- www.json.org
- www.jsoneditoronline.org
- JSON Schema Based Editor
- JSON.is - Open-source documentation for common JSON formats
- Non-blocking Asynchronous JSON.parse Using The Fetch API
- Replace RESTful APIs with JSON-Pure
- JSON Lines
- benchmarks#json
- Parsing JSON is a Minefield
- Benchmark of Python JSON libraries
- B급 프로그래머 (스택오버플로우) 구글이 JSON 응답에 while(1);을 붙여 보내는 이유는?
- Use Binary Encoding Instead of JSON - Better Programming - Medium
- JSON 데이터 타입을 처리하는 웹 어플리케이션에서 XXE 취약점이 발생하는 이유
- The Pretty JSON Revolution
- Parsing JSON Really Quickly: Lessons Learned - YouTube
- 데이터 파이프라인 제작기 - 반정형 데이터편 (JSON) 한 가지 주제가 아니라 json으로 보기도 어렵지만
- json포맷을 다양한 다른 포맷으로 변경할 수
- Tips on Adding JSON Output to Your CLI App - Brazil's Blog
- JSON이란 무엇인가?
- 거의 모든 SW 개발의 필수⋯JSON 데이터 포맷의 이해 - ITWorld Korea
- JSON Editor | A Web-Based Tool to View, Edit, Format, and Validate JSON
- 숫자 1은 올바른 JSON 형식인가? - 재그지그의 개발 블로그
- Who is Jason, and what’s he doing in my database? by Martin Bach - YouTube
- JSON 인젝션을 이용한 API 공격 | GeekNews
- LoganSquare: Screaming fast JSON parsing and serialization library for Android 개발 중단되었으나 성능은 좋다고 함
- Writing a simple JSON library from scratch: a tour through modern C++ | notes.eatonphil.com
- json: JSON for Modern C++
- jsoncpp 를 이용하여 C++에서 JSON 생성 및 Parsing 하기
- JsonPack is a high-performance and extremely easy-to-use JSON serialization library for C++ 11
- scj3: experimental parallel json parser, scj3 (claujson)
- simdjson: Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second
- Avoid Converting JavaScript Objects
- JUXT Blog - Clojure's JSON ecosystem
- Cheshire - Clojure JSON and JSON SMILE (binary json format) encoding/decoding
- data.json - JSON parser/generator to/from Clojure data structures
- jsonista - Clojure library for fast JSON encoding and decoding
- Cuetorials
- 구성(Configuration) 복잡도의 저주 :: Outsider's Dev Story
- CUE가 승리하는 방법 :: Outsider's Dev Story
- CUE의 기본적인 사용 방법 :: Outsider's Dev Story
- JSON is not Visible in Golang | Dr Vipin Classes - YouTube
- Loading JSON string in Go – Hello World!
- How to Work with JSON in Go with Practical Examples
- How To Convert JSON to CSV in Golang Example
- Golang JSON Tutorial | Convert JSON to Map in Go
- React and Golang JWT Authentication - Tutorial
- miller: Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON
- ojg - Optimized JSON for Go is a high performance parser with a variety of additional JSON tools
- JSON Parsing from Scratch in Haskell
- How to define JSON instances quickly
- aeson: Fast JSON parsing and encoding
- Using JSON schema with statically typed object-oriented languages — Illustrated in Kotlin | by Martin Devillers | Aug, 2022 | Medium
- JSON Parsing from Scratch in Kotlin - DEV Community
- 3 Examples to parse JSON in Java using Jackson, Gson, and json-simple
- json to java class
- JSON 데이터를 자바로 파싱하는 가장 빠른 방법
- 2. JAVA - HTTP 통신으로 JSON 데이터 요청 및 응답
- 4. JAVA - JSON 데이터(object, array)를 다뤄보기
- 3 ways to convert String to JSON object in Java? Examples | Java67
- How to Read JSON String in Java using json-simple library? Example Tutorial
- dsl-json - High performance JVM JSON library https://dsl-platform.com
- Gson
- Jackson
- Jackson annotation, JSON 직렬화,역직렬화와 관련된 어노테이션
- Jackson 직렬화 옵션의 적절한 활용과 Jackson에 기여하기까지 (feat. 글로벌 캐싱)
