- Awesome RubyKaigi 2016
- 루비 20분 가이드
- Super clean, pure. Gradual type checking for Ruby
- A generic dependency resolution algorithm
- The Ruby Type Checker
- Stream Popular Dev Conferences Like RubyConf
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- Introducing Tensorflow Ruby API
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- 루비 3.4.0 출시 | GeekNews
- How to switch to an older version of Ruby in Mac OS | by Bryant Jimin Son | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- Why Ruby has Symbols | dmitrytsepelev.dev
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- ActiveRecord Internals : You are not ready for this - DEV Community
- Ruby의 unless 쉽게 읽기 | K리그 프로그래머
- Crystal for Rubyists
- Ruby DSL Handbook - the ebook about creating Ruby code that speaks your language while avoiding metaprogramming hell. Written by Jim Gay
- Refactoring Ruby Ed.
- classroom: GitHub Classroom automates repository creation and access control, making it easy for teachers to distribute starter code and collect assignments on GitHub
- Cuba
- ETL Workflow
- Fast Ruby 😍 —— Collect Common Ruby idioms. https://github.com/JuanitoFatas/fast-ruby
- Fluentd: a High Performance Unified Logging Layer
- foghorn - Add a little Foghorn Leghorn to your ruby
- forward-proxy: 100 LOC Ruby forward proxy using only standard libraries
- Fullstaq Ruby: Ruby, built for production
- gemfly - Update your Gemfile gems
- GraalVM for Ruby - RubySG - YouTube
- infraruby
- Jets: The Ruby Serverless Framework
- JRuby
- Kiba - a lightweight Ruby ETL framework
- [Kontena - a docker platform in Ruby](Application Containers for Masses)
- Koona A really simple compiler written in Ruby
- Lispy Ruby - transform Ruby to a Lisp with braces, remain all ruby keywords and same funtionalities
- litestack
- mastodon: Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
- matchi - Collection of expectation matchers for Ruby
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- opal-native - React Native in Ruby
- opal-rails - ringing Ruby to Rails · Rails bindings for Opal http://opalrb.org
- Printing images in the terminal with 9 lines of Ruby
- pronuncify - automate incrementally producing word pronunciation recordings for Wiktionary through Wikimedia Commons
- rhizome: A JIT for Ruby, implemented in pure Ruby
- RIBOSOME - A simple generic code generation tool
- rtrace - Rtrace is an x86/x86_64 native code debugger written in Ruby with zero dependencies http://www.yahoo.com
- RubyFiddle
- RubyGems.org is the Ruby community’s gem hosting service
- ruby-packer: Packing your Ruby application into a single executable
- rubyspeed: Compile ruby functions to C
- scientist: A Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths
- SciRuby
- sequel - Ode to Sequel
- Shrine – A file upload toolkit
- Sorbet · A static type checker for Ruby
- spectus - Expectation library with RFC 2119's requirement levels, and some matchers for Ruby
- spina - A beautiful CMS for Rails developers
- Street Fighter II - Building Street Fighter II in Ruby
- system browser client - Ruby code browser https://youtu.be/CKDxMBC86zA
- timetabl/positano - Crawler for lecture list and schedules
- μLithp - A micro LISP implementation in 27 lines of Ruby. http://fogus.github.com/ulithp
- vim-flay - Analyze Ruby code for structural similarities
- TensorFlow - the end-to-end machine learning platform - for Ruby
- webinspector - Ruby gem to inspect completely a web page
- tutorial
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- Ruby on Rails
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- Learn Ruby - Free Interactive Ruby Tutorial
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- Trilogy is a client library for MySQL-compatible database servers, designed for performance, flexibility, and ease of embedding
- Introducing Trilogy: a new database adapter for Ruby on Rails | The GitHub Blog
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- Introducing Trilogy: a new database adapter for Ruby on Rails | The GitHub Blog
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- 그외에도 Kamal 배포도구, HTTP 기본 인증 생성기, 벤치마크 도구, Rails 8의 Language Server 등의 도구 포함 예정
- 1인 개발자를 위한 완벽한 프레임워크, 루비온레일즈 8, Windsurf/Cursor와 완벽한 궁합 - YouTube
- factory_bot: A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data
- RSpec: Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby