NOTE: This is sample code and needs to be tested properly before using in production!
- Problem Statement
- Solution
- Design Overview
- Currently Supported Solutions and roadmap
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Authors
- Contact
- When faced with an attack that generates multiple alerts in multiple consoles, it can be difficult to quickly recognize that these alerts are all part of a common attack campaign.
- Too many alerts can result in “Alert Fatigue” which leads to critical alerts being missed or overlooked
- Management requires a simple monitoring platform to keep them abreast of an evolving situation.
Use SecureX Orchestration to assess, deduplicate and notify multiple alerts
Organizations need to get timely notification of an attack campaign within a common messaging platform, regardless of:
- the number of alerts
- from which product they originate
This objective is achieved through :
- Continuous monitoring of Umbrella and/or Secure EP Security events (loop)
- Near real time Incident creation and update (grouped by endpoint hostname, no duplicate event)
- Near real time notification on new or updated incident (no duplicate notification for same event occurring multiple times)
- Statistic tables
- Continuous Run
Main Workflow
- Collect
- Incident - Notification - Statistics
- Cisco Secure Endpoint (Event)
- Cisco Umbrella (Event)
- Cisco SecureX (Incident)
- Cisco Webex (Notification)
Other messaging and Incident platforms have “stub” placeholder code for future integration :
- TheHive
- ServiceNow
- MS Teams
- Umbrella reporting API Key. Documentation
- Umbrella Org ID
- Cisco Secure EP API key. Documentation
- Cisco Teams Bot for SecureX and a Cisco Teams Room. Documentation
- Cisco Threat Response API key. Documentation
- Logon to SecureX via:
NOTE: If you don't have a SecureX Account, please follow the Quick Start Guide.
Go to "Account Keys" and create the following accounts. If they already exist under a different name, use them in next step.
Cisco Secure Endpoint - Account Keys (if use)
- *Account Key Type set to HTTP Basic Authentication
- Display Name set to AMP_Credentials
- username: Cisco SecureEP API : 3rd Party API Client ID
- Password: Cisco Secure EP API : API Key
- Authentication option: Basic
Cisco Umbrella - Account Keys (if use)
- *Account Key Type set to HTTP Basic Authentication
- Display Name set to Umbrella_Reporting_API
- username: Umbrella Reporting API : Client ID
- Password: Umbrella ReportingE API : Secret
- Authentication option: Basic
Go to "Targets" and create the following accounts. If they already exists under a different display name and you can't rename or duplicate them, you will have to modify Target Criteria in the workflow.
Cisco Secure Endpoint - Target (if use)
- Target Type set to HTTP Endpoint
- Dislay Name set to AMP_Target
- No Account Key set to false
- Default Account keys set to AMP_Credrentials
- Protocol set to HTTPS
- Host set to or
- Port set to 443
- Path set to /v1
Cisco Umbrella - Target (if use)
- Target Type set to HTTP Endpoint
- Display Name set to Cisco Umbrella Reporting V1
- No Account Key set to false
- Default Account keys set to Umbrella_Reporting_API_
- Protocol set to HTTPS
- Host set to
- Port set to 443
Cisco Webex
- Target Type set to HTTP Endpoint
- Display Name set to Webex Teams
- No Account Key set to true
- Protocol set to HTTPS
- Host set to
- Port set to 443
Private CTIA
- Target Type set to HTTP Endpoint
- Display Name set to Private_CTIA_Target
- No Account Key set to true
- Protocol set to HTTPS
- Host set to or
- Port set to 443
Go to Variables and Create or verify global variables for your Webex Token
- Webex Token
- Data Type set to Secure String
- Display Name set to Webex Bot Token
- Scope set to Global
- Value set to "YOUR WEBEX BOT TOKEN"
- Webex Token
- Import SXO Atomic Actions from Github
- Go to Workflows select "Atomic Actions" and IMPORT Atomoc Actions
This step is a pre-requirement to successful import the workflow in the next step!
- Import the following from Git SX-AO-AtomicActions
- Cisco-Secure-EP-Get-critical-cloud-IOC
- Webex - Simple adaptive card
- Create TheHive case ( if you are not planing to integrate TheHive, just add a random value as Bearer Token )
- CTR - Get Incident Details
- CTR - Update Incident
- Cisco Umbrella- Get Last security event Table
- Import the following from Cisco Security/Atomics
- Webex Teams - Search for Room
- Threat Response v2 - Create Relationship
- Microsoft Teams - Post Adaptive Card via Webhook
- Threat Response v2 - Generate Access Token
- Threat Response v2 - Create Casebook
- Threat Response v2 - Create Incident
- Import the Workflow
Go to Workflows and IMPORT the following workflow from SX-AO
- RT-Monitoring-SecureEP-Umbrella-Notification-Incident
- Open and edit the imported workflow
Adjust following variables to fit with your needs*
Umbrella_Org_ID set to Your Umbrella Org ID got from Umbrella console URL
Webex Room set to the Webex room name used for notification. Remember to add you BOT to this room
Enable and fill the first block Set Variables Webex Bot Token in the first group admin/Set Variables from Global/Notification Systems/Cisco Webex Enable
- Variable to update set to Global Variable Webex Bot Token (step3)
- Enable the trigger to run the workflow every 5 minutes
- Run the workflow
- Before a first run or if a previous run failed, go to Variables and reset the following global Variables
- AO_Enrichment_Running set to False
- AO-AMP_Last_detection_date set to the oldest event date you want to collect in Cisco Secure EP (in format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
- AO-Umbrella_Last_detection_date set to the oldest event date you want to collect in Cisco Umbrella (in format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
- To clear detection table, import and use the workflow RT-Monitoring-Clear-detection-stats-table
- Moritz Wenz, Phil Wood, Sven Kutzer, Ivan Berlinson (Cisco)