- Customize your Java-JSON serialization using Jackson Annotations
- JAVA Jackson을 쓰며 겪었던 문제
- Jackson : JSON Selective serialize/deserialize object properties | by Sai Pitchuka | Medium
- Jackson의 확장 구조를 파헤쳐 보자
- How to Parse JSON in Java Object using Jackson - Example Tutorial | Java67
- Jackson에서 Boolean 직렬화 시 is가 사라지는 문제 — 맥스의 개발 끄적끄적
- Jackson Deserializer 코드 분석해보기 | 카카오페이 기술 블로그
- jackson-module-scala: Add-on module for Jackson (https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson) to support Scala-specific datatypes
- json-den-java: JSON parser and stringifier library
- kson - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into json and back, faster and powerful then Gson
- moshi: A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java
- JSON Text를 JSON Object로 변환하기 :: Outsider's Dev Story
- 파서 만들기 (1) - JSON.stringify - 완두블로그
- 파서 만들기 (2) - JSON.parse - 완두블로그
- No Way, JOSE! Javascript Object Signing and Encryption is a Bad Standard That Everyone Should Avoid - Paragon Initiative Enterprises Blog
- 자바스크립트에서의 JSON 모듈 | TOAST UI :: Make Your Web Delicious!
- How to Display Records or Data from a JSON File in React
- nearley.js - JS Parsing Toolkit
- typescript-json: 2x faster JSON stringify function with only one line
- JWT - JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties
- 4장. JWT 이해 및 적용
- 토큰(Token) 기반 인증에 대한 소개
- JSON Web Token 소개 및 구조
JWT 는 “인증” 정보가 아니라 “인증된 정보” 를 교환하는 기술
- 사용처를 찾다보니 로그인에 사용하게 되었는데, 긴 세션의 처리에는 보안문제가 존재
- 따라서 JWT 는 독립 서비스간 인증 정보를 전달하는데 사용하는데 적합하며 그래서 OpenID 로그인에 사용
- 즉, 원타임성으로 이 서비스에 로그인 한 사람이 맞다는 것을 다른 서비스측에 증명하기 위한 정보를 주고 받는데 적합
- 그러므로 긴 세션을 처리하기 위해서는 인증정보를 받은 후 이를 통한 2차 처리가 필요(서버 사이드 세션 굽기나 2차 Code 인증 등)
- 100% Stateless with JWT (JSON Web Token) by Hubert Sablonnière
- Deep Dive into Keystone Tokens and Lessons Learned
- Understanding OpenStack Authentication: Keystone PKI
- Spring boot환경에서 JWT 사용하기
- Spring Boot Security With JWT | Ashok IT - YouTube
- Understanding JSON Web Token Authentication
- 5 Easy Steps to Understanding JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- JWT를 구현하면서 마주치게 되는 고민들
- Build authentication into your Laravel API with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- 로그인에 JWT(JSON Web Token)사용하기
- The Ultimate Guide to handling JWTs on frontend clients (GraphQL)
- What Is JWT and Why Should You Use JWT
- How to Secure Your API With JSON Web Tokens
- JWT(Json Web Token)와 세션관리에 대해서 알아보자
- JWT를 소개합니다
- Service Account(JWT)을 활용한 Google Calendar API 사용
- r2c blog — Hardcoded secrets, unverified tokens, and other common JWT mistakes
- Zero-day in Sign in with Apple
- Stop using JWT for sessions - joepie91's Ramblings
- Stop using JWT for sessions, part 2: Why your solution doesn't work - joepie91's Ramblings
- What Exactly Is a JSON Web Token (JWT)? | Better Programming
- LocalStorage vs Cookies: All You Need To Know About Storing JWT Tokens Securely in The Front-End - DEV
- 꿀벌개발일지 :: JWT 개념 이해하기
- JWT는 어디에 저장해야할까? - localStorage vs cookie
- Why Cookie is preferable compared to localStorage when it comes to authentication - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- JWT(Json Web Token) 인증 과 기존 인증방법의 비교 # 쿠키 세션
- 인증 토큰, 세션을 가장 안전하게 저장하는 방법. | 블로그 | 딩그르르
- 쉽게 알아보는 서버 인증 2편(Access Token + Refresh Token) — 그랩의 블로그
- 직접 만들어보며 이해하는 JWT
- 인증에 활용하는 JWT는 어떻게 보안을 유지할 수 있는가?
