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Folders and files

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  1. Defauts
  2. Plugins

My personal Vim configuration can be found here.


Command Description
gf Open file under cursor
Ctrl+w gf Open file under cursor in a new tab
:ccl Close quickfix window
f[pattern] Jump to pattern
xp Swap letters
Ctrl+a Increase number under cursor
Ctrl+x Decrease number under cursor
:e! Read updated file content from disk to active buffer
Ctrl+n Toggle omni completion
Ctrl+r=[equation] Evaluate a math equation (insert mode only)
:wa Save all buffers
:xa Save all buffers and exit
:r file.txt Print the contents of file.txt into the current buffer
:r !ls Print the list of all files of current directory into the current buffer
:% s/word//gn Count the number of occurrences of word
:noh Remove highlighted search results
:ls List active buffers
:buf n Open buffer n into the current panel
:only Close all panels but the current one
z1= Fix word typos automatically
dd2kp Send current line ↑
ddp Send current line one ↓
~ Toggle character casing under the cursor
guu Convert the whole line to lower case
gUU Convert the whole line to upper case
O Add new line above the cursor in insert mode
o Add new line below the cursor in insert mode
d$ or D Delete from cursor until the end of line
cc Change the contents of current line
mq Create a marker named q
`q Move cursor to q marker position
qq Start recording a macro named q
q Stop recording macro
@q Play macro q
'.' Jump to last modified line
`. Jump to exact position of last modification
Ctrl+o Open previous file at previous cursor position
Ctrl+i Open next file at previous cursor position
I Start input mode at the beginning of line
A Start input mode at the end of line
L Move cursor to last visible line
:nt. Copy the contents of line n to current line
zf Create a fold
za Unfold current fold
gg Move cursor to the top of file
G Move cursor to the bottom of file
H Move cursor to the top of view port
M Move cursor to the middle of view port
L Move cursor to the bottom of view port


Command Description
crs Convert string to snake_case
crm Convert string to MixedCase (aka PascalCase)
crc Convert string to camelCase
cru Convert string to UPPER_CASE
:%Subvert/p{re,ost}processor{,s}//g Improved regex support for search and replace
Command Description
cs"'' Change double quotes to single quotes
ysiw} Surround word under cursor with brackets
ysiw<small> Surround word under cursor with <small> tag
S<div class="wrapper"> Wrap content of current selection with a <div> tag
yss) Surround the whole line with parentheses
ds] Remove square brackets from word under cursor
Command Description
[b Next file on buffer list
]b Previous file on buffer list
[x Encode XML/HTML selection
]x Decode XML/HTML selection
[u Encode URL selection
]u Decode URL selection
[<Space> Add a new line above the cursor
]<Space> Add a new line below the cursor
[os Enable spelling
]os Disable spelling
[f Next file in the directory
]f Previous file in the directory
[n Next Git diff conflict marker
]n Previous Git diff conflict marker
[y Escape string (C String style)
]y Unescape string (C String style)


Command Description
cpp Evaluates current via REPL
K Opens up documentation about keyword under cursor
[d Opens up source code of keyword under cursor
cqp Bring up a prompt for code to eval/print
cpr Run tests and compiles the program
Command Description
ysaf) Surround current form with parentheses
dsf Delete surroundings of form
cse) Surround elements in parentheses
>) Slurp
<) Barf
>f and <f Move form
>e and <e Move element
<I Insert at the beginning of a form
>I Insert at the end of a form

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