksha Bhatia | helpshift-engineering | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- Clojure beginner resources
- 클로져 소개 강의 (한국정보통신산업노동조합)
- Why I decided to learn (and teach) Clojure - DEV Community
- clj-easy/about
- clojure-quick-intro/core.clj at master · hatemogi/clojure-quick-intro
- Learn Clojure - YouTube
- Getting started with Clojure, Neovim and Conjure in minutes
- dave yarwood · Conjuring Clojure in Vim: 2020 Edition
- How I use Conjure and Neovim to interact with Clojure (and more!) - YouTube
- vim-iced: Clojure Interactive Development Environment for Vim8/Neovim
- Using VS Code Calva extension to run & validate the Clojure project code. - YouTube
- Get Started with Clojure in VS Code in 20 seconds - YouTube
- Developer Ergonomics with VS Code, Clojure, and ClojureScript by Peter Strömberg - YouTube
- Calva - an integrated REPL powered environment for enjoyable and productive Clojure and ClojureScript development in Visual Studio Code
- clojureVSCode - Clojure support for Visual Studio Code
- Clojure/ClojureScript: One Language to Rule the Web
- Basic Web Development
- Clojure web dev history
- Clojure Web-Application 101 by Michael Vitz
- Websocket Shootout: Clojure, C++, Elixir, Go, NodeJS, and Ruby
- How to Deploy a Clojure Web Application with Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04
- Building a RESTful Web API in Clojure: a new approach (by Malcolm Sparks) | Meetup
- An Event-Driven REST Coffee Machine API with Clojure - Tiago Dall’Oca
- Agile & Coding: Interactive Web Development
- Roll your own Clojure web stack - PurelyFunctional.tv
- fulcro by fulcrologic
- Stressed Servers
- How to Structure a Clojure Web App 101
- Learn to build a Clojure web app - a step-by-step tutorial
- I Built the World's Most Customizable News Feed - YouTube
- Kit Framework
- Ring
- Asynchronous Ring
- Async Ring 미들웨어 패턴
- The Artificery: A (poorly) animated introduction to Clojure's HTTP server library Ring
- 클로저로 웹 서버 애플리케이션 개발을 시작하는 사람들을 위한 Ring 소개서 | 그린랩스
- Finding Clojure: New Beginnings
- Creating a User Sign-In/Sign-Up Flow in Clojure (Ring, Compojure, Hiccup, HTMX, PostgreSQL) - YouTube
- ring-defaults: A library to provide sensible Ring middleware defaults
- ripley: Ring live pages experiment
- stress-server: Stress your Clojure servers until they sweat. Analyze the results