- JWT 인증은 무엇이고 어떻게 사용해야 할까? | Popit
- Creating and validating a JWT RSA token in Golang
- JWT 인증 방식을 왜 사용해야할까?
- What are JWT tokens and their different forms — JWS and JWE? | by Dineshchandgr | Javarevisited | Medium
- Explaining Sessions, Tokens, JWT, SSO, and OAuth in One Diagram
- Should I Use JWTs For Authentication Tokens? - Tinker, Tamper, Alter, Fry
- wffweb-demo-deployment: wffweb 12 demo project. It uses embedded tomcat 10. It is deployed in Heroku @ https://wffweb.herokuapp.com
- Golang API Authentication using JWT Tokens
- Implementing JWT Authentication in Golang REST API - Detailed Guide
- Understanding JWT authentication with Go by building a login API - YouTube
- Creating and validating a JWT RSA token in Golang
- fastjson: Fast JSON parser and validator for Go. No custom structs, no code generation, no reflection
- Build a Rest API for Node & Mysql 2018 JWT
- Build A Node.js API Authentication With JWT Tutorial
- How to create an Authentication System using JWT and Node.js | by Ram Potabatti | Apr, 2021 | JavaScript in Plain English
- JWT의 구현 # 인증 NodeJS
- Node.js JWT: Access Token & Refresh Token 인증 구현 — TaxFree
- Using JWT in Your React+Redux App for Authorization
- React Authentication: How to Store JWT in a Cookie | by Ryan Chenkie | Medium
- JWT Authentication in React Native | Login Functionality | AsyncStorage - YouTube
- NestJs에서 토큰기반 인증 구현하기 (with JWT)
- Secure Your Node.js App with JSON Web Tokens | AppSignal Blog
- JSON Web Token Tutorial with Example in Python
- “JWT Authorization in Python, Part 1: Practise.”
- “JWT authorization in Python, Part 2: THEORY.”
- How to Handle JWTs in Python
- Django REST framework JWT Auth
- Flask-JWT-login
- pyjwt - JSON Web Token implementation in Python https://pyjwt.readthedocs.io
- 6 JSON Tools to Improve Your Productivity - DEV Community
- apitools - Tools to play with json-schemas defined APIs
- bad_json_parsers - Exposing problems in json parsers of several programming languages
- cdefs - Describe C function prototypes in JSON
- csonv.js - A tiny library to fetch relational CSV data at client-side just like JSON http://archan937.github.com/csonv.js
- csv2json: A brilliant javascript package to parse csv to json
- dasel: Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV files with a single tool. Supports conversion between formats and can be used as a Go package
- ESLint now officially supports linting of JSON and Markdown - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter
- GenSON - a powerful, user-friendly JSON Schema generator built in Python
- fx - Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer http://fx.wtf
- Jasonette - Native App over HTTP
- jc: CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and simplifying automation scripts
- JMESPath - a query language for JSON
- jo - JSON output from a shell http://jpmens.net/2016/03/05/a-shell-command-to-create-json-jo
- jq - a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
# yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm # yum install jq -y
Parsing JSON at the CLI: A Practical Introduction to
(and more!) | Sequoia McDowell -
linux - Using jq to fetch key value from json output - Stack Overflow
Extracting objects recursively with jq | Simon Willison’s TILs
JQ Select Explained: Selecting elements from JSON with Examples - Earthly Blog
