##Versions ###2.5 (Compatible with OpenWeatherMap.org's API v2.5)
Major version
- Migrated the function calls to OWM Pro APIs from OWM -> OWMPro class
- Added the support for getting accumulated precipitation and temperature
- Improved the support for getting historical weather data from OWM APIs
- Requires Java 7 and supports Android, Kotlin, and Java (as of v2.5.1.0)
NOTE: Please MIGRATE the function calls to OWM Pro APIs from OWM to OWMPro.
Minor version
- Fixed all reported bugs
Minor version
- Fixed all reported bugs
- Improved codebase per Kotlin's standards
Minor version
- Added support for retrieving weather condition details
Major version
- Added support for retrieving Air Pollution and UV Index
- Fixed dependency bugs and improved support for Maven Central
- Supports retrieving Current Weather, Hourly Forecast, and Daily Forecast as well
- Requires min. Java 1.7 platform and supports Java, Kotlin, and Android (as of v2.5.1.0)
Major version
- Re-wrote whole lib. in Kotlin
- Supports retrieving Current Weather, Hourly Forecast, and Daily Forecast
- Requires min. Java 1.7 platform and supports Java, Kotlin, and Android now
Bug-fix version
- Fixed 1h and 3h parameter in Rain and Snow.
- Added Snow in CurrentWeather.
- Added proxy support to fetch data via a proxy server.
Bug-fix version
- Fixed lang parameter bug.
- Library supports serialization and parcelization.
- Uploaded the library to Maven Central repository.
- Current Weather
- Daily Forecasts
- Hourly Forecasts
New Features
- Faster than ever before
- Raw Response for Caching purposes
- APIs' URL building using StringBuilder
- Multi-lingual (multiple languages) support
- Support for external/third-party HTTP libraries (like Apache's HttpComponents)
- Units and Language enums for setting configuration easily and correctly
- Better maintain-able source code (for developers)
- Ported the project to Gradle (for developers)
- Package's name from net.aksingh.java.api.owm to net.aksingh.owmjapis
- Class's name from CurrentWeatherData to CurrentWeather
- Class's name from DailyForecastData to DailyForecast
- Class's name from ForecastWeatherData to HourlyForecast
- Some functions' name and signature
Apologies for making such changes, but it was required to make things simpler. Don't worry, they're not going to change again. :)
Bug-fix version
- Fixed bugs which caused wrong parsing of date and time.
- Improved code formatting and readability (for developers).
- Current Weather
- Weather Forecasts
- Daily Forecasts
- Wind degree to direction converter
Not implemented but planned
- Searching of City
- Weather Maps
- Country code to name converter
- Direction code to name converter