An Interactive Guide to Transforming JSON with jq | Navendu Pottekkat - The Open Source Absolutist
jqlang 커맨드라인에서 JSON 데이터를 쉽게 처리해 주는 jq가 5년의 공백을 빼고 jqlang 조직으로
- JQL — Rust based JSON Query Language | by Robby Boney | Short Bits | Medium
- jsawk - Like awk, but for JSON http://thinkminimo.com
- jsend: JSend is a specification for a simple, no-frills, JSON based format for application-level communication
- Json2CSharp Convert JSON to C# Classes Online - Json2CSharp Toolkit
- json2kotlin.com | Online JSON to Kotlin Data Class Models Generator
- json2table.com
- json2ts - generate TypeScript interfaces from json
- json5: JSON5 — JSON for Humans
- “Ignore the f’ing haters!” - Aseem Kishore
- 10년 전인 2012년에 JSON의 문제를 해결하기 위해서 JSON5를 오픈소스로 만들어 해커뉴스에 공개
- 그 결과는 수많은 조롱과 비난, HashiCorp의 Mitchell Hashimoto는 HTML7이라는 패러디 저장소까지 만들면서 농담으로 사용
- 다행히 이 일에 화가 났다기 보다는 놀랬고 이러한 의견들을 무시하고 계속해서 개발한 결과
- JSON5는 이제 주당 6천만 다운로드를 기록, npm에서 상위 0.1%, Apple도 JSON5 도입
- 이를 통해 혐오자들은 무시하라는 것을 배움
- 싫어하는 사람들보다 일부라도 좋아하는 사람들을 위해서 제품을 만들어야 하고
- 기여한 사람을 홍보할 뿐만 아니라 Pull Request를 올린 사람에게 커밋 엑세스 권한 부여
- 통제권을 잃을까 봐 걱정했지만 실제로는 잘 동작
- 우리는 모두 미래를 예측할 수 없으니 친절해야 한다는 점도 알게 됨
- 10년 전인 2012년에 JSON의 문제를 해결하기 위해서 JSON5를 오픈소스로 만들어 해커뉴스에 공개
- “Ignore the f’ing haters!” - Aseem Kishore
- json65: A JSON parser written in 6502 assembly language
- json-chance - Create random JSON objects using json-spawn and Chance.js
- JSONConfigurablePersonalSite - A JSON configurable personal site; example site: http://www.christophior.com
- JSON Crack - Crack your data into pieces
- Json Data Generator - A robust, generic, streaming random json data generator for your data
- jsoneditor.com
- json-generator.com
- json-graph-specification - A proposal for representing graph structure (nodes / edges) in JSON
- JSON Hero JSON Viewer - JSON Hero
- JSON Lines
- "Newline Delimited JSON" 1. UTF-8 인코딩 2. 각 라인은 유효한 JSON 값(객체)이어야 함 3. 라인 구분자는 '\n'
- 한줄 당 하나의 JSON 객체가 들어가는 데이터 저장 포맷 → 데이터 스트리밍에 적합 → 중첩구조 처리가 쉬움 → .jsonl 파일 확장자를 추천
- JSONlite - A simple, self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, json document store
- JsonPack is a high-performance and extremely easy-to-use JSON serialization library for C++ 11
- jsonplaceholder - Fake Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping Serving ~350M requests per month
- jsonplus - JSON parser that supports self reference and comments
- JSON Schema
- jsonschema.net data -> schema
- json streamer - A fast streaming JSON parser for Python that generates SAX-like events using yajl
- json-to-go json to go struct
- json toolkit
- json-sql - CodeFaster supports psql mysql sqlite3
- JSONtree JSON Formatter, Validator & Viewer Online | JSON Tree | JSONtr.ee
- JSPON - JavaScript Persistent Object Notation
- Katharsis library adds an additional layer on top of RESTful endpoint to provide easy HATEOAS support for Java by implementing JSON:API standard
- Korean JSON - 한국어 데이터를 제공하는 초간단 JSON API
- λJSON is a drop-in replacement for JSON which also allows you to parse and stringify pure functions and their contents
- lowdb: Simple to use local JSON database. Use native JavaScript API to query. Written in TypeScript. (supports Node, Electron and the browser)
- nestedtext: Human Readable and Writable Data Interchange Format json과 yaml과 다른 또 다른 형식의 파일포맷
- open bucket - A simple API to store & retrieve JSON objects
- quicktype Instantly parse JSON in any language | quicktype
- REL - How we turned JSON into a full programming language Intro to REL — The Fancy JSON
- REN is simple yet powerful data storage, exchange and notation format
- sondra - A validated JSON manager and REST API generator for Python, Flask, and RethinkDB
- spyql: Query data on the command line with SQL-like SELECTs powered by Python expressions
- Warlock - Build self-validating python objects using JSON schemas
- zq | Zed
- GenSON - a powerful, user-friendly JSON Schema generator built in Python
- jsonschema - An(other) implementation of JSON Schema for Python https://python-jsonschema.readthedocs.io
- apitools - Tools to play with json-schemas defined APIs
- python-jsonschema-objects - Automatic Python binding generation from JSON Schemas
- 장고 외부에서 Form, Serializer 활용하기 - request validation 용도로 사용 가능
- 파이썬에서 JSON을 사용하는 방법
- JSON — The Python Way
- Extract Nested Data From Complex JSON Trees
- Python 으로 JSON 빨리 처리하기 ujson 혹은 pypy를 사용하자는 이야기
- 구글 포토 일괄 다운한 파일명을 json 정보 이용하여 변경 (파이썬) : 클리앙
- Python JSON. JSON은 JS Object Notation이라는 의미인데 현대… | by 이상선 | Feb, 2022 | Medium 기술이야기는 아님
- Processing large JSON files in Python without running out of memory
- Writing a Python interpreter from scratch, in half an hour — Tushar Sadhwani - YouTube
- attrs, cattrs Single Line of Code to Interchange Between Python Objects and JSON | by Christopher Tao | Towards Data Science
- Cerberus provides powerful yet simple and lightweight data validation functionality
- Ijson - an iterative JSON parser with a standard Python iterator interface stream 이용
- jmespath 4 Tricks to Effectively Use JSON in Python | by Erik van Baaren | Towards Data Science
- json streamer - A fast streaming JSON parser for Python that generates SAX-like events using yajl
- pandas.read_json
- python-jsonschema-objects - Automatic Python binding generation from JSON Schemas
- request-validator 1.5.0 - Python request validator
- validictory - A general purpose Python data validator
- armadillo: Declarative, type-safe json-rpc endpoints library
- json2caseclass , #scala case class generator
- Fabric Typelevel | Fabric: A New JSON Library
- jsoniter-scala: Scala macros for compile-time generation of safe and ultra-fast JSON codecs
- The reference to entity "xxx" must end with the ';' delimiter
- solution; use escaping
" -> "
' -> '
< -> &lt;
> -> &gt;
& -> &amp;
- solution; use escaping
- xq: Command-line XML and HTML beautifier and content extractor
- YAML: probably not so great after all
- What does YAML do better than JSON?
- YAML - Quick Reference Cheat Sheet
- 6 YAML Features most programmers don’t know | by Martin Thoma | Jan, 2021 | Level Up Coding
- The Hate for YAML: The Hammer or the Nail? | Blog | VMware Tanzu Developer Center
- Paul Kuruvilla - I accidentally used YAML.parse instead of JSON.parse, and it... worked?
- 2분만에 배우는 YAML - YouTube
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the YAML | lbr.
- YAML의 숨은 오류를 미리 막아주는 7가지 팁 - ITWorld Korea
- YAML의 거의 모든 것 | InfoGrab, DevOps 전문 기술 기업 | 인포그랩 | GitLab기반 DevSecOps 구축,컨설팅,교육,기술지원 서비스 제공
- dyff: /ˈdʏf/ - diff tool for YAML files, and sometimes JSON
- snakeyaml / snakeyaml — Bitbucket
- YAML